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Project Title: Full Stack Website Development Challenge

Home Page

Home Page

Project Description:

Project Overview: This project involved the creation of a full-stack website based on a provided Figma design, with the goal of replicating the design as accurately as possible. The website was built using a modern technology stack, including React.js for the front-end, and Node.js with Express.js for the back-end. The website consists of three main pages: a Landing page, a Partner Landing page, and a Search page, each of which presented unique challenges and learning opportunities.

Project Details:

  1. Landing Page: The Landing page was the first point of interaction for users, and it featured a complex layout with multiple intricate sections. To achieve the desired design, various CSS techniques such as grid and flexbox were employed. This page was responsible for creating a visually appealing and engaging user experience.

  2. Partner Landing Page: The Partner Landing page displayed detailed information about a partner. This page included various elements, including a side panel, a main panel, lists, boxes, and more. Replicating this page required meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of responsive web design to ensure that all elements were rendered correctly and aesthetically.

  3. Search Page: It displayed the all the results of a user search after the user clicks "view all" in the dynamic search dropdown menu.

Key Achievements and Learning: During the development of this website, several new skills and concepts were learned and implemented:

  1. Dynamic Search Dropdown Box: The project required the development of a dynamic search dropdown box, where the website displays relevant search results as the user types. This feature enhances the website's usability and demonstrates the ability to work with real-time data.

  2. Random Recommendations for Partners: The website incorporated a feature for generating random partner recommendations. This feature added a personalized touch to the user experience and involved working with algorithms to select and display relevant recommendations.

Technologies Used:

  • Front-end: React.js
  • Back-end: Node.js with Express.js
  • Database: Local JSON File
  • Front-end Libraries and Tools: Axios
  • Version Control: Git
  • Deployment: Netlify