Multi-Language App Builder and API Generator For Laravel Framework.
Grace is a powerful automation less-code-more-results package in which Laravel developers can generate code (controllers, models, routes, views, etc…) through a GUI interface to fasten the development process instead of doing all the routine work over and over again.
PHP >= 7.4
Larvael >= 10
1- Install Grace using this command:
composer require hani221b/grace
2- Register the service provider. To do so in the Laravel app, go to config/app.php, and in the providers array paste:
then clear config cache:
php artisan optimize
3- Connect your app to a database. PostgreSQL or MySQL.
4- Install the package:
php artisan grace:install
This command will publish the necessary files for the package to function well.
It is a good practice to run php artisan optimize
if the routes do not work well.
5- navigate to Grace controller panel URL. Assuming you are running the project in localhost on port 8000:
You can use the package to create Full Resource, which includes the following:
- Controller class.
- Model class.
- Request class (for validation).
- Resource class.
- append file system disk in config/filesystem.php to store files.
- migration file with desired fields (can be auto-migrated).
- append routes in routes/grace.php
This method is more easy and preferable.
The other method is to create each file separately.
- Mode: the package provides the ability to choose between two modes: blade and api. If blade mode is activated, views files will be generated whenever a Full Resource is created, and the routes will be under web middleware. If api mode is activated, no view files will be generated, and the routes will be under “api” middleware, and prefixed with “/api”.
- Status: the option can enable or disable the routes for Grace controller panel, therefore, it cannot be accessed.
use Grace only in a development environment. Turn the status option to disabled
in a production environment.
Due to its create-files nature, a security vulnerability can occur if Grace is activated on production. Please consider setting the status config to disabled
before deploying.