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GM-Script-Writer-62850 edited this page Jul 3, 2020 · 383 revisions

When I release new versions I will put there release notes here.
All release notes are prior to 1.2-9 are in a thread at
You are welcome to look through them.
There is also some useful info on the 1st post such as enabling simple scan across your network (The scanner server will see shared scanners setup like that).
Easy to use installers and a updater are on the Downloads page

PHP Scanner Server NEXT

  • Upgrade tesseract detection [commit, commit, commit, commit]
    • Update lines numbers to edit in message
    • Add new detection method, tesseract has a --list-langs option
    • New versions of tesseract have config files in a new sub folder
    • Not having tesseract installed no longer breaks everything
    • tesseract-ocr is essentially optional and not required
  • Add 19 languages for tesseract [commit, commit]
  • Correct file name for single page PDF download [commit]
  • Use verbose output with convert commands for useful debug console data [commit]
  • Fix problem with cookie settings reverting [commit, commit]
  • Fix bad print quality using BusterPrintBug = 2 [commit]
    • Description updated in README and config.ini
  • Update debug console with print commands [commit]
  • Try to make the README file more useful since it is not 2013 anymore... [commit]
    • I should just scrap the install notes and redo them
  • Fix embed imgur albums [commit]
  • Fix settings [commit]
  • Purge EOL browser support [commit, commit, commit, commit]
    • No more IE 6-10 support at all, it is gone
    • CSS 3 columns are now enabled for the scans page
      • Screw IE 11 your tooltips are just gonna get cut off on the 1st two columns
  • Fix Printer options
    • Do not offer Custom.WIDTHxHEIGHT as a page size, this is a CLI specific option that I could make work, but I have never seen any GUI do so so why bother commit
    • Printer options now actually do something commit
  • Fix close button on notifications commit
  • Fix Some PHP notices commit
    • "Only variables should be passed by reference"
  • Remove loading message from paper list when loaded commit

PHP Scanner Server 1.7-18 [commit, commit]

  • Fix convert to text on edit page (how was this not a known issue???)
  • Non-integrated Printer changes
    • Fix chrome browser support (print page instantly closes)
    • Force image to not exceed page width (still allows vertical overflow)
  • Delete temporary file when editing
  • Update View page for control icon changes
  • Detect ImageMagick policy restriction error and add link to error message for more info
  • Printer notifications now have tool tip that shows the command used (not the fancy kind, just a basic title attribute)
  • Fix PHP Information page styling
  • Fix title for printing single files (php warning)
  • Fix more spelling errors
  • Add option in config.ini to force users to use the integrated printer
    • This can be circumvented by using the mouse wheel to click the button on single files
  • Add option in config.ini to apply a workaround for strange integrated printing behavior on Debian Buster issue #46
  • Fix when editing a text file the preview thumbnail is placed in the scans folder not the scans/thumb folder
  • Minor adjustment to styling for the print/pdf download dialog
  • Change ways file names are checked when loading the 'Scans' page for better performance
  • Fix PDF generation for tiff files (fpdf does not support that format)
  • Browser support for displaying the tiff does not exist
    • The View button is disabled for them
    • The Print button is disabled if the integrated printer is disabled
    • Bulk Print will ask if you want to skip that file
    • Bulk View will display text on the view page
  • Fix bulk printing not properly respecting the Printer option in config.ini

PHP Scanner Server 1.6-17 [commit, commit, commit]

  • Add GUI for making udev rules for scanners [commit, commit]
  • Fix error in error handling code [commit]
  • Add support for more tesseract language files [commit]
  • Update README file for Ubuntu 16.04 [commit, commit]
  • Prevent I/O error resulting for asking for data from remote server too fast [commit]
  • Fix error with document feeder scanning [commit]
  • Make color options (output mode) display as more human friendly names in the printing options [commit]
  • Fix Duplex options in scanner options, should show Yes/No not True/False [commit]
  • Add option to the age filter on the Scanned Files page to filter by the scanner used to make the file [commit]

PHP Scanner Server 1.5-16 [commit]

  • Fix some spelling errors in README [commit]
  • Enable user to change raw scan format, see Issue #23 [commit]
  • Fix udev rule maker script [commit]
  • Add message field to email [commit]
  • Also has a minor fix to suppress a error message resulting from bad scanner data
  • Sort scans by date not file name [commit]
  • Separate thumbnails from scans in the back end [commit]
  • Preview images are now in scans/thumb
  • Scans are now in scans/file
  • Files will be moved after this update automatically
  • Verify that shell_exec is enabled [commit]
  • Cleanup a couple things

PHP Scanner Server 1.4-15 (commit)

PHP Scanner Server 1.4-13 (commit)

  • README touch-ups [commit, commit]
  • Adjust width of the save settings's name input field to make it fit on one line [commit]
  • Fix typo in warning message resulting in incorrect font style (networked usb scanners) [commit]
  • Add second line to scanimage crash warnings when configuring the scanner(s) [commit]
  • Add server side printing feature (See Issue #4), this needs testing enable it on line 12 of config.ini [commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit]
  • Move settings from config.php to config.ini I think this would be a good idea moving forward. People are probably more used to editing ini files than php ones [commit]
  • Update checker should check config.ini instead of README as it is a smaller file and more easily processed [commit]
  • Don't assume scanners have a source parameter [commit and commit]
  • Fix scan orientation option (setting to landscape did nothing) [commit]
  • Don't waste time listing all scanners when i only need the options for a single scanner [commit]
  • Just cause scanimage did not crash does not mean it got the required info, check for error message [commit]
  • See new lines 608-612
  • Spelling/grammar/typo fixes
  • Add config option to change home page (in case someone want the printer to be the main feature)
  • Add Option to remove scanners from the server (not system wide)
  • Add option to set a location for each printer [commit and commit]
  • Can be used for any custom note
  • You will need to rescan for printers, as the format of the printers.json file has been changed
  • Last scan button should restore the scanner's source option [commit]
  • Add delete option to scanner list just like there is for the printer list [commit]
  • Apparently some wifi USB chips are detected as scanner
  • Improve message for scanner detection errors [commit]
  • Some old scanners have issues with USB3 XHCI settings, mention this so people are not doing this
  • Add negative option to the color menu in the image editor [commit]
  • Disable printing page buttons if printers have not been detected [commit]
  • Fix issue that resulted in the flatbed scanner's resolution being limited to the scanner's ADF resolution [commit]

PHP Scanner Server 1.3-11 (commit)

  • Make ruler respect orientation [commit]
  • Fix View file links [commit]
  • Add comma to error message for grammar [commit]
  • Fix html tag in a error message [commit]
  • Add check to make sure php5-json is installed, if it is required [commit]
  • Fix a minor punctuation issues [commit]
  • Add some Time Zone code to prevent warning message in new versions of PHP (>=5.1) [commit]

PHP Scanner Server 1.3-10 (commit)

  • Fix +/- key in IE11 for increase/decrease numbers [commit]
  • Not sure if IE10 is effected
  • Fix bad file names in some downloads [commit]
  • Fix scanner location info in the drop down for scanners on other systems
  • Don't try to record UUID of scanners on other system
  • Define character encoding in emails as UTF-8
  • Add HTML5 ruler and allow region select before 1st scan
  • Does not apply to IE8
  • You can alter the measurement unit on line 10 of config.php, the default in US inches
  • The horizontal ruler does not expect 3 digit numbers
    The only real world scenario for this with B0 paper100 cm wide while using the metric system of centimeters

PHP Scanner Server 1.3-9 (commit)

  • Color Picker upgrades
  • Use CSS3 gradients instead of downloading images saving 10.7kB of of network resources (when supported)
    There are 3 of them (colorpicker_overlay.png, colorpicker_select.gif, and colorpicker_hue.png)
    I would delete these but IE 8/9 require them
  • Change cursor icon on Hue slider to pointer unless you are on the slider
  • Fix placement (was off by 7 pixels)
  • Theme Adjustments
  • Rotate logo text
  • Throw more IE 6/7 css hacks at them cause I had nothing better to do
  • Overhaul the back-end for the icon buttons/links above images
  • Easer to add/remove icons
  • Delete previewlinks.php, it was a pathetic attempt to do this a long time ago and it only worked on 2 pages (when it is not broken)
  • Add 'use strict' to the javascript files
  • It tells modern browsers that the script should not have errors so it can run it faster
  • Replace imgAreaSelects pack.js with the min.js version
  • Faster loading
  • Fix javascript disabled notice (broke when adding fadin/out messages)
  • Fix things I broke when I redid the folder structure that I missed
  • Add option to create default scan settings
  • Adjust imgAreaSelect select borders to that the patter moves clockwise instead of to the lower right corner
  • IE8 and below still has the old look cause they sucks

PHP Scanner Server 1.3-8 (commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit , commit, commit)

  • Add tool tips to uploaded images
  • Clean up code that Firefox said I did wrong
  • These have no effect on how the page is rendered, just makes the code more formal
  • Now valid HTML5, based on the current standard on July 10th, 2013
  • ./inc/phpinfo.php varies depending on the installed PHP version
  • The cool stuff is CSS3, not using any of the new HTML5 features like canvas, video, or audio tag
    just the updated standard
  • PDF files now open within the browser if it has a plugin for them (Firefox and Google Chrome have this build it, but Firefox's is open source)
  • Add more space between the button icons above images
    During testing I hit the wrong one on more than one occasion
  • Add non-linked HTML code for imgur uploads
  • When you click a imgur code it is copied to the clipboard instead of just highlighting it so you can copy it faster
  • IE only, everyone else considers it a security problem and I am not using Adobe Flash to circumvent this security feature.
  • Added debugger to downloads
  • It is a mini debug console for file downloads
  • IE8 is now supported
  • It looks like crap and I recommend the end user to upgrade, but it is no longer required
  • No idea why XMLHttpRequest suddenly started working in it, could have swore that did not work in IE8, but since it does I can now support IE8 here
  • Added IE 6 and 7 css hacks to make it a little better in them
  • All Code for IE8 and below will be dropped when Windows XP's extended support ends in April 2014
  • Fixed some errors/bugs I found
  • Imgur upload error handling
  • previewlinks.php was broken, it is fixed now
  • Error handling improvements
  • php5-curl not being installed
  • Unable to locate fpdf.php
  • Messages now slide in instead of just appearing in browsers that support CSS Transitions
  • Excluding Opera 12.0 and older
  • Remove old browser specific CSS transition code that is no longer required
  • Fixed windows thinking zip downloads are the format of the content of the zip file
  • Windows now knows zip files are zip files and not something else
  • After editing a image and making it a text file don't load the text file in the image editor instead load it in the text editor, at it is just makes more scene that way
  • Repaired/overhauled scanner update system (Updating scanner options via AJAX)
  • Scanner settings are preserved across scanner changes when possible
  • Removed redundant code
  • Adjusted timeouts based on animation support
  • Added close message animation (the red box messages that make you think they are error messages cause they are red, but may not be errors)
  • Add Support to the Imgur Uploads Box for albums
  • Still can't delete albums, but the delete hash has is stored for when you can
    You can still delete all the images from a album to make the album empty
  • Still only supports anonymous uploads
  • Fix recent scan button issues caused by adding adf/sources
  • Now stores all settings
  • Change server download from .tar.bz2 to .tar.lzma
  • Higher compression ratio
  • The update/install scripts on the download page have been updated for .tar.lzma files
  • Link PHP Scanner Server in emails to the project home page
  • Add Print option allowing user to make it only print one image per page instead of whatever you call the current print layout that just puts the images on the page
  • Add Paper sizes for PDF download
  • Add new FAQ to README
  • Improve download.php's Reply.txt file by adding what you sent to download.php
  • Add missing confirm prompt to detect paper link on config page
  • Add Filter to all scans page
  • After running a multi page scan the link in the message at the top is filtered to only include scans made during that exact time period
  • Define all mime types and better cache management
  • Requires the headers model be enabled
    sudo ln -s ../mods-available/headers.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ && sudo service apache2 restart
  • Don't fill browser cache with endless amounts of scanners.json files
  • No longer require the rewrite model
  • sudo rm /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite.load
  • Rearrange configure page (Again)
  • Sorry, it may take some getting used to again
  • Several changes to cookie management
  • 404/403 error page now handles being in a sub folder
  • .htaccess does not and requires a edit (edit the sub folder into the 1st 2 lines)
  • Don't load the imgAreaSelect library unless we may use it on the current page
  • Saves ~14ms of page rendering time on my 3.7GHz Phenom II x4
  • If the user is logged in and is required to your domain link (1st tab) becomes a logout link
  • Technically it loges you out then sends you to the login page to prove it
  • Rotate previews are now scaled to fit in the alloted space (ty Watilin)
  • Massive upgrade to the Color Scheme system
  • I used jquery plugin to get a color picker, I made several mods to it
  • I have no idea why the apply button is a color wheel icon but it is what i is
  • You now have 11 colors you can choose instead of just a combination of 2 colors
  • All the old color schemes are still there
  • Has 2 themes
  • Add box shadow to tool tips
  • Redo the folder structure
  • Add custom IndexOf page
  • Prevent user from generating errors by trying to view php files that are external resource files
  • Move settings from the top of index.php to config.php
  • Add new fake scanner
  • Add duplex scan support for Epson scanners
  • They seem to use a different option than HP scanners
  • Improved the PHP config page
  • More effectively prevent horizontal scrollbar
  • Detect scanimage crash when checking for scanners
  • Fix fake scanners option

PHP Scanner Server 1.3-7 (commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit)

  • Enable Chrome Frame for all versions of IE
  • IE 10 has dropped those IE tags that went inside of comments, so it excluded IE10+
  • Inform end user of the CSS Column bug (unless they are using Firefox where it works)
  • Provide option to toggle columns
  • Not offered in browsers that don't support CSS3 columns
  • Drop code to put tool-tips at the top of scan images on the all scans page in chrome
  • Point out that they work if Firefox
  • remember setting
  • Add missing dash in the file name when a copy of the server is downloaded (footer link)
  • Add 'shortcut icon' (favicon) to the print page
  • Rotation previews now work in IE9+
  • IE9 does not get the animation
  • Open help & support in new tab/window
  • Future proof download.php ability to download the server
  • Fix incorrect error messages
  • A few showed up with looking at how bad IE7 worked
  • Fix incorrect diagnostic message saying "www-data is not in the lp group"
  • Cause of issue: "lp\n" != "lp"
  • Add links to the wiki to the release notes page
  • Redo download.php, that thing was a mess
  • Added error pages (404 and 403)
  • You can enable more other error pages in .htaccess, just uncomment them (hope you like cats)
    included alternatives to the 404/403 error pages
  • Add a redirect for /favicon.ico via .htaccess
  • To make it work run:
sudo ln -s ../mods-available/rewrite.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
sudo service apache2 restart
  • Fixed error in bulk zip downloads
  • Turns out that is what made Windows 7 call the file invalid
  • Enable on line 7 of index.php
  • No IE8 support at all
  • Stores passwords in a secure manner (md5sums)
  • Secure network transfer of passwords (Requires using https, not that I know how to enable that)
  • Will not stop a 'geek' from getting to the scanner, but it will stop the average computer user in the US
  • Session expires after 24hours (there is no logout button/link, just delete the cookie)
    Check your browser's session cookie policy
    Max session length is on line 8 of index.php
  • No email address required, just a name and password
  • Redo the save settings back-end (which fixed a bug)
  • Overhaul the imgur uploader
  • Add album support
  • Obsolete imgur key (you couldn't even get version 2 keys anymore as far as I know)
  • Add imgur file manager
  • Rearrange configure page
  • Sorry, it may take some getting used to
  • Drop redundant code running at page load on the scan page (before scan and after scan)
  • Add missing data validation in the paper manager
  • Add page for phpinfo
  • Spell out the file format name
  • Fix single page pdf download size bug
  • Please don't be wrong again
  • Better PDF downloading (3 options for both single and multi page)
  • Long server names are now trimmed to not cover the logo in the header
  • Security upgrades/fixes (mostly fixed issues that were impossible to encounter)
  • Some were theoretically exploitable, upgrade is highly recommended
  • Display all numbers under contrast, rotate, etc.
  • Scroll bar for imgur uploads codes is now at the top of the codes so you don't hit cancel by mistake
  • If something goes wrong making that happen it reverts to the old way
  • Fixed adding parallel scanners
  • Add 'Invert Selection' button to 'Bulk Operations'

PHP Scanner Server 1.3-6 (commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit, commit)

  • Auto update checker (can be disabled at the top of index.php)
  • Fix possible error caused by libusb scanners not being plugged in
  • Update Imgur icon
  • Replace the 'PDF Operations' on the all scans page with 'Bulk Operations'
  • Windows 7 can't open a bulk zip download using it's stock software, worked fine using peazip
  • Fix issue with Bulk PDF downloads that results in blank pages in some situations
  • Email now supports insecure email services
  • Email prefix is now auto-configured
  • Drop early implementation of border-radius in the css ( -moz-, -webkit-, and -o-)
  • It has been supported standard for some time now
  • Disable Brightness and Contrast previews (Illogical max %, it is literally over 9000)
  • 0% works as expected
  • 100% works as expected
  • 200% is not right it acts closer to what 110% should be
  • Fix IE bugs, now IE8 will tell you X feature can't be used when you try to
  • Also made tool tips work in browsers that don't support rgba like IE8
  • Without chrome frameIE8 is works better than it did before
  • Use CSS black magic and invented the inverted border radius
  • Bring back my long lost .htaccess file
  • Disable CSS columns in IE10
  • Spelling fixes

PHP Scanner Server 1.3-5 [committed, committed]

  • Update deprecated code in imgAreaSelect's jquery.min.js (Firefox Nightly told me about the issue)
  • Implement Rotate preview in browsers that support it (IE is not one of them)
  • Crop is applied before rotate, rotate is disabled onscreen while slowing the rotation preview
  • Implement Brightness and Contrast previews (Webkit based only)
  • Implement workaround for CSS column issue on scans page in webkit based browsers
  • The issue hides the tool-tip on the scan preview image
  • Still cuts the edge of the Email tool-tip off
  • Better tool-tip for paper sizes menu on scan page
  • Fix issue with duplex/ADF scanning caused by stupidity (mine for the record)
  • Prevent user from scanning a region without a preview of the scanner bay

PHP Scanner Server 1.3-4 [committed]

  • Grammar fix on the 'Scanner List' page "The $SOURCE supports" -> "The '$SOURCE' source supports"
  • $SOURCE can be ADF, Flatbed, Normal, Auto, Transparency, Negative, etc.
  • Different scanner sources can have different values for mode, width, and height (even on the same physical bay @.@)
  • Reorder Scanner options
  • Changes to the 'Scanner List' page
  • When deleting all scans do it will real php, not the shell
  • Add size info to full scan
  • Fix bug with cropping: +repage goes before -crop not after
  • Add a few more sample scanners (it is a dev feature)
  • Add metric measurements to the bay sizes on the 'Scanner List' page via tool-tip
  • Add tool-tips to the options on the scan/edit pages
  • Change rotate options
  • Make old scan deleter to not delete half a file set (Preview + Scan = Set)
  • Change default time from 1hr to 24hrs in cleaner.php
  • Fix various spelling errors

PHP Scanner Server 1.3-3

  • Fix 1st box header on the 'Access Enabler' page [Committed]
  • Make sure required directories exist, if not attempt to create and inform user of issue if needed [Committed]
  • Add confirm prompt to delete scanner setting [Committed]
  • Fix issue with loading saved settings caused by adding the source menu [Committed]
  • Also includes a edit that changed the variable name so something more logical
  • Fix issue deleting scanner settings with a & in the file name [Committed]
  • Don't use eval to load saved settings [Committed]
  • Add update checker to the 'Configure' page [Committed]
  • Workaround for libusb based scanners using a non-static device paths [Committed]
  • Allow user to view help data for each scanner source from the 'Device List' page [Committed]
  • Fix missing scanner resolutions (DPI) values due to variation caused by having a Flatbed and ADF scanner on the same hardware [Committed]
  • Add Duplex support (Double sided scanning) [Committed]

PHP Scanner Server 1.3-2

  • Fix bug that occurs if the number of configured scanners changes (affected users currently on the scanner page during the change)
  • Add change log link to README
  • Enhancement for the 'Scanner udev Rule Maker'

PHP Scanner Server 1.3-1

  • Scans are deleted from the 'Scanned Files' without reloading the page (unless you are using certain unsupported browsers)
  • Now ask for confirmation before deleting individual scans
  • Minor touch ups in the code that have no effect on functionality
  • Added confirmation prompts to delete all scans, paper settings, and scan settings on the 'Configure' page
  • Paper sizes are no longer lost when you change scanners if you did not detect paper sizes
  • Added tool tips in the paper size drop-down menu containing metric measurements
  • Changed Dpi to DPI in the quality menu
  • Support scanners that do not accept a --source parameter
  • Generate a debug console when a page exits from a detected error
  • Fix error handling that used old scan file location
  • Fix missing scanner resolutions (DPI) values due to variation caused by having a Flatbed and ADF scanner on the same hardware
  • Fix errors caused by not having a paper.conf file (it can be generated on the 'Configure' page)
  • Fix file name (PHP-Server-Scanner-[version].tar.bz2 -> PHP-Scanner-Server-[version].tar.bz2) (Again)
  • Add new access enabler: Scanner udev Rule Maker (better than the old one for USB scanners)

PHP Scanner Server 1.3-0

  • Fix file name (PHP-Server-Scanner-[version].tar.bz2 -> PHP-Scanner-Server-[version].tar.bz2)
  • Line 19 of download.php, it is a easy fix if you want to patch version 1.2-9
  • sudo sed 's/-Server-Scanner-/-Scanner-Server-/' -i /path/to/download.php
  • EDIT: Somehow this change got lost in the update prior to release
  • Auto config email port and host based on email address
  • Add support for document feeding scanners
  • Add basic support for multi-page PDF download
  • Add scanning option 'Source' (by product of adding ADF support)
  • Add developer feature for simulating scanners that you don't have (Line 5 of index.php)
  • Fix where it always said you appear to have over 1 scanner (some how 2 lines got swapped)
  • Update phpmailer to 5.2.6
  • Increase the low disk space warning setting to 2GB from 100MB (free space is measured)
  • Add support for a couple more languages in tesseract that are in Ubuntu 13.04
  • No longer jumps to top on the scans page when you click on a pdf download button

PHP Scanner Server 1.2-9

  • Typo fixes in README (Along with a couple minor update)
  • Updated Scanner Access Enabler from 1.2 to 1.4 (This will not update your installed version)
  • When no scanner is found it will check if www-data is in the lp group and tell you to read the release notes if it is not
  • Added tip in debug console for commands with suppressed output (sudo -u www-data [command])
  • Less work for me next time the Scanner Access Enabler gets a update
  • Fixed escape sequence issues in debug console (found issues with backslashes)
  • Added random fortunes to the debug console (can be disabled at the top of index.php)
  • Languages for tesseract are now auto-detected and dynamically created
  • Debug messages (the Print_Message function in index.php) now works when inserted before the header.php
  • Changes to dependencies
  • extra languages in tesseract are now optional
  • added fortune and cosway (optional)
  • noted additional dependencies (basic system ones that are likely in all minimalist linux installs)
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