Stanford - Code in Place spring 2020 CS106A
Developed as my Final Project for the Stanford University class CS106A (Spring 2020) under Prof. Mehran Sahami and Prof. Chris Piech withing the project Code in place.
I wanted to acquire knowledge in using images and building graphic user interface (GUI), so I designed this memory game. The user uploads his/her image, shuffles it, and then puts the pieces back in the right order. Depending on the image itself it can be easy enough or can be pretty complex.
Libraries used:
- tkinter (ImageTk, Image, filedialog, messagebox)
- PIL (ImageTk, Image)
- resizeimage
- random
Brainstorming on features to add:
- add preview image
- add a timer and a high score page;
- add information about the image or the artist;
- advanced version where only certain moves are available - like you can only swap two tiles that are currently touching;
- add more pieces for additional complexity;
- add filters for additional complexity.