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Havoc is a modern and malleable post-exploitation command and control framework.

Table of Contents

Version History

0.2 / Magicians Red

Magician's Red (Majishanzu Reddo) is the Stand of Muhammad Avdol, featured in Stardust Crusaders.

  • Second public 'release' of Havoc.

0.1 / Star Platinum

Named after the Stand of Jotaro Kujo in JoJo's Bizzare Adventure, Star Platinum was among the very first Stands introduced.

  • The first, public release of Havoc.

Known Issues

See the Issues tab for all open issues.

Kali Linux Font/Formatting Issues

Kali has issues loading the proper font (Monaco) from the embedeed Qt resources file.

You will experience formatting issues in the Havoc client if you are not using a monospace/fixed-width font!

Build Errors

fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory

If you get an error that Python.h isn't found when building, you need to make sure Python 3.10 is installed and you have the Python 3.10 development files. If you are using Ubuntu LTS you may need to leverage a PPA such as deadsnakes to get a newer version of Python.

sudo apt install build-essential
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.10 python3.10-dev

incomplete type ‘QTime’ used in nested name specifier

You probably need a newer version of Qt. If you are using Ubuntu try adding a backports ppa and installing the latest qt6 dev packages. Please see #95.

Known compiler issue: [-] Couldn't compile implant: exit status 1

Please see #105.




The immediate following is for Debian based Distros only.

sudo apt install -y git build-essential apt-utils cmake libfontconfig1 libglu1-mesa-dev libgtest-dev libspdlog-dev libboost-all-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev libsqlite3-dev libbz2-dev mesa-common-dev qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools libqt5websockets5 libqt5websockets5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev golang-go qtbase5-dev libqt5websockets5-dev libspdlog-dev python3-dev libboost-all-dev mingw-w64 nasm

Ubuntu 20.04 / 22.04

You must enable Python 3.10 in your APT repositories before you can run the Client successfully.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.10 python3.10-dev

Debian 10/11

You must setup the bookworm repo for Python 3.10.

echo 'deb bookworm main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-dev python3.10-dev libpython3.10 libpython3.10-dev python3.10

Arch-based Distros

sudo pacman -S git gcc base-devel cmake fontconfig glu gtest spdlog boost boost-libs ncurses gdbm openssl readline libffi sqlite bzip2 mesa qt5-base qt5-websockets python3 nasm mingw-w64-gcc


You must have homebrew installed.

brew install --cask cmake
brew install python@3.10 qt@5 spdlog golang
brew link --overwrite qt@5

Building the Client

Clone the repository:

git clone

Build and Run:

# Build the client Binary (From Havoc Root Directory)
make client-build

# Run the client
./havoc client

On macOS, run brew unlink qt && brew link qt after cmake build is done.

On WSL navigate to and download the needed driver for the GUI to launch.

Building the Teamserver

Install additional Go dependencies:

go mod download  
go mod download

Build and Run:

# Install musl Compiler & Build Binary (From Havoc Root Directory)
make ts-build

# Run the teamserver
sudo ./havoc server --profile ./profiles/havoc.yaotl -v --debug

All files created during interaction with the Teamserver are stored within the /Havoc/data/* folder.


Build the Dockerfile with Jenkins: sudo docker build -t havoc-client -f Client-Dockerfile .

Create data volume for persistence (optional): sudo docker volume create havoc-c2-client

Run the container: sudo docker run -p 443:443 -p 40056:40056 -it -d -v havoc-c2-client:/data havoc-client

Enter the container and run the Client:


Jenkins Docker Build

Build the Dockerfile with Jenkins: sudo docker build -f JC-Dockerfile .

Run the container: sudo docker run -p8080:8080 -it -d -v havoc-c2-data:/data havoc-client

Visit Jenkins at localhost:8080 and create a pipeline to build the Havoc Teamserver.

  • See Havoc-Teamserver.groovy in the assets folder.

Creating a Listener, and Spawning an Agent

This part assumes you have a Teamserver running, with a Teamserver-client connected to the running instance.

  • Creating a Listener:
    1. To create a new listener, we must first open the Listeners subwindow.
      • To do this, in the upper left hand corner, click on the View button, and then on the Listeners button in the drop down menu.
      • Listeners-select
    2. You should see a new sub window in the bottom of the server window, with the title of Listeners on the header tab.
    3. You should also now see three(3) buttons on the bottom of the server window, Add, Remove and Edit.
      • Listeners-Add-select
    4. We want to click the Add button.
    5. Once we click the Add button, you should see a new window come up, with the title of Create Listener.
      • Listeners-New
    6. We will want to fill out the appropriate information for each field in the Create Listener window.
    7. After entering the appropriate information into each field, then click the Save button.
    8. The window will close, and you will now see a new line in the Listeners sub-window.
      • Listener-created
    9. We now have an active Listener, and are ready to receive an incoming agent's communications!
  • Spawning an Agent:
    1. To create an Agent Payload, we must first open the Payload window.
      • We can do so by going up to the upper left hand corner, and clicking on the Attack button.
    2. Doing so, we see the Payload button appear in the drop down menu. We want to then click on it.
      • Agent-select
    3. This will open the Payload window, where we may then configure the various options for generating our payload.
      • Agent-creation
    4. Once we have selected the appropriate options, we then click on the Generate button.
    5. It might take a little bit for the compilation to take place. Once it has completed, it will prompt you as to where to save the resulting file output.
    6. After selecting where to save the file, you will now have a generated agent ready for execution or injection!


The Havoc Teamserver is written in Golang. It handles the listeners, teamserver authentication and payload generation. It also supports ExternalC2 functionality through the configuration of Service endpoints.

Starting the Teamserver

Running ./teamserver server --profile ./profiles/havoc.yaotl -v --debug will launch the built Teamserver with verbosity and debugging enabled.

Data collected by the Teamserver is stored in the /Havoc/data/* directory.


Usage: teamserver [command] [flags]

Here is a full list of arguments that can be passed to the teamserver:

Command Flag Description Args
server --profile The configuration profile to load at start Teamserver profile path (string)
-v / --verbose Enable verbose output
-d / --debug Enable debug output
-h / --help Output server help
--debug-dev Enables DEBUG output (see below for caveats)

Enabling DEBUG Output

DEBUG output can be enabled by passing the --debug-dev flag to the Teamserver.

When this flag is set, the Teamserver's builder class adds the -D DEBUG flag to the builder.compilerOptions.CFlags array and removes the -nostdlib flag to enable output to be printed to the console. Demon agent payloads generated from the Havoc client will print visible DEBUG text in the console window after execution. The stdlib will be linked into the payload for this to occur, increasing the payload size.


Havoc's Teamserver uses profiles in the yaotl format, which is a custom configuration syntax built on top of HCL.

Profiles are located at: Havoc/Teamserver/profiles and can be passed to the teamserver with the --profile <path-to-profile flag.

The default example profile can be found at Havoc/Teamserver/profiles/havoc_default.yaotl.


The teamserver can be configured to listen on a specific bind address and port with the following directive:

Teamserver { 
    Host = ""
    Port = 40056
  • Host - The bind address used by the teamserver to accept Client connections.
  • Port - The port the teamserver listens on for Client connections.


Multiple users can be added to the Teamserver with the Operators directive:

Operators {
    user "5pider" {
        Password = "password1234"

    user "Neo" {
        Password = "password1234"


The primary Demon agent accepts a number of configuration options such as:

Demon {
    Sleep   = 2
    Jitter  = 20

    TrustXForwardedFor = false

    Implant {
        SleepMask = 1
        SleepMaskTechnique = 0

    Injection {
        Spawn64 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe"
        Spawn32 = "C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\notepad.exe"
  • Sleep - The default interval to sleep between check-ins for commands.

  • Jitter - The amount of jitter to be applied to sleep intervals (in percentage).

  • TrustXForwardedFor - If true, the public IP of every agent will be set to the value of the X-Forwarded-For header. Only enable if the teamserver is behind a redirector

  • Implant\SleepMask - Enables the Sleep Mask obfuscation

  • Implant\SleepMaskTechnique - Chose from a variety of built-in sleep mask techniques:

  • Injection\Spawn64 - The full path to the process to spawn into for fork & run operations (64bit).

  • Injection\Spawn32 - The full path to the process to spawn into for fork & run operations (32bit).


Currently, only HTTP/HTTPS listeners are supported.

Havoc supports multiple listener profiles and a variety of configuration options to help customize them.

Listeners {
    Http {
        Name         = "HTTPS Listener"
        KillDate     = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
        WorkingHours = "8:00-17:00"
        Hosts        = [""]
        PortBind     = 443
        PortConn     = 443
        Method       = "POST"
        Secure       = true
        UserAgent    = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Safari/537.36"
        Uris         = [
        Headers      = [
            "X-Havoc: true",
            "X-Havoc-Agent: Demon",

        Response {
            Headers  = [
                "Content-type: text/plain",
                "X-IsHavocFramework: true",

  • Name - Name of the listener
  • KillDate - (Optional) Date in which the Demon will terminate itself in UTC
  • WorkingHours - (Optional) The hours in which Demon will check in
  • Hosts - The list of domains that Demon will use to reach the teamserver
  • PortBind - Port that the teamserver will bind to
  • PortConn - Port used by Demon to access the teamserver, if not set, PortBind is used
  • Method - Method to use while checking in (GET or POST)
  • Secure - true for HTTPS, false for HTTP
  • UserAgent - The User Agent that Demon will use
  • Uris - The paths that Demon will use. If more than one is provided, Demon chooses one at random each time
  • Headers - Request headers that Demon will include in all requests
  • Response-Headers - Response headers that the server will include in all responses


The Havoc Client is written in C++ and Qt.

Starting the Client

cd Havoc
./havoc client

Running ./havoc client will start the Client.

Connecting to the Teamserver

When the client opens, you will be presented with a profile window similar to that in other C2 frameworks like Cobalt Strike.


Enter the profile name, teamserver bind address (Host) and Port, along with your defined username/password in the teamserver profile. Then hit 'Connect' to connect your configured teamserver.




Demon is the primary Havoc agent, written in C/ASM. The source-code is located at Havoc/payloads/Demon.

Generating a Demon Payload

Currently, only x64 EXE/DLL formats are supported.

From the Havoc UI, nagivate to Attack -> Payload.


Directory Description
Source/Asm Assembly code (return address stack spoofing)
Source/Core Core functionality (transport, win32 apis, syscalls)
Source/Crypt AES encryption functionality
Source/Extra KaynLdr (reflective loader)
Source/Inject Injection functionality
Source/Loader COFF Loader, Beacon API
Source/Main PE/DLL/RDLL Entry Points


Indirect Syscalls

When compiled with OBF_SYSCALL, Demon performs indirect syscalls for many Nt* APIs. By masquerading the RIP to point to a location within ntdll.dll, traps placed by EDR solutions (such as process instrumentation callbacks or other forms of sycall tracing)may be evaded.

The Syscall logic is primarily contained within /Teamserver/data/implants/Demon/Source/Core/Syscalls.c

Syscall stubs are dynamically crafted from ntdll.dll on disk and modified so the return address points to NtAddBootEntry (0x180024b6) within the ntdll.dll module.


Demon has a variety of commands built-in. It also supports the dynamic modification of configuration at runtime, allowing operators to customize defaults pre-set in the profiles throughout an engagement, without modifying the profile and re-generating a payload.

Full documentation on commands can be accessed from the Havoc client by typing help in the interact window. For more information on a particular command, simply tack it on the end of help like so: help [command]


Requests a checkin request from the Demon. This will output some basic system/configuration information to the Havoc client such as:

  • Demon Metadata
    • Magic values
    • First/Last call in timestamps
    • AES Key and IV
    • Sleep Delay
  • Host Information
    • Hostname
    • Username
    • Domain Name
    • Internal IP(s)
  • Process Information
    • Name
    • Architecture
    • PID
    • Path
    • Elevated
  • Operating System
    • Version
    • Build
    • Architecture

Demon supports sleeping at a specified delay (seconds) with a randomized jitter amount applied in the profile configuration settings.

sleep [delay]

When the Demon sleeps, it first checks if Sleep Masking is enabled in the profile configuration. If so, as long as there are no active job threads running, it will begin to apply the specified sleep obfuscation method and wait until the provided delay to "wake up" and check-in to the teamserver again.

During sleep, x64 demons may implement return address spoofing to hide the real return address.


Demon implements a multi-threaded job management system that allows the operator to manage long-running tasks.

OPSEC NOTE: Long-running jobs will PREVENT sleep obfuscation from occurring at the specified sleep interval due to the other threads running. Sleep obfuscation will only occur when there are no job threads in a running state.

  • job list - Lists all running jobs.
  • job suspend 1 - Suspends a job with the ID of 1
  • job resume 1 - Resumes a job with the ID of 1
  • job kill 1 - Kills a job with the ID of 1

Process management and enumeration system.

proc [command]

  • proc list - Display a list of running processes on the target.
  • proc kill [pid] - Kills a process with the specified PID
  • proc create [state] [process] (args) Start a process either in suspended or normal mode.
  • proc module [pid] lists loaded modules from the specified process.
  • proc grep [process name] searches for specified running process and shows Process Name, Process ID, Process Parent PID, Process User, Process Arch
  • proc memory [pid] [memory protection] queries process memory pages with specified Protection.

Demon implements a token management vault that allows for token theft, impersonation and privilege modification. All tokens are preserved within a token vault, allowing the operator to list and impersonate any stolen token when convenient.

Tokens are duplicated using SecurityIdentification and SecurityImpersonate privileges, allowing OpenThreadToken to work on impersonated UIDs with OpenAsSelf set to TRUE.

  • token getuid - Prints the current user id from the token
  • token list - List all stolen tokens in the token vault
  • token find-tokens - Find all tokens that can be stolen on the system
  • token steal [pid] (handle) - Steal the token from the specified PID and save it to the token vault
  • token impersonate [id] - Impersonate a token from the token vault
  • token make [domain] [username] [password] - Creates a token from the specified credentials and adds it to the vault
  • token privs-get - Attempt to acquire all privileges from the current token
  • token privs-list - List all privileges from the current token
  • token revert - Reverts back to the default process token
  • token remove [id] - Removes a token from the vault
  • token clear - Removes all tokens from the vault.

Demon is capable of injecting shellcode (supplied in raw format as a path) into remote processes using process injection or fork & run. Depending on the technique, operators can chose to use higher-level Win32 APIs or NT versions using indirect syscalls.

  • shellcode inject x64 [pid] [path-to-raw-shellcode] - Injects shellcode into the remote process
  • shellcode spawn x64 [path-to-raw-shellcode] - Launches the defined fork & run process and injects the shellcode

OPSEC NOTE: Depending on your injection technique and configuration settings, certain API calls may be performed outside of indirect syscalls.

Here is a high-level overview of each supported process injection technique:

* means the API call is performed with indirect syscalls


  1. CreateProcessA
  2. Allocate Memory
    • DX_MEM_WIN32 -> VirtualAllocEx
    • DX_MEM_SYSCALL -> NtAllocateVirtualMemory*
  3. NtWriteVirtualMemory*
  4. NtProtectVirtualMemory*
  5. Create Thread
    • DX_THREAD_WIN32 -> CreateRemoteThread
    • DX_THREAD_SYSCALL -> NtCreateThreadEx*
  6. NtResumeThread*
  • dotnet list-versions - Lists all of the installed dotnet versions
  • dotnet inline-execute [path-to-assembly] [args] - Executes the dotnet assembly inside of the current process and returns output

OPSEC NOTE: Calling inline-execute creates an instance of the CLR (Common Language Runtime) within the demon's process to execute dotnet assemblies. This is an irreversible procedure and may provide more IoCs to defenders.

The inline-execute works by first creating an instance of the CLR (Common Language Runtime) within the current Demon process. After the CLR is created, amsi.dll is loaded and patched in-memory to bypass AMSI scanning. Demon then creates an AppDomain and loads the assembly into memory, finding the entry point and passing the commandline args supplied by the user before invoking the method. Output from the assembly is captured and returned to the teamserver.



Havoc supports custom agents and ExternalC2 by using Teamserver service endpoints. These are configured using Service directives (see the Teamserver Profiles documentation).

The Service module is for interacting with external services (custom agents, ExternalC2, etc).

By registering a Service directive, the Teamserver will automatically spawn a service listener that can route commands to/from the Teamserver.

Service {
    Endpoint = "service-endpoint"
    Password = "service-password"

This would create a service endpoint at <teamserver-host>:<teamserver-port>/service-endpoint that is authenticated with service-password.

Custom Agents

Using Havoc's Service API, custom, third-party agents can be written to interact with the teamserver using the intermediate Python API.

An example of a third-party agent is provided here: connects to the Teamserver over the Endpoint defined in the Service directive of the teamserver profile.

from havoc.service import HavocService
from havoc.agent import *

class MyCustomAgent(AgentType):
    # ...

agent = MyCustomAgent()

havoc_service = HavocService(


Custom commands can be defined using the Python API and extending the Command class:

class CommandShell(Command):
    CommandId = COMMAND_SHELL
    Name = "shell"
    Description = "executes commands using cmd.exe"
    Help = ""
    NeedAdmin = False
    Params = [
    Mitr = []

    def job_generate( self, arguments: dict ) -> bytes:        
        Task = Packer()

        Task.add_int( self.CommandId )
        Task.add_data( "c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c " + arguments[ 'commands' ] )

        return Task.buffer

Python API


Aside from Havoc's built-in commands, Modules can be loaded into the framework to add more functionality.

An example of some of Havoc's official modules can be found at this repository:

Module Template:

Official Modules:

  • Powerpick
    • Executes unmanaged PowerShell commands by loading the CLR runtime (4.0.30319) into the designated fork & run process.
  • InvokeAssembly
    • Executes a dotnet assembly into a separate process by bootsrapping the CLR into the designated fork & run process and passing the arguments.
    • The dotnet version can be specified in the arguments (v4.0.30319 is default), as well as the AppDomain name (DefaultAppDomain is default).


Why does Havoc not perform sleep obfuscation when jobs are running?

Jobs are ran in their own threads, and sleep obfuscation requires that all threads are suspended in order to encrypt the heap, otherwise the process would crash.