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Welcome to Amazon Sentiment Analysis Project


The task of this project is to develop an interactive dashboard for sentiment analysis of Amazon product reviews. This involves acquiring a dataset of product reviews, preprocessing the data to ensure its quality, and conducting exploratory data analysis to gain insights. The project also includes sentiment analysis using natural language processing techniques and building and evaluating sentiment analysis models. Finally, the project culminates in the development of the interactive dashboard using Dash, allowing users to input reviews and visualize sentiment analysis results in real-time. The challenge lies in effectively analyzing and categorizing the sentiment of each review as positive, negative, or neutral.


This project utilizes natural language processing (NLP) techniques to preprocess and analyze Amazon product reviews. It incorporates machine learning models to classify the sentiment of each review.

The sentiment analysis results are then visualized in an interactive dashboard using Dash, a Python framework for building web applications.


To install the necessary dependencies for this project, run this command

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Medium Article

Check out my Medium article for a detailed explanation of this project:


To launch the Amazon Sentiment Analysis Dashboard, execute the following Python script:

Once the server is running, navigate to in your web browser to access the dashboard.

you can also check out the deployment page to see interactuve use of the the dashboard.

The Core Team

Oluwakemi Helen Deniran