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Guillaume Bort edited this page Nov 18, 2012 · 18 revisions

Building Play from sources

To benefit from the latest improvements and bug fixes after the initial beta release, you may want to compile Play from sources. You’ll need a Git client to fetch the sources.

##Grab the source From the shell, first checkout the Play sources:

$ git clone git://

Then go to the Play20/framework directory and launch the build script to enter the sbt build console:

$ cd Play20/framework
$ ./build
> publish-local

Note that you don’t need to install sbt yourself: Play 2.0 embeds its own version (Play 2.0.x uses sbt 0.11.3 and Play 2.1.x uses sbt 0.12.0).

If you want to make changes to the code you can use publish-local to rebuild the framework.

##Grab the documentation The . at the end is significant, because it tells git to use the current directory, rather than making a subdirectory for the wiki.

$ cd Play20/documentation/manual
$ git clone git:// .

###build the documentation

$ cd Play20/framework
$ ./build doc

If done properly, once you run a project, you should be able to see documentation available locally at http://localhost:9000/@documentation

You can also refer to this stackoverflow question..

Running tests

You can run basic tests from the sbt console using the test task:

> test

We are also using several Play applications to test the framework. To run this complete test suite, use the runtests script:

$ ./runtests

Creating projects

Creating projects using the Play version you have built from source works much the same as a regular Play application.

export PATH=$PATH:/Play20

If you have an existing Play 2.0 application that you are upgrading from Play 2.0 Beta to edge, please add

resolvers ++= Seq(
  Resolver.file("Local Repository", file("<projdir>/Play20/repository/local"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns),

addSbtPlugin("play" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.1-SNAPSHOT")

to project/plugins.sbt. If you switch from 2.0.x to trunk you must change to contain sbt.version=0.12.0

Using Code in eclipse.

You can find at Stackoverflow some information how to setup eclipse to work on the code.

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