This document contains information on various topics related to the SRT source code, including descriptions of some cross-source analysis that would not be obvious for a source code reviewer. It's not a complete documentation of anything, rather a collection of various kind of information retrieved during development and even reverse engineering.
This analysis is a result of detected lots of cascade mutex locking in the SRT code. A more detailed analysis would be required as to which mutex is going to protect what kind of data later.
Here is the info collected so far:
The overall structure of the object database, involving sockets and groups is as follows (pseudo-language):
CUDTUnited (singleton) {
CONTAINER<CUDTSocket> m_Sockets;
CONTAINER<CUDTSocket> m_ClosedSockets;
CONTAINER<CUDTGroup> m_Groups;
CONTAINER<CUDTGroup> m_ClosedGroups;
CUDTGroup {
type SocketData { CUDTSocket* ps; SRTSOCKET id; int state; ... }
CONTAINER<SocketData> m_Group;
Dead sockets (either closed manually or broken after connection) are
moved first from m_Sockets
to m_ClosedSockets
. The GC thread will take
care to delete them physically after making sure all inside facilities
do not contain any remaining data of interest.
Groups may only be manually closed, however a closed group is moved
to m_ClosedGroups
. The GC thread will take care to delete them, as long
as their usage counter is 0. Every call to an API function (as well as
TSBPD thread) increases the usage counter in the beginning and decreases
upon exit. A group may be closed in one thread and still being used in
another. The group will persist up to the time when the current API function
using it exits and decreases the usage counter back to 0.
Containers and contents guarded by mutex:
- guards all containers in CUDTUnited.
- guards internal operation performed on particular
socket, with its existence assumed (this is because a socket will always exist
until it's deleted while being in m_ClosedSockets
, and when the socket is in
it will not be deleted until it's free from any operation,
while the socket is assumed nonexistent for any newly called API function even
if it exists physically, but is moved to m_ClosedSockets
- guards the m_Group
container inside a group that
collects member sockets.
There are unfortunately many situations when multiple locks have to be applied at a time. This is then the hierarchy of the mutexes that must be preserved everywhere in the code.
As mutexes cannot be really ordered unanimously, below are two trees, with also some possible branches inside. The mutex marked with (T) is terminal, that is, no other locks shall be allowed in the section where this mutex is locked.
Note that the list isn't exactly complete, but it should contain all mutexes for which the locking order must be preserved.
- CUDTSocket::m_ControlLock
- CUDT::m_ConnectionLock
- CRendezvousQueue::m_RIDVectorLock
- CUDTUnited::m_GlobControlLock
- CUDTGroup::m_GroupLock
- CUDT::m_RecvAckLock || CEPoll::m_EPollLock(T)
- CUDTUnited::m_GlobControlLock
- CUDTGroup::m_GroupLock || CSndUList::m_ListLock(T)
- CUDT::m_ConnectionLock
- CRendezvousQueue::m_RIDVectorLock
- CUDT::m_SendLock
- CUDT::m_RecvLock
- CUDT::m_RecvBufferLock
- CUDT::m_RecvAckLock || CUDT::m_SendBlockLock
ANALYSIS ON: m_ConnectionLock
-- CUDT::startConnect flow
CUDTUnited::connectIn -- > [LOCKED s->m_ControlLock]
CUDT::open -- > [MAYBE_LOCKED m_ConnectionLock, if bind() not called]
CUDT::clearData --> [LOCKED m_StatsLock]
CUDTUnited::updateMux -- > [LOCKED m_GlobControlLock]
[SCOPE UNLOCK s->m_ControlLock, if blocking mode]
CUDT::startConnect -- > [LOCKED m_ConnectionLock]
CRendezvousQueue::insert --> [LOCKED CRendezvousQueue::m_RIDVectorLock]
-- CUDT::groupConnect flow
CUDT::groupConnect (no locks)
CUDT::setOpt [LOCKS m_ConnectionLock, m_SendLock, m_RecvLock]
{ [LOCKS m_GlobControlLock]
CUDTGroup::add [LOCKS m_GroupLock]
CUDT::connectIn --> continue with startConnect flow
-- CUDTUnited::listen (API function)
CUDTUnited::locateSocket [LOCKS m_GlobControlLock]
[SCOPE LOCK s->m_ControlLock]
CUDT::setListenState -- > [LOCKED m_ConnectionLock]
CRcvQueue::setListener -- > [LOCKED m_LSLock]
-- CUDT::processAsyncConnectRequest
CRcvQueue::worker ->
CUDT::processAsyncConnectResponse -- > [LOCKED m_ConnectionLock]
CUDT::interpretSrtHandshake ->
[IF group extension found]
[SCOPE LOCK m_GlobControlLock]
[IF Responder]
[LOCKS m_GroupLock]
CUDTGroup::find --> [LOCKED m_GroupLock]
debugGroup -- > [LOCKED m_GroupLock]
-- CUDT::acceptAndRespond
locateSocket -- > [LOCKED m_GlobControlLock]
locatePeer -- > [LOCKED m_GlobControlLock]
[IF failure, LOCK m_AcceptLock]
generateSocketID --> [LOCKED m_IDLock]
CUDT::open -- > [LOCKED m_ConnectionLock]
CUDT::updateListenerMux -- > [LOCKED m_GlobControlLock]
CUDT::acceptAndRespond --> [LOCKED m_ConnectionLock]
CUDT::interpretSrtHandshake ->
[IF group extension found]
[SCOPE LOCK m_GlobControlLock]
[IF Responder]
[LOCKS m_GroupLock]
CUDTGroup::find --> [LOCKED m_GroupLock]
debugGroup -- > [LOCKED m_GroupLock]
[SCOPE LOCK m_GlobControlLock]
CUDT::synchronizeWithGroup -- > [LOCKED m_GroupLock]
CRcvQueue::setNewEntry -- > [LOCKED CRcvQueue::m_IDLock]
[SCOPE LOCK m_GlobControlLock]
[SCOPE LOCK m_GroupLock]
[SCOPE LOCK m_AcceptLock]
[IF Rollback]
[LOCKING m_EPollLock]
[SCOPE LOCK m_ConnectionLock]
[SCOPE LOCK m_SendLock]
[SCOPE LOCK m_RecvLock]
[LOCKING m_RcvBufferLock]
[SCOPE LOCK m_GlobControlLock]
CUDT::removeFromGroup --> [LOCKED m_GroupLock]
-- CUDT::bstats: TRT-LOCKED m_ConnectionLock
-- CUDT::packData
CSndUList::pop -- > [LOCKED m_ListLock]