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Use verilog to design a single-cycle processor with Quartus II. Download the program into the FPGA and we can see the results. To run the program, make sure the .hex file are in the same directory. And change the file name in imem and dmem accordingly.

Before reset is asserted high, the state of the processor is undefined. After reset is asserted, the processor begins execution from instruction memory address zero with all zeros in the register file.

Instruction set:

Instruction Opcode Type Usage Operation
add 00000 R add $rd, $rs, $rt $rd = $rs + $rt
sub 00001 R sub $rd, $rs, $rt $rd = $rs – $rt
and 00010 R and $rd, $rs, $rt $rd = $rs AND $rt
or 00011 R or $rd, $rs, $rt $rd = $rs OR $rt
sll 00100 R sll $rd, $rs, $rt $rd = $rs shifted left by $rt[4:0], zero-fill
srl 00101 R srl $rd, $rs, $rt $rd = $rs shifted right by $rt[4:0], zeroextend
addi 00110 I addi $rd, $rs, N $rd = $rs + N
lw 00111 I lw $rd, N($rs) $rd = Mem[$rs+N]
sw 01000 I sw $rd, N($rs) Mem[$rs+N] = $rd
beq 01001 I beq $rd, $rs, N if ($rd==$rs) then PC=PC+1+N
bgt 01010 I bgt $rd, $rs, N if ($rd>$rs) then PC=PC+1+N
jr 01011 I jr $rd PC = $rd
j 01100 J j N PC = N
jal 01101 J jal N $r31=PC+1; PC = N
input 01110 I input $rd $rd = keyboard input
output 01111 I output $rd print character $rd[7:0] on LCD display

The formats of the R, I, and J type instructions are shown below.

Type Format
R Opcode [31:27] Rd [26:22] Rs [21:17] Rt [16:12] Zeroes [11:0]
I Opcode [31:27] Rd [26:22] Rs [21:17] Immediate [16:0]
J Opcode [31:27] Target [26:0]


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