Let's try rust & webassembly by creating Minesweeper. Based on: https://youtu.be/0ywizYLPV00
- rust & cargo
- wasm-pack
- Create a new rust lib (inside existing directory) with
cargo init --lib
- Let's build the logic with rust first, without thinking about webassembly
- Link wasm module <-> javascript with wasm-bindgen
- Enjoy!
Step 1: cargo add wasm-bindgen
Step 2: add to Cargo.toml file:
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
Step 3: add the prelude use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
Step 4: bind javascript and rust functions with #[wasm_bindgen]
Step 5: compile the project into wasm with wasm-pack build --target web
(it creates pkg/
Step 6: import in the html file (in the <script>
), the functions needed
import init, {greet} from "./pkg/minesweeper.js";
async function main() {
await init(); // init wasm module
the WASM target
is not automatically supported byrand
. To solve this, either use a different target such aswasm32-wasi
or add a direct dependency ongetrandom
with the js feature (if the target supports JavaScript). See getrandom#WebAssembly support.
the target wasm-unknown-unknown
is the one used by wasm-pack
[...] is not automatically supported since, from the target name alone, we cannot deduce which JavaScript interface is in use (of if JavaScript is available at all).
to use rand
we need to add getrandom
with the feature ["js"]
getrandom = { version = "0.2.7", features: ["js"]}