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Create Wallet

Leedan edited this page Jun 16, 2021 · 3 revisions

Grin++ is currently the only non-custodial Grin wallet that supports creating wallets for multiple users. There's no limit to how many users you can create, and creating a new user takes just a few seconds!

Unlike the core wallet, which stores most of your transaction information in plaintext by default, all account information & transactions in Grin++ are always encrypted using AES256, coupled with a state-of-the-art PBKDF, to prevent leaking your privacy to other users of the PC.

If your wallet database was somehow leaked or stolen, the only thing anyone could ever learn from it is your username. Now that's privacy!

Creating a new user is simple:

  1. From the main screen, shown below, click CREATE WALLET.

Main Screen

  1. Enter a username and a secure password. Even though strong encryption is used to protect all of your information, encryption will only ever be as strong as your password. NOTE: The password is case-sensitive.

After you've entered all information, click CREATE WALLET.

Create Wallet

  1. If your account is created successfully, you'll be met with a dialog that contains your 24 randomly chosen words, often referred to as your "wallet seed" or "recovery phrase." YOU MUST WRITE THIS DOWN! Write it down on paper, and keep it in a safe place. DO NOT store it digitally. If anything ever happens to your wallet data (hard-drive crash, backup failure, accidental deletion, file corruption, etc.), the only way to restore your wallet's funds is by using this recovery phrase.

Once you've written down the 24 words, click CONTINUE.

Display Wallet Seed

  1. It's now time to verify that you wrote the words down. You'll notice a few of the words are missing. Using the words you wrote down as reference, fill out the missing words.

Missing Words

  1. Once you've re-populated all of the missing words, click CONTINUE to complete the wallet creation process.

Words Populated

CONGRATULATIONS! You're now ready to start sending and receiving grins! Refer to the "Sending Grins" and "Receiving Grins" sections of the wiki to learn how to take full advantage of the financial privacy and scalability that only mimblewimble provides.

Successfully Created