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Eric Haas edited this page Aug 16, 2016 · 43 revisions

Welcome to the OO-on-FHIR-Micro-Profile wiki!


  1. Profile on USLab which is a profile on US-core Observation and US-Core DiagnosticReport
  2. Use LRI to inform
  3. Use existing FHIR example to inform
    • FHIR micro example diagram
  4. Other input...

##Simple summary of mandatory and must support elements


DiagnosticReport is the 'entry point' for reporting and receiving micro and susceptibility results Observation is used to both nest the susceptibility results for micro and report the atomic results.

The DiagnosticReport references Observation panel(s) for each organism isolated. Each Observation panel references related Observations which

  • identify the organism
  • (optionally) record other measurements such as a gram stain
  • records the antibacterial susceptibility measurements with another (nested) Observation panel which references related Observations that records the susceptibility measurements.

Other conformance items to consider:

  1. Terminology
  • create micro valueset(s) with extensible binding for coded elements
  1. Server and Client requirements:
  • require _includes here

Profile list:

Profile Derived from Core Resource
Micro Report US-Core DiagnosticReport,USLAB DiagnosticReport DiagnosticReport
Micro Observation Panel US-Core Observation,USLAB Observation Panel Observation
Micro Coded Observations US-Core Observation,USLAB Coded Observation Observation
Micro Numeric Observations US-Core Observation,USLAB Numeric Observation Observation
Micro ABX Susceptibility Observation Panel US-Core Observation,USLAB Observation Panel Observation
Micro ABX Susceptibility Coded Observations US-Core Observation,USLAB Coded Observation Observation
Micro ABX Susceptibility Numeric Observations US-Core Observation,USLAB Numeric Observation Observation

Micro Report

Each Micro Report must include

  1. a status
  2. a identifier (Filler)
  3. a category code of ‘LAB’
  • (micro category code as translation?)
  1. a code (preferably a LOINC code) which tells you what is being measured
  2. a patient
  3. a time indicating when the specimen was collected
  4. a time indicating when the measurement was reported
  5. who issued the report
  6. at least one result
  • (a reference to "Micro Observation Panel Profile")
  • (for a final)
  1. The request(order) for the test

Each micro report must support:

(stuff from LRI OBR and ORU)

  1. an identifier (Placer)
  2. the specimen
  3. A conclusion code
  4. coded diagnosis
  5. Formatted text report

Observation Panels

Each Micro Observation Panel and Micro ABX Susceptibility Observation Panel must include:

  1. a status
  2. an identifier (Filler)
  3. a category code of ‘laboratory’
  • ?micro category code as translation?
  1. a category code of ‘result' or 'AOE'
  2. a LOINC code, if available, which tells you what is being measured
  3. performing organization
  4. a patient
  5. related observations or a reason if there are no panel members
  • reference to appropriate profiles for each type of observation panel

Each micro atomic observation must support:

(stuff from LRI OBX and OBR)

  1. an identifier (Placer)
  2. a time indicating when the specimen was collected
  3. a time indicating when the measurement was reported
  4. the specimen
  5. a specimen rejection reason
  6. a reason if there are no panel members

'Simple' Observations

Each Micro (ABX Susceptibility) Coded Observations and Micro (ABX Susceptibility) Numeric Observations must include:

  1. a status
  2. an identifier (Filler)
  3. a category code of ‘laboratory’
  • ?micro category code as translation?
  1. a category code of ‘result' or 'AOE'
  2. a LOINC code, if available, which tells you what is being measured
  3. a patient
  4. performing organization
  5. a coded or numeric result value or a reason if there are no values

Each micro atomic observation must support:

(stuff from LRI OBX and OBR)

  1. an identifier (Placer)
  2. a time indicating when the specimen was collected
  3. a time indicating when the measurement was reported
  4. the specimen
  5. a specimen rejection reason
  6. a reference range
  7. a coded interpretation of the result