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Add @gmod/bam parsing initial
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cmdcolin committed Sep 21, 2018
1 parent d240813 commit 524e41b
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Showing 3 changed files with 257 additions and 88 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions package.json
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
"license": "(LGPL-2.1 OR Artistic-2.0)",
"dependencies": {
"@gmod/tabix": "^1.0.1",
"express": "^4.15.4",
"fs-extra": "^4.0.1",
"node-getopt": "^0.2.3",
Expand Down
334 changes: 247 additions & 87 deletions src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BAM.js
@@ -1,140 +1,300 @@
const LRU = cjsRequire('lru-cache')
const { BamFile } = cjsRequire('@gmod/bam')

const { Buffer } = cjsRequire('buffer')

const bamIndexedFilesCache = LRU(5)

const BlobFilehandleWrapper = cjsRequire('../../Model/BlobFilehandleWrapper')

class BamSlightlyLazyFeature {

_get_name() { return this.record.readName }
_get_start() { return this.record.alignmentStart-1 }
_get_end() { return this.record.alignmentStart+this.record.lengthOnRef-1 }
_get_type() { return 'match'}
_get_mapping_quality() { return this.record.mappingQuality}
_get_flags() { return `0x${this.record.flags.toString(16)}`}
_get_strand() { return this.record.isReverseComplemented() ? -1 : 1 }
_get_read_group_id() { return this.record.readGroupId }
_get_qual() { return (this.record.qualityScores || []).map(q => q+33).join(' ')}
_get_seq() { return this.record.readBases}
_get_seq_id() { return this._store._refIdToName(this.record.sequenceId)}
_get_qc_failed() { return this.record.isFailedQc()}
_get_secondary_alignment() { return this.record.isSecondary()}
_get_supplementary_alignment() { return this.record.isSupplementary()}
_get_multi_segment_template() { return this.record.isPaired()}
_get_multi_segment_all_correctly_aligned() { return this.record.isProperlyPaired()}
_get_multi_segment_next_segment_unmapped() { return this.record.isMateUnmapped()}
_get_multi_segment_first() { return this.record.isRead1()}
_get_multi_segment_last() { return this.record.isRead2()}
_get_multi_segment_next_segment_reversed() { return this.record.isMateReverseComplemented()}
_get_unmapped() { return this.record.isSegmentUnmapped()}
_get_next_seq_id() { return this.record.mate ? this._store._refIdToName(this.record.mate.sequenceId) : undefined }
_get_next_segment_position() { return this.record.mate
? ( this._store._refIdToName(this.record.mate.sequenceId)+':'+this.record.mate.alignmentStart) : undefined}
_get_tags() { return this.record.tags }
_get_seq() { return this.record.getReadBases() }

constructor(record, store) {
this.record = record
this._store = store

tags() {
const properties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(BamSlightlyLazyFeature.prototype)
return properties
.filter(prop => /^_get_/.test(prop))
.map(methodName => methodName.replace('_get_',''))

id() {
return this.record.uniqueId + 1

get(field) {
const methodName = `_get_${field.toLowerCase()}`
if (this[methodName]) return this[methodName]()
return undefined

parent() {}

children() {}

define( [
) {

var BAMStore = declare( [ SeqFeatureStore, DeferredStatsMixin, DeferredFeaturesMixin, IndexedStatsEstimationMixin ],
return declare( [ SeqFeatureStore, DeferredStatsMixin, DeferredFeaturesMixin, GlobalStatsEstimationMixin ],

* @lends JBrowse.Store.SeqFeature.BAM
* @lends JBrowse.Store.SeqFeature.CRAM
* Data backend for reading feature data directly from a
* web-accessible BAM file.
* web-accessible CRAM file.
* @constructs
constructor: function( args ) {
var bamBlob = args.bam ||
new XHRBlob( this.resolveUrl(
args.urlTemplate || 'data.bam'
{ expectRanges: true }

var csiBlob, baiBlob;
var browser = args.browser;

if(args.csi || this.config.csiUrlTemplate) {
csiBlob = args.csi ||
new XHRBlob(
} else {
baiBlob = args.bai ||
new XHRBlob( this.resolveUrl(
args.baiUrlTemplate || ( args.urlTemplate ? args.urlTemplate+'.bai' : 'data.bam.bai' )

let dataBlob
if (args.bam)
dataBlob = new BlobFilehandleWrapper(args.bam)
else if (args.urlTemplate)
dataBlob = new BlobFilehandleWrapper(new XHRBlob(this.resolveUrl(args.urlTemplate || 'data.bam'), { expectRanges: true }))
else throw new Error('must provide either `bam` or `urlTemplate`')

let baiBlob, csiBlob
if (args.bai)
baiBlob = new BlobFilehandleWrapper(args.bai)
else if (args.csi)
csiBlob = new BlobFilehandleWrapper(args.csi)
else if (args.baiUrlTemplate)
baiBlob = new BlobFilehandleWrapper(new XHRBlob(this.resolveUrl(args.baiUrlTemplate)))
else if (args.csiUrlTemplate)
csiBlob = new BlobFilehandleWrapper(new XHRBlob(this.resolveUrl(args.csiUrlTemplate)))
else if (args.urlTemplate)
baiBlob = new BlobFilehandleWrapper(new XHRBlob(this.resolveUrl(args.urlTemplate+'.bai')))
else throw new Error('no index provided, must provide a BAI or CSI index')

this.bam = new BAMFile({
store: this,
data: bamBlob,
bai: baiBlob,
browser: browser,
csi: csiBlob,
chunkSizeLimit: args.chunkSizeLimit
this.source = dataBlob.toString()

this.source = ( bamBlob.url ? bamBlob.url.match( /\/([^/\#\?]+)($|[\#\?])/ )[1] :
bamBlob.blob ? : undefined ) || undefined;
// LRU-cache the CRAM object so we don't have to re-download the
// index when we switch chromosomes
const cacheKey = `data: ${dataBlob}, index: ${csiBlob||baiBlob}`
this.bam = bamIndexedFilesCache.get(cacheKey)
if (!this.bam) {
this.bam = new BamFile({
bamFilehandle: dataBlob,
baiFilehandle: baiBlob,
csiFilehandle: csiBlob

if( ! has( 'typed-arrays' ) ) {
this._failAllDeferred( 'This web browser lacks support for JavaScript typed arrays.' );
bamIndexedFilesCache.set(cacheKey, this.bam)

success: lang.hitch( this,
function() {

.then( lang.hitch(
function( stats ) {
this.globalStats = stats;
lang.hitch( this, '_failAllDeferred' )
failure: lang.hitch( this, '_failAllDeferred' )
// pre-download the index before running the statistics estimation so that the stats
// estimation doesn't time out
.then(() => this.bam.getHeader())
.then(() => {
.then(() => this._estimateGlobalStats())
.then(stats => {
this.globalStats = stats;
.catch(err => {

this.storeTimeout = args.storeTimeout || 3000;

// // process the parsed SAM header from the cram file
// _setSamHeader(samHeader) {
// this._samHeader = {}

// // use the @SQ lines in the header to figure out the
// // mapping between ref seq ID numbers and names
// const refSeqIdToName = []
// const refSeqNameToId = {}
// const sqLines = samHeader.filter(l => l.tag === 'SQ')
// sqLines.forEach((sqLine, seqId) => {
// => {
// if (item.tag === 'SN') {
// // this is the seq name
// const seqName = item.value
// refSeqNameToId[seqName] = seqId
// refSeqIdToName[seqId] = seqName
// }
// })
// })
// if (refSeqIdToName.length) {
// this._samHeader.refSeqIdToName = refSeqIdToName
// this._samHeader.refSeqNameToId = refSeqNameToId
// }
// },

// _refNameToId(refName) {
// // use info from the SAM header if possible, but fall back to using
// // the ref seq order from when the browser's refseqs were loaded
// if (this._samHeader.refSeqNameToId)
// return this._samHeader.refSeqNameToId[refName]
// else
// return this.browser.getRefSeqNumber(refName)
// },

// _refIdToName(refId) {
// // use info from the SAM header if possible, but fall back to using
// // the ref seq order from when the browser's refseqs were loaded
// if (this._samHeader.refSeqIdToName) {
// return this._samHeader.refSeqIdToName[refId]
// } else {
// let ref = this.browser.getRefSeqById(refId)
// return ref ? : undefined
// }
// },

// _getRefSeqStore() {
// return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
// this.browser.getStore('refseqs',resolve,reject)
// })
// },

// used by the CRAM backend to fetch a region of the underlying reference
// sequence. needed for some of its calculations
// async _seqFetch(seqId, start, end) {
// start -= 1 // convert from 1-based closed to interbase

// const refSeqStore = await this._getRefSeqStore()
// if (!refSeqStore) return undefined
// const refName = this._refIdToName(seqId)
// if (!refName) return undefined

// const seqChunks = await new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
// let features = []
// refSeqStore.getFeatures(
// {ref: refName, start: start-1, end},
// f => features.push(f),
// () => resolve(features),
// reject
// )
// })

// const trimmed = []
// seqChunks
// .sort((a,b) => a.get('start') - b.get('start'))
// .forEach( (chunk,i) => {
// let chunkStart = chunk.get('start')
// let chunkEnd = chunk.get('end')
// let trimStart = Math.max(start - chunkStart, 0)
// let trimEnd = Math.min(end - chunkStart, chunkEnd-chunkStart)
// let trimLength = trimEnd - trimStart
// let chunkSeq = chunk.get('seq') || chunk.get('residues')
// trimmed.push(chunkSeq.substr(trimStart,trimLength))
// })

// const sequence = trimmed.join('')
// if (sequence.length !== (end-start))
// throw new Error(`sequence fetch failed: fetching ${
// (start-1).toLocaleString()}-${end.toLocaleString()
// } only returned ${
// sequence.length.toLocaleString()
// } bases, but should have returned ${
// (end-start).toLocaleString()
// }`)
// return sequence
// },

* Interrogate whether a store has data for a given reference
* sequence. Calls the given callback with either true or false.
* Implemented as a binary interrogation because some stores are
* smart enough to regularize reference sequence names, while
* others are not.
hasRefSeq: function( seqName, callback, errorCallback ) {
var thisB = this;
seqName = thisB.browser.regularizeReferenceName( seqName );
this._deferred.stats.then( function() {
callback( seqName in thisB.bam.chrToIndex );
}, errorCallback );
seqName = this.browser.regularizeReferenceName( seqName );

.then(() => this.bam.hasDataForReferenceSequence(seqName))
.then(callback, errorCallback)

// called by getFeatures from the DeferredFeaturesMixin
_getFeatures: function( query, featCallback, endCallback, errorCallback ) {
this.bam.fetch( query.ref ? query.ref :, query.start, query.end, featCallback, endCallback, errorCallback );
const seqName = query.ref ||

this.bam.getRecordsForRange(seqName, query.start + 1, query.end)
.then(records => {
for (let i = 0; i < records.length; i+= 1) {

.catch(err => {
// map the BamSizeLimitError to JBrowse Errors.DataOverflow
if (err instanceof BamSizeLimitError) {
err = new Errors.DataOverflow(err)


_bamRecordToFeature(record) {
return new BamSlightlyLazyFeature(record, this)

saveStore: function() {
return {
urlTemplate: this.config.bam.url,
csiUrlTemplate: (this.config.csi||{}).url,
baiUrlTemplate: (this.config.bai||{}).url
urlTemplate: this.config.cram.url,
baiUrlTemplate: this.config.bai.url,
csiUrlTemplate: this.config.csi.url


return BAMStore;

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