Python routines for submm instrumentation astronomy at the University of Colorado Boulder
General Information for submm_python_routines
The idea was to make a bunch of coding tools that could be used by everyone in the submm lab Then to post it all on github so that there could be some version control
basically just update this folder to run the new version of things. to import the funciton located in here you need to have a blank file called that turns the folder into a Package such that you can import the function from the subdirectory multitone_kidPy with the command import multitone_kidPy.read_multitone
to modifiy you python path and the following to your .bash_profile on mac or .bash_rc on Linux export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/Users/jordan/submm_python_routines"
where you replace /Users/jordan/submm_python_routines with whatever the destiantion of the python routines is on your machine.