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Cape Town, South Africa

Kwasi Gachie edited this page Oct 10, 2017 · 11 revisions

Hacks Hackers CapeTown

Hacks Hackers Cape Town Google Group

Task Activity Details Status Responsible Person Database
Activity Plan Draft Activity Plan created, using HH template, for discussion by Founding Group Planning ?
Blog Post Write-up short, factual blog post on HH Africa web portal, reporting back on the inaugural meeting. Planning ?
Budget Preliminary budget drafted, using HH template, for discussion by Founding Group. Planning ?
Chapter Application Completed chapter application form, prioritising resources / assistance required from HH Africa project team. Planning ?
Founding Group A minimum 10 stakeholders signed up as Founding Members on HH membership form Planning ?
Inaugural Meeting Convene inaugural meeting, using HH planning template, with a minimum 10 stakeholders attending and signing-up as Founding Members Planning ?
Mailing List Set up Google Groups email list as primary channel for membership communication. Planning Ray Joseph HH Cape Town Group
Member Recruitment Demonstrate that the Founding Group is actively recruiting the 20 minimum members necessary to formally establish a local HH chapter. Planning ?
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