fixed number of shards (must copy out to change)
designed for simultaneous sequential + random reads/writes
strong consistency
tablet leaders serve writes
read-only replicas
tablet replicas = leaders, candidates (to become leaders), followers
write requires consensus among replicas
Raft consensus algorithm for leader elections among replica per tablet
design similar to HBase
tablet server == RegionServer
tablet == region
one Master elected:
- tracks tablets + tablet servers
- catalog table + metadata
- triggers re-replication
- client -> master for DDL
- master writes table metadata
- master allocates tablets on TabletServers
Master's own data stored in a tablet replicated to other candidate masters
TabletServers heartbeat to Master - default interval every 1 sec
Catalog Table - all metadata - table schema, tablet locations, tablet state, tablet servers holding replicas, tablet start-stop key ranges
each tablet 3 or 5 replicas for RAF algo
integration with Spark, MR, Impala
- Drill (in progress by Dremio)
ODS - operational data store - updates + queries
client asks master for tablet locations + caches it
metadata cached in RAM for performance
range partition for native hash partitions of primary key
Kudu slightly faster than Parquet when data is in RAM, 2x slower from disk
tablet leader failure auto re-election ~5 secs
< 5 min down transparent rejoin
> 5 min down new failover replica created + data copied
heartbeats between tablet replicas
strong reads require reading from leader
called Kudu because the antelope has stripes like columnar DB
Insert -> MemRowSet + WAL, flushed later
Updates -> "delta store" -> flush to delta files on disk
delta files eventually compacted to columnar data files
handles all the view merging behavious for you
single-row ACID
high throughput within 2x of Parquet
low latency 1ms read/write on SSD
fixed SQL-like schema
handles late data + corrections with ease
new data immediately available for analytics
can run without HDFS
master serers are seeds
replication of logical operations, not data on disk
- no data transmitted over network
- less network traffic for write heavy scenarios
tested 275 nodes 3PB
millions of read/write ops per sec
curl http://archive.cloudera.com/beta/kudu/redhat/6/x86_64/kudu/cloudera-kudu.repo > /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudera-kudu.repo
NTP required to avoid clock unsynchronized error msgs
yum install -y ntp
yum install -y kudu
yum install -y kudu-master
yum install -y kudu-tserver
yum install -y kudu-client0
yum install -y kudu-client-devel
Doesn't work in Docker, trying instead:
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudera/kudu-examples/master/demo-vm-setup/bootstrap.sh | bash
Ported from private Knowledge Base pages 2016+