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Guillaume Bort edited this page Feb 6, 2012 · 1 revision

Making HTTP Requests

Sometimes we would like to call other HTTP services from within a play application. Play supports this task via its play.libs.WS library which provides a way to make asynchronous HTTP calls.

Any calls made by play.libs.WS should return a play.libs.F.Promise<play.libs.WS.Response> which we can later handle with play's asynchronous mechanisms.

A short introduction

Hello Get

import play.libs.*;

F.Promise<WS.Response> promise = WS.url("").get();

WS.Response res = promise.get();

String body = res.getBody();

int status = res.getStatus();

String contentType = res.getHeader("Content-Type");

org.w3c.dom.Document doc = res.asXml();

org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode json = res.asJson();

Note: in this example we used play.libs.F.Promise#get to retrieve the result of the promise in a blocking fashion, however, since this is an async call, one might want to avoid blocking by handling the promise via play.libs.F.Promise#onRedeem callback or play.libs.F.Promise#map or even play.libs.F.Promise#flatMap.

Please consult the javadoc for more information

Hello Post

import play.libs.*;
import com.ning.http.client.Realm;

F.Promise<WS.Response> jpromise = WS.url("")
String body = jpromise.get().getBody();
//and body should contain AnyContentAsUrlFormEncoded

For more information please see the api doc here

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