This script crawls websites and looks for new offers. Any changes to the webpages can break this script immediately, use with caution.
To set up from scratch:
apt install python3
git clone
apt install python3-pip
cp config.yaml.dist config.yaml
nano config.yaml
-> Do your edits to config file
apt install python3-setuptools
apt install python3-wheel
Install requirements from requirements.txt
to run execute flathunter properly.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
usage: python3 [-h] [--config CONFIG]
Searches for flats on and and sends results
to Telegram User
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
Config file to use. If not set, try to use
Currently, ebay-kleinanzeigen and immowelt only crawl the first page, so make sure to sort by newest offers.
A new bot can registered with the telegram chat with the BotFather.
To get the chat id (receiver ID), the REST-Api of telegram can be used to fetch the received messages of the Bot.
$ curl[BOT-TOKEN]/getUpdates
To use the distance calculation feature a Google API-Key is needed and requires the Distance Matrix API to be enabled. (This is NOT free) Since this feature is not free, I "disabled" it. Read line 62 in to re-enable it.
- @NodyHub
- Bene
- @tschuehly
- @Cugu
- @GerRudi