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WebAssembly Crypto++ as a Browser Module


Browser cryptography capabilities are limited, this project attempt to fix that.

Definition file is provided for TypeScript (or limited JavaScript autocompletion).

Works in a Node.js context (if you don't like the crypto module...?).

Unit tested:

  • C++ code rely on GoogleTest
  • TypeScript code rely on jest

It should be possible to expose most Crypto++ capabilities.

Current Capabilities

AES Symmetric Cipher:

  • encrypt
  • decrypt

Diffie Hellman Client:

  • generateKeys
  • computeSharedSecret

Auto Seeded Random Pool:

  • secure random N random bytes (as hexadecimal string)

RSA features:

  • generate random private keys
  • PEM import/export of private/public keys
  • sign with private keys
  • verify with public keys

Online Demo Link(s)

/!\ important /!\

Demo 1: Password Based End To End Encryption

Demo 2: Derive RSA Keys

Demo 3: Diffie Hellman key exchange

Demo 4: All Features

/!\ important /!\



    box rgb(128,64,64) client_a_MS & client_a_WS_dh & client_WS_sc

      participant client_a_MS as Client A<br>Main Script
      participant client_a_WS_dh as Client A<br>Worker Script<br>Diffie Hellman<br>RSA
      participant client_WS_sc as Client A<br>Worker Script<br>Symmetric Cipher


    box rgb(64,64,128) client_b_MS & client_b_WS_dh & client_b_WS_sc

      participant client_b_WS_sc as Client B<br>Worker Script<br>Symmetric Cipher
      participant client_b_WS_dh as Client B<br>Worker Script<br>Diffie Hellman<br>RSA
      participant client_b_MS as Client B<br>Main Script


    Note over client_a_MS,client_b_MS: both client are connected

    Note over client_a_MS: possess Client A private key
    Note over client_a_MS: possess Client B public key
    Note over client_b_MS: possess Client B private key
    Note over client_b_MS: possess Client A public key

    client_a_MS->>+client_a_WS_dh: request payload<br>secure connection

    Note over client_a_WS_dh: generate Diffie Hellman keys
    Note over client_a_WS_dh: generate symmetric cipher iv value
    Note over client_a_WS_dh: load RSA PEM<br>(Client B public key)
    Note over client_a_WS_dh: sign payload<br>-> symmetric cipher iv value<br>-> Diffie Hellman public key (Client A)

    client_a_WS_dh-->>-client_a_MS: provide payload<br>secure connection

    rect rgb(128, 128, 128)
      client_a_MS->>client_b_MS: send request for secure connection<br>signed payload<br>-> symmetric cipher iv value<br>-> Diffie Hellman public key (Client A)

    client_b_MS->>+client_b_WS_dh: handle payload<br>secure connection

    Note over client_b_WS_dh: load RSA PEM<br>(Client A private key)
    Note over client_b_WS_dh: verify payload<br>-> symmetric cipher iv value<br>-> Diffie Hellman public key (Client A)
    Note over client_b_WS_dh: generate Diffie Hellman keys (Client B)
    Note over client_b_WS_dh: compute<br>Diffie Hellman<br>shared secret
    Note over client_b_WS_dh: load RSA PEM<br>(Client B public key)
    Note over client_b_WS_dh: sign payload<br>-> Diffie Hellman public key (Client B)

    client_b_WS_dh-->>-client_b_MS: provide payload<br>secure connection response<br>provide data<br>Diffie Hellman shared secret (Client B)

    rect rgb(128, 128, 128)

      client_b_MS-->>client_a_MS: send response of secure connection request<br>signed payload<br>-> Diffie Hellman public key (Client B)


    client_a_MS->>+client_a_WS_dh: process secure connection<br>response payload

    Note over client_a_WS_dh: load RSA PEM<br>(Client B public key)
    Note over client_a_WS_dh: verify payload<br>-> Diffie Hellman public key (Client B)
    Note over client_a_WS_dh: compute<br>Diffie Hellman<br>shared secret

    client_a_WS_dh-->>-client_a_MS: provide<br>* Diffie Hellman shared secret

    Note over client_a_MS,client_b_MS: both client are authenticated to each other and share the same secret

    client_a_MS->>+client_WS_sc: initialize Symmetric Cipher<br>with Diffie Hellman shared secret
    Note over client_WS_sc: set Symmetric Cipher key
    client_WS_sc-->>-client_a_MS: ready

    client_b_MS->>+client_b_WS_sc: initialize Symmetric Cipher<br>with Diffie Hellman shared secret
    Note over client_b_WS_sc: set Symmetric Cipher key
    client_b_WS_sc-->>-client_b_MS: ready

    Note over client_a_MS,client_b_MS: both client can communicate in a secure way

    rect rgb(64, 32, 32)

      client_a_MS->>+client_WS_sc: ask for some payload to be encrypted
      Note over client_WS_sc: encrypt payload with Symmetric Cipher
      client_WS_sc-->>-client_a_MS: provide encrypted payload

      rect rgb(128, 128, 128)
        client_a_MS->>client_b_MS: send encrypted payload

      client_b_MS->>+client_b_WS_sc: ask for some payload to be decrypted
      Note over client_b_WS_sc: decrypt payload with Symmetric Cipher
      client_b_WS_sc-->>-client_b_MS: provide decrypted payload


    rect rgb(32, 32, 64)

      client_b_MS->>+client_b_WS_sc: ask for some payload to be encrypted
      Note over client_b_WS_sc: encrypt payload with Symmetric Cipher
      client_b_WS_sc-->>-client_b_MS: provide encrypted payload

      rect rgb(128, 128, 128)
        client_b_MS->>client_a_MS: send encrypted payload

      client_a_MS->>+client_WS_sc: ask for some payload to be decrypted
      Note over client_WS_sc: decrypt payload with Symmetric Cipher
      client_WS_sc-->>-client_a_MS: provide decrypted payload



Dependency: Emscripten 3.1.26

Github Link

This dependency will be downloaded and built with the Build Everything method below

Dependency: cryptopp 8.2.0

Github Link

This dependency will be downloaded and built with the Build Everything method below

How to Build

Build Everything

chmod +x ./

Build Everything (details)

This will:

  • handle the c++-to-wasm compiler
    • [if not found] will download emsdk (locally)
    • will initialize emscripten compiler (includes setting up the env)
  • handle thirdparty libraries
    • [if not found] will download libraries (locally)
      • libcrypto++
      • libcrypto++-pem
    • [if not build] compile libraries (wasm byte code library)
      • libcrypto++
      • libcrypto++-pem
  • generate the wasm module
    • [if not build] compile the C++ wrapper code
      • and inject what's in ./src/js/post.js

Thanks for watching!