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Module Input Variables

Name Description Type Default Required
name Name to be used on all resources as prefix string TEST na
stage Environment for service string STAGE na
tags A list of tag blocks. Each element should have keys named key, value, etc. list {} na
enable_sagemaker_model Enable sagemaker model usage bool false na
sagemaker_model_name The name of the model (must be unique). If omitted, Terraform will assign a random, unique name. string "" na
sagemaker_model_execution_role_arn - (Required) A role that SageMaker can assume to access model artifacts and docker images for deployment. string null required
sagemaker_model_enable_network_isolation (Optional) - Isolates the model container. No inbound or outbound network calls can be made to or from the model container. string null optional
sagemaker_model_vpc_config (Optional) - Specifies the VPC that you want your model to connect to. VpcConfig is used in hosting services and in batch transform. list [] optional
sagemaker_model_primary_container (Optional) The primary docker image containing inference code that is used when the model is deployed for predictions. If not specified, the container argument is required. list [] optional
sagemaker_model_container (Optional) - Specifies containers in the inference pipeline. If not specified, the primary_container argument is required. list [] optional
enable_sagemaker_endpoint_configuration Enable sagemaker endpoint configuration usage bool false na
sagemaker_endpoint_configuration_name The name of the endpoint configuration. If omitted, Terraform will assign a random, unique name. string "" na
sagemaker_endpoint_configuration_kms_key_arn (Optional) Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon SageMaker uses to encrypt data on the storage volume attached to the ML compute instance that hosts the endpoint. string null optional
sagemaker_endpoint_configuration_production_variants (Required) Fields for endpoint list [] required
enable_sagemaker_endpoint Enable sagemaker endpoint usage bool false na
sagemaker_endpoint_name The name of the endpoint. If omitted, Terraform will assign a random, unique name. string null na
sagemaker_endpoint_endpoint_config_name The name of the endpoint configuration to use. string "" na
enable_sagemaker_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configuration Enable sagemaker notebook instance lifecycle configuration usage bool false na
sagemaker_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configuration_name The name of the lifecycle configuration (must be unique). If omitted, Terraform will assign a random, unique name. string null na
sagemaker_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configuration_on_create (Optional) A shell script (base64-encoded) that runs only once when the SageMaker Notebook Instance is created. string null optional
sagemaker_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configuration_on_start (Optional) A shell script (base64-encoded) that runs every time the SageMaker Notebook Instance is started including the time it's created. string null optional
enable_sagemaker_notebook_instance Enable sagemaker notebook instance usage bool false na
sagemaker_notebook_instance_name The name of the notebook instance (must be unique). string "" na
sagemaker_notebook_instance_role_arn (Required) The ARN of the IAM role to be used by the notebook instance which allows SageMaker to call other services on your behalf. string null required
sagemaker_notebook_instance_instance_type (Required) The name of ML compute instance type. string ml.t2.medium required
sagemaker_notebook_instance_subnet_id (Optional) The VPC subnet ID. string null optional
sagemaker_notebook_instance_security_groups (Optional) The associated security groups. string null optional
sagemaker_notebook_instance_kms_key_id (Optional) The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that Amazon SageMaker uses to encrypt the model artifacts at rest using Amazon S3 server-side encryption. string null optional
sagemaker_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config_name (Optional) The name of a lifecycle configuration to associate with the notebook instance. string null optional
sagemaker_notebook_instance_direct_internet_access (Optional) Set to Disabled to disable internet access to notebook. Requires security_groups and subnet_id to be set. Supported values: Enabled (Default) or Disabled. If set to Disabled, the notebook instance will be able to access resources only in your VPC, and will not be able to connect to Amazon SageMaker training and endpoint services unless your configure a NAT Gateway in your VPC. string null optional
enable_sagemaker_user_profile Enable sagemaker user profile usage bool false na
sagemaker_user_profile_name The name for the User Profile. string "" na
sagemaker_user_profile_domain_id The ID of the associated Domain. string "" na
sagemaker_user_profile_single_sign_on_user_value (Required) The username of the associated AWS Single Sign-On User for this User Profile. If the Domain's AuthMode is SSO, this field is required, and must match a valid username of a user in your directory. If the Domain's AuthMode is not SSO, this field cannot be specified. string nnull required
sagemaker_user_profile_single_sign_on_user_identifier (Optional) A specifier for the type of value specified in single_sign_on_user_value. Currently, the only supported value is UserName. If the Domain's AuthMode is SSO, this field is required. If the Domain's AuthMode is not SSO, this field cannot be specified. string null optional
sagemaker_user_profile_user_settings AAA map {'execution_role': None, 'security_groups': None} na
sagemaker_user_profile_sharing_settings (Optional) The sharing settings. list [] optional
sagemaker_user_profile_tensor_board_app_settings (Optional) The TensorBoard app settings. list [] optional
sagemaker_user_profile_jupyter_server_app_settings (Optional) The Jupyter server's app settings. list [] optional
sagemaker_user_profile_kernel_gateway_app_settings (Optional) The kernel gateway app settings. list [] optional
enable_sagemaker_domain Enable sagemaker domain usage bool false na
sagemaker_domain_name The domain name. string "" na
sagemaker_domain_auth_mode (Required) The mode of authentication that members use to access the domain. Valid values are IAM and SSO string null required
sagemaker_domain_vpc_id (Required) The ID of the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that Studio uses for communication. string null required
sagemaker_domain_subnet_ids (Required) The VPC subnets that Studio uses for communication. string null required
sagemaker_domain_kms_key_id (Optional) The AWS KMS customer managed CMK used to encrypt the EFS volume attached to the domain. string null optional
sagemaker_domain_app_network_access_type (Optional) Specifies the VPC used for non-EFS traffic. The default value is PublicInternetOnly. Valid values are PublicInternetOnly and VpcOnly. string null optional
sagemaker_domain_default_user_settings (Required) The default user settings. map {'execution_role': None, 'security_groups': None} required
sagemaker_domain_sharing_settings (Optional) The sharing settings. list [] optional
sagemaker_domain_tensor_board_app_settings (Optional) The TensorBoard app settings. list [] optional
sagemaker_domain_jupyter_server_app_settings (Optional) The Jupyter server's app settings. list [] optional
sagemaker_domain_kernel_gateway_app_settings (Optional) The kernel gateway app settings. list [] optional
enable_sagemaker_model_package_group Enable sagemaker model package group usage bool false na
sagemaker_model_package_group_name The name of the model group. string "" na
sagemaker_model_package_group_description AAA string null na
enable_sagemaker_image Enable sagemaker image usage bool false na
sagemaker_image_name The name of the image. Must be unique to your account. string "" na
sagemaker_image_role_arn (Required) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that enables Amazon SageMaker to perform tasks on your behalf. string null required
sagemaker_image_display_name (Optional) The display name of the image. When the image is added to a domain (must be unique to the domain). string null optional
sagemaker_image_description (Optional) The description of the image. string null optional
enable_sagemaker_image_version Enable sagemaker image version usage bool false na
sagemaker_image_version_image_name The name of the image. Must be unique to your account. string "" na
sagemaker_image_version_base_image (Required) The registry path of the container image on which this image version is based. string null required
enable_sagemaker_feature_group Enable sagemaker feature group usage bool false na
sagemaker_feature_group_name The name of the Feature Group. The name must be unique within an AWS Region in an AWS account. string "" na
sagemaker_feature_group_record_identifier_feature_name The name of the Feature whose value uniquely identifies a Record defined in the Feature Store. Only the latest record per identifier value will be stored in the Online Store. string "" na
sagemaker_feature_group_event_time_feature_name The name of the feature that stores the EventTime of a Record in a Feature Group. string "" na
sagemaker_feature_group_role_arn (Required) - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM execution role used to persist data into the Offline Store if an offline_store_config is provided. string null required
sagemaker_feature_group_description (Optional) - A free-form description of a Feature Group. string null optional
sagemaker_feature_group_feature_definition (Optional) - A list of Feature names and types. list [] optional
sagemaker_feature_group_s3_storage_config (Required) The Amazon Simple Storage (Amazon S3) location of OfflineStore. list [] required
sagemaker_feature_group_data_catalog_config (Optional) The meta data of the Glue table that is autogenerated when an OfflineStore is created. list [] optional
sagemaker_feature_group_security_config (Required) Security config for at-rest encryption of your OnlineStore. list [] required
enable_sagemaker_code_repository Enable sagemaker code repository usage bool false na
sagemaker_code_repository_name The name of the Code Repository (must be unique). string "" na
sagemaker_code_repository_git_config (Required) Specifies details about the repository. list [] required
enable_sagemaker_app_image_config Enable sagemaker app image config usage bool false na
sagemaker_app_image_config_name The name of the App Image Config. string "" na
sagemaker_app_image_config_kernel_spec (Required) The default branch for the Git repository. list [] required
sagemaker_app_image_config_file_system_config (Optional) The URL where the Git repository is located. list [] optional

Module Output Variables

Name Description
sagemaker_model_id The ID of sagemaker model
sagemaker_model_name The name of the model.
sagemaker_model_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned by AWS to this model.
sagemaker_endpoint_configuration_id The ID of sagemaker endpoint configuration
sagemaker_endpoint_configuration_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned by AWS to this endpoint configuration.
sagemaker_endpoint_configuration_name The name of the endpoint configuration.
sagemaker_endpoint_id The ID of sagemaker endpoint
sagemaker_endpoint_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned by AWS to this endpoint.
sagemaker_endpoint_name The name of the endpoint.
sagemaker_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configuration_id The ID of notebook instance lifecycle configuration
sagemaker_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configuration_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned by AWS to this lifecycle configuration.
sagemaker_notebook_instance_id The name of the notebook instance.
sagemaker_notebook_instance_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned by AWS to this notebook instance.
sagemaker_user_profile_id The user profile Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
sagemaker_user_profile_arn The user profile Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
sagemaker_user_profile_home_efs_file_system_uid The ID of the user's profile in the Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) volume.
sagemaker_domain_id The ID of the Domain.
sagemaker_domain_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned by AWS to this Domain.
sagemaker_domain_url The domain's URL.
sagemaker_domain_single_sign_on_managed_application_instance_id The SSO managed application instance ID.
sagemaker_domain_home_efs_file_system_id The ID of the Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) managed by this Domain.
sagemaker_model_package_group_id The name of the Model Package Group.
sagemaker_model_package_group_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned by AWS to this Model Package Group.
sagemaker_image_id The name of the Image.
sagemaker_image_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned by AWS to this Image.
sagemaker_image_version_id The name of the Image version.
sagemaker_image_version_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned by AWS to this Image version.
sagemaker_feature_group_id The name of the feature group.
sagemaker_feature_group_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned by AWS to this feature_group.
sagemaker_feature_group_name The name of the Feature Group.
sagemaker_code_repository_id The name of the Code Repository.
sagemaker_code_repository_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned by AWS to this Code Repository.
sagemaker_app_image_config_id The name of the app image config.
sagemaker_app_image_config_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned by AWS to this App Image Config.