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Releases: Geeklog-Plugins/forum

Geeklog Forum Plugin v2.9.5

03 Oct 15:12
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This plugin provides a full featured discussion forum with integrated Geeklog features for your website.

Plugin Requirements:

  • Geeklog v2.2.2 or higher
  • PHP v5.6.4 or higher (including PHP v8.1)
  • MySQL 4.1 or higher

New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes:

  • [Improvement] Support for PHP 8
  • [Improvement] Updated GeSHI to v1.0.9.1 (now includes all 259 code languages)
  • [Improvement] Allow for HTML and plaintext Forum Notification Emails
  • [Improvement] Support the new Sitemap Plugin API
  • [Improvement] If Anonymous user is posting should check for Geeklog Anonymous Username cookie and autofill that name
  • [Bug] Fixed forum posts linked to users that no longer exist cause error

Geeklog Forum Plugin v2.9.4

12 May 20:53
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This plugin provides a full featured discussion forum with integrated Geeklog features for your website.

Plugin Requirements:

  • Geeklog v2.2.1sr1 or higher
  • PHP v5.6.4 or higher (including PHP v7)
  • MySQL 4.1 or higher

New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes:

  • [Improvement] Cleaned up code in forum editor. On forum post error, forum editor is returned with content and proper error message
  • [Improvement] Cleaned up and centralized code for when posts are added and deleted.
  • [Improvement] Category and Forum ReSync now also clean up tables of orphan records
  • [Improvement] Removed show and lastpost variables from Forum URL to fix Duplicate Content Issues with search engines. The forum is still backwards compatible with these variables so it can handle old backlinks
  • [Improvement] Added Canonical links to forum topic pages for better SEO
  • [Improvement] Better Support of Sitemap Plugin. Returns Forum Topics only (not posts)
  • [Improvement] Better Support of RSS Feeds. Returns links directly to Forum posts
  • [Improvement] Centralized code for security when detecting if visitor/user has access to forum and topic
  • [Feature] Added support for Geeklog Likes
  • [Feature] Forum Categories and Topics can now be assigned to a Geeklog Topic. This means you can better control how Geeklog Blocks are displayed in the forum
  • [Feature] Added Invisible reCAPTCHA V2 support
  • [Feature] Admin can now edit individual user notification subscriptions
  • [Feature] Admins can now be notified directly of new posts by using the Geeklog Configuration Notifications option
  • [Feature] Denim Three templates now included for the forum
  • [Bug] Fixed issues with deleting forum posts where the forums and categories needed to be resynch for counts to be correct
  • [Bug] Fixed moving topic issues
  • [Bug] Fixed User Name change not being reflected for the Forum Moderators in the Admin area
  • [Bug] Fixed issue where Autotags could get corrupted
  • [Bug] BBCode now removed from search results
  • [Bug] Fixed anonymous minimum user length issue
  • [Bug] Fixed Mode checkboxes in forum editor. Sometimes they would not remember the correct setting if a preview happened

Geeklog Forum Plugin v2.9.3

22 Jun 14:31
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This plugin adds a native forum to your Geeklog installation. The minimum Geeklog version required is now v2.1.3.

New Features & Updates:

  • Supports updated spam check of Geeklog v2.2.0 which includes the Akismet module.
  • Added block header and footer to forum pages which displays forum name.
  • Supports Geeklog new Block positions.
  • New block position added when viewing topic. Will insert block every x number of posts.
  • Forum center block and posts block are now cached.
  • Added nofollow to any links to creating or editing a post.
  • Combined all forum css files.

Bug Fixes:

  • Any open html tags are now closed on save.
  • Shows token expiry notice when required on a save of a forum post.
  • Fixed autotag permissions being ignored.
  • Fixed splitting of forum topic when original topic may be lost.
  • Forums are now automatically resynched if deleting posts in Admin Posts List.
  • Plus a few other bug fixes.

Geeklog Forum Plugin v2.9.2

12 Apr 20:45
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This plugin adds a native forum to your Geeklog installation. The minimum Geeklog version required is now v2.1.2.

New Features & Updates:

  • Allow Moderators to edit Anonymous names of forum posts
  • French and Japanese language file updated
  • Forum now can handle utf8mb4 characters
  • NoIndex meta tag added to edit pages of forum topics
  • Geshi Library updated to
  • Replaced kesf with htmLawed from Geeklog

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed Forum statistics displayed on Geeklog Stats page
  • Fixed numerous issues with Member list page
  • Fixed saving forum post in HTML mode
  • Tool tips with BBCode and " character now display properly
  • Several fixes to support PHP 7 and 7.1
  • Fixed topic notifications not being set in certain cases
  • Minor tweaks to template files (for both default and denim)
  • Forum RSS feeds are now updated with new posts
  • Fixed missing text in User Forum Preference Page for default templates
  • When Moods disabled {moods} will not be displayed in the editor
  • Plus numerous other bug fixes

Geeklog Forum Plugin v2.9.1

02 Nov 15:10
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This plugin adds a native forum to your Geeklog installation. The minimum Geeklog version required is now v2.1.1.

New Features:

  • Forum now supports the use of different templates depending on what Geeklog theme is set
  • Reorganized how templates are handled. New denim template based on UIkit
  • Reduced number of templates required. Removed html embedded in code
  • Integrated support for the reCAPTCHA 1.0 plugin
  • Added rich snippets (schema) to forum breadcrumbs (topics and topic listings)
  • Added separate Category forum page. Updated forum breadcrumbs to point back to category page
  • Plus numerous other features

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed postmode issues where Admin could not set postmode for posts that were originally html but html is now not allowed on forum
  • Fixed small sticky post bug and now allow a topic to be BOTH sticky and locked
  • Plus numerous other bug fixes