A small terminal emulation package; heavily based on, borrowed from, and inspired by munificent/malison.
var term:CanvasTerminal = new CanvasTerminal(80, 25, vellum.Font.Menlo());
term.print(0, 0, 'Hello world!');
var term:CanvasTerminal = new CanvasTerminal(80, 25, vellum.Font.Menlo());
var window:Window = term.pushWindow(5, 5, 20, 1);
print(0, 0, 'I\'m in a window!');
var term:CanvasTerminal = new CanvasTerminal(80, 25, vellum.Font.Menlo());
term.printColoured(1, 1, '@r#deH@oe@yl@gl@lbo@_#_ #q@kworld@_#_!');
A live sample is available to show it in action.