Coordination and distributed locking service.
Small metadata, watches and locks.
Used by major technologies, especially Big Data technologies like HBase, Hive High Availability, and SolrCloud.
- Basics
- Ports
- Kerberos
- UI
- Administration
- ZooKeeper 4lw API
- Java API
- Perl ZooKeeper Client Library -
build - Monitoring
- Multi-DC Availability
- Troubleshooting
- Diagram - ZooKeeper Consensus
- mature, robust, well tested and widely used by HBase, Kafka, SolrCloud, HDFS/Yarn/Hive HA ZKFC, Docker Swarm
- writes need quorum
- reads serviced by node you connect to
- 3 nodes for HA Quorum
- 5 nodes for HA Quorum during maintenance (eg. still HA while taking 1 node down for maintenance)
- 1-4 GB ram
- dedicated disk
- heavy run ZK should be run on separate machines to HBase RegionServers or Hadoop DataNodes, YARN processing nodes
- for HBase make sure to comment out
- network problems often show up first as zookeeper as timeouts / connection problems
- not recommended for virtual environments due to latency
- Algorithm is
-ZK Atomic Broadcast
- similar to Paxos - requires majority consensus quorum
- main difference is it only has one promoter at a time
- stronger focus on total ordering
- each election then followed by a synchronization phase before new changes accepted
- elected master receives all writes + pushes to slaves in ordered fashion
- slaves also handle read requests + notifications to offload from master
- znode = binary file + directory with version number, rw perms metadata
- ephemeral - TTL, disappears
- sequential - auto assigned sequential member suffix by ZK
- pattern: ephemeral sequential znodes for leader queue where lowest id znode becomes master
- global consistent ordering
- watch on znode:
- one shot, must re-register watch
- could lose update to that znode in between receiving + re-registering
- can detect using version number
- workaround to use sequential znodes
- atomic update by specifying prev version
- multiple clients - only one would be successful
- useful for distributed counters or partial updates of znode data
- batch update API - not as powerful as ACID in RDBMS as no global transaction, must specify pre-state version of each znode
- 1MB znode data limit (but ZK really designed for KB not MB)
- jute.maxbuffer java setting = message size limit, this limits both data and znode get children
- needs to be increased for many watchers from a client reconnecting such as with Apache Curator
- jute.maxbuffer java setting = message size limit, this limits both data and znode get children
- 2181 - client
- 3181 - quorum
- 4181 - election
- 5181 - client (on MapR)
- 8080 - UI (3.5+)
- 9010 - JMX
Pass a JAAS config to ZooKeeper server when starting using this CLI argument:
Wrapper to
, convenient as is in $PATH
Find and execute
from Cloudera install:
$(find /usr/lib/zookeeper/bin/ /opt/cloudera/parcels -name -type f | tail -n1)
Simpler if on an HBase server:
hbase zkcli
Logs + snapshots are never cleaned up, so run
Dump ZooKeeper info:
echo stat | nc localhost 2181
Num ZooKeeper client connections:
echo cons | nc localhost 2181 | wc -l
- ZooNavigator
- Hue ZooKeeper browser app
Review full ZooKeeper docs:
4 letter word API is a text API on port 2181 you can use via netcat
or similar.
Command | Description |
ruok |
returns isok if OK |
isro |
returns ro or rw showing if ZK is read-only |
srvr |
list full details for the server |
stat |
same as srvr + cons |
mntr |
fuller stats dump, one per line, no client conns |
envi |
show zookeeper environment |
conf |
prints the zoo.cfg config |
cons |
show client conns |
srst |
reset server stats |
crst |
reset connection stats |
wchs |
summary of server's watches |
wchc |
watches by connection |
wchp |
watches by path |
Curator is to ZooKeeper what Guava is to Java, written by Netflix
export ZK_TEST_HOSTS=cdh43:2181
As the root user, install the C client library.
Get latest version:
curl -sS "" |
jq -r '.[].name' |
grep '[[:digit:]]\.[[:digit:]]' |
sed 's/^release-//; s/-[[:digit:]]*$//' |
sort -nr |
head -n 1
tar zxvf "zookeeper-$ZOOKEEPER_VERSION.tar.gz"
cd "zookeeper-$ZOOKEEPER_VERSION/src/c"
make install
Installs headers to /usr/local/include/zookeeper/zookeeper_version.h
Installs objects to /usr/local/lib/libzookeeper_mt*
and /usr/local/lib/libzookeeper_st*
Install the ZK Perl library:
cd ../contrib/zkperl
perl Makefile.PL --zookeeper-include=/usr/local/include/zookeeper --zookeeper-lib=/usr/local/lib
LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/local/lib make install
considered evil:
- prepends path for everything
- security is an issue
- doesn't work for setuid/setguid programs
- can break applications compatability due to using wrong version of a library
#export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
perl -e "use Net::ZooKeeper"
Could also do:
look Net::ZooKeeper
perl Makefile.PL --zookeeper-include=/usr/local/include/zookeeper --zookeeper-lib=/usr/local/lib
make install
Uses a C module which needs to be installed so this is pointless:
#mkdir $github/nagios-plugins/lib/Net
#cp /Library/Perl/5.12/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Net/ZooKeeper $github/nagios-plugins/lib/Net/
- 3 DC - 2 locally close well connected regions + 1 remote region
- 2 x 2 + 1 remote
- make sure remote never becomes leader
- leader election - each ZK sends it's latest
, others respond yes if theirs is less-or-equal or no, becomes leader if majority say yes - no way to control leader election priority
- workarounds: start remote ZK last, monitor it with
4lw API and kill process if it's leader - this may impact write latency somewhat
- read latency not affected as serviced by the zk node you connect to
If ZK state is bad and it's a dedicated ZooKeeper cluster such as for HBase, to get it all working again:
mv /var/lib/zookeeper/version-2 /var/lib/zookeeper/version-2.old
mkdir /var/lib/zookeeper/version-2
chown zookeeper:zookeeper /var/lib/zookeeper/version-2
Then start ZooKeeper.
From the HariSekhon/Diagrams-as-Code repo:
Ported from private Knowledge Base page 2012+