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GemsTracker 2 New project

GemsTracker (GEneric Medical Survey Tracker) is a software package for (complex) distribution of questionnaires and forms during clinical research and quality registrations in healthcare.

This is the start for a new project from where the GemsTracker components are added for all functionality.

See gemstracker library for the library and issues


GemsTracker is licensed under the New BSD License - see the LICENSE file for details


Help on improving and developing the library is appreciated


Development can be done using docker. Start by copying .env.example to .env and modify if necessary. Then, shortcuts are available for frequent docker commands:

./dev up          # Start containers
./dev init        # Performs composer install
./dev composer run development-enable      # Enable development mode

After the first two commands, the application is available through http://gemstracker.test/ . Additionally, http://adminer.test/ provides access to the database and http://mailhog.test/ collects all sent e-mails.

To use local repositories instead of the GitHub versions add path statements to your composer.json:

        "type": "path",
        "url": "lib/gemstracker/gems-api"

If you start with an empty database, make sure to also perform the following commands to populate the database:

./dev php vendor/bin/phinx migrate
./dev php vendor/bin/phinx seed:run

When using an existing installation instead run:

./dev php bin/console db:migrate

Other useful commands:

./dev npm update        # Update npm modules
./dev npm run build     # Rebuild css/javascript
./dev npm run dev       # Live rebuild css/javascript

To rebuild these from local repositories, replace in package.json:

"gems-js": "github:GemsTracker/gems-js",

With a local reference:

"gems-js": "file:./lib/gemstracker/gems-js",

Windows IIS installation (without docker)

First off we advise you to use PHP Manager for IIS. (Google for the latest version.) Make sure you have PHP 8.1 installed activated and selected. Make sure the IIS Rewrite module is installed as well.

For Redis installation follow the instructions on this page.

Run the ./dev php commands using php -f bin\console.php.

The npm commands run fine without ./dev in front of them.