YAJVSEmu (YetAnotherJVSEmu) is a program which aims to emulate the SEGA JVS protocol using mostly off-the-shelf solutions, and a way for me to play around with new things. Supports many many different types of controllers and wheels thanks to using SDL2 as the backend for Joystick and Gamepad support, have a controller or device that isn't mapped? Checkout this project for more information. Just plop the file in the same directory as the executable and it'll load the configuration from it. Also supports using a Wii IR controller as a X/Y gun.
Checkout some gameplay videos here!
Ubuntu 20.04
sudo apt install build-essential cmake pkg-config libsdl2-dev libxwiimote-dev libserialport-dev
Important: You are also required to have BCM2835 installed, you can find this here.
Note: It is also assumed you've properly created the gpio group and others as required. Checkout this for more information.
git clone https://github.com/GXTX/YAJVSEmu
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .
Prior to use you must have a USB to RS485 adapter installed on your Pi, and JVS cable wired up like this. The diodes used in this example are 4 1N4148's. The voltage across ground and the GPIO pin should be 2.5V with your arcade system running and YetAnother not started.
The program must be ran as root, and must be running before turning on your system. There is also zero prior configuration required, just run and the program will ask you information about your environment.
sudo ./YAJVSEmu
- Ability to use with real IO boards as a slave device at the end of the chain.
- Ability to emulate up-to 31 IO boards at one time.