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"undefined method `any?' for nil:NilClass" during dependents check #7360

4 tasks done
JustinTArthur opened this issue Apr 14, 2020 · 3 comments · Fixed by #7363
4 tasks done

"undefined method `any?' for nil:NilClass" during dependents check #7360

JustinTArthur opened this issue Apr 14, 2020 · 3 comments · Fixed by #7363
outdated PR was locked due to age


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Please note we will close your issue without comment if you delete, do not read or do not fill out the issue checklist below and provide ALL the requested information. If you repeatedly fail to use the issue template, we will block you from ever submitting issues to Homebrew again.

  • ran brew update and can still reproduce the problem? (it was auto-updated during brew upgrade xz)
  • ran brew doctor, fixed all issues and can still reproduce the problem? Ran brew doctor, but some of the things reported might have actually been caused by the issue.
  • ran brew gist-logs <formula> (where <formula> is the name of the formula that failed) and included the output link? It said Error: No logs
  • if brew gist-logs didn't work: ran brew config and brew doctor and included their output with your issue?

What you were trying to do (and why)

brew upgrade xz

What happened (include command output)

After auto-update and auto-cleanup, it threw an exception and prompted me to file an issue. The error was

Error: undefined method `any?' for nil:NilClass

Command output
$ brew upgrade xz
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated Homebrew from f37cd18e1 to a348a1422.
Updated 2 taps (homebrew/core and homebrew/cask).
==> New Formulae
abseil                       container-structure-test     hdt                          newrelic-cli                 swift-sh
archiver                     dhall-yaml                   hsd                          oil                          tlx
azcopy                       dolt                         inxi                         openlibm                     vpn-slice
bcoin                        emacs-dracula                killswitch                   pass-git-helper              vroom
beancount                    forcecli                     llvm@9                       publish                      wolfmqtt
bnfc                         git-remote-codecommit        minipro                      qp                           xclogparser
ccheck                       git-trim                     mockolo                      seal                         zim
cdk8s                        gobo                         mtoc                         semtag
confd                        hdf5@1.10                    nef                          swift-format
==> Updated Formulae
automake ✔                          emscripten                          libewf                              prometheus
aws-elasticbeanstalk ✔              enchant                             libexosip                           proselint
awscli ✔                            ensmallen                           libfabric                           proteinortho
boost ✔                             ephemeralpg                         libfido2                            protobuf@3.6
cairo ✔                             epstool                             libflowmanager                      protoc-gen-go
coreutils ✔                         eralchemy                           libfreenect                         psc-package
curl ✔                              erlang@20                           libgaiagraphics                     psftools
dpkg ✔                              erlang@21                           libgeotiff                          pspg
erlang ✔                            esptool                             libgit2                             pssh
glib ✔                              etcd                                libgit2-glib                        pueue
gnupg ✔                             ethereum                            libgosu                             pulledpork
gobject-introspection ✔             etsh                                libgphoto2                          pulp
helm ✔                              ettercap                            libgr                               pulumi
imagemagick ✔                       euler-py                            libgsf                              pushpin
kubernetes-cli ✔                    evince                              libgsm                              puzzles
libnet ✔                            exim                                libgweather                         pwntools
libnids ✔                           exploitdb                           libhdhomerun                        py3cairo
minikube ✔                          ext2fuse                            libical                             pybind11
node ✔                              eye-d3                              libjson-rpc-cpp                     pygitup
nvm ✔                               ezstream                            libjwt                              pygments
openssl@1.1 ✔                       faas-cli                            liblo                               pygobject3
perl ✔                              fabric                              liblouis                            pyinvoke
pkg-config ✔                        fairymax                            liblwgeom                           pylint
pyenv ✔                             faiss                               libmaa                              pympress
pypy3 ✔                             fakeroot                            libmatio                            pypy
python ✔                            fantom                              libmpdclient                        pyqt
rabbitmq ✔                          fastlane                            libmwaw                             python@3.8
sphinx-doc ✔                        fastmod                             libmypaint                          pytouhou
xz ✔                                faudio                              libnotify                           pyvim
abcm2ps                             fbi-servefiles                      libomp                              q
abcmidi                             fcl                                 libowfat                            qalculate-gtk
abyss                               fd                                  libpeas                             qca
acpica                              fdroidserver                        libphonenumber                      qcli
activemq                            fdupes                              libplctag                           qjackctl
adios2                              feh                                 libpq                               qmmp
advancemenu                         fetchmail                           libprotoident                       qpdf
adwaita-icon-theme                  ffsend                              libpst                              qrupdate
afflib                              file-roller                         libqalculate                        qscintilla2
agda                                fileicon                            libquantum                          quantlib
algernon                            findomain                           librasterlite                       r
aliyun-cli                          fio                                 librdkafka                          radamsa
allure                              firebase-cli                        librealsense                        radare2
amazon-ecs-cli                      fish                                librsvg                             rakudo
amqp-cpp                            flake8                              librsync                            rakudo-star
angle-grinder                       flann                               libsecret                           rancher-cli
angular-cli                         flatbuffers                         libserdes                           rancid
anime-downloader                    flintrock                           libsigc++                           ratfor
anjuta                              flow                                libsigc++@2                         raylib
ansible                             fluent-bit                          libsignal-protocol-c                rdiff-backup
ansible-lint                        fluid-synth                         libsoup                             re-flex
ansible@2.8                         fluxctl                             libspatialite                       re2
antibody                            flvmeta                             libspectre                          rebar3
anycable-go                         flyway                              libssh                              recon-ng
apache-arrow                        fmt                                 libsvm                              redis
apache-brooklyn-cli                 fn                                  libtcod                             regina-rexx
apache-drill                        fobis                               libtommath                          remarshal
apache-geode                        folly                               libtorrent-rasterbar                remind
apache-spark                        fon-flash-cli                       libtrace                            repo
apibuilder-cli                      fonttools                           libtrng                             rex
apollo-cli                          fop                                 libuninameslist                     rgbds
appium                              ford                                libupnp                             rgxg
appstream-glib                      fork-cleaner                        libuv                               ripgrep
arangodb                            format-udf                          libvirt                             ripgrep-all
arcade-learning-environment         fq                                  libvmaf                             rke
arm-linux-gnueabihf-binutils        freeglut                            libwebsockets                       rocksdb
armadillo                           freeradius-server                   libwps                              rom-tools
arp-sk                              freetds                             libxkbcommon                        root
arpack                              frege                               libxml2                             rst-lint
arping                              fribidi                             libxo                               rsyslog
arpoison                            frpc                                libzdb                              rtv
artifactory                         frps                                libzt                               ruby
asciinema                           frugal                              link-grammar                        ruby-build
asdf                                fruit                               linkerd                             ruby@2.4
asio                                fs-uae                              liquibase                           ruby@2.5
ask-cli                             fselect                             liquigraph                          ruby@2.6
assh                                futhark                             literate-git                        run
astrometry-net                      fwup                                llnode                              rust
asymptote                           fzf                                 llvm                                s3cmd
atdtool                             gambit                              logrotate                           s3fs
atk                                 gambit-scheme                       logstash                            s6
atlassian-cli                       game-music-emu                      logtalk                             salt
aubio                               gammaray                            lolcat                              samurai
audacious                           gandi.cli                           lsd                                 saxon
auditbeat                           gatsby-cli                          lsdvd                               sbcl
autopep8                            gauge                               ltl2ba                              sbjson
aws-cdk                             gcc                                 luaradio                            sbt
aws-es-proxy                        gcc@8                               luarocks                            scala@2.12
aws-okta                            gcovr                               luit                                scalapack
aws-sdk-cpp                         gd                                  luvit                               scc
aws-shell                           gdal                                lxc                                 sceptre
awscli@1                            gdcm                                mackup                              schema-evolution-manager
awscurl                             geant4                              macvim                              scipy
awslogs                             gearman                             magic-wormhole                      scour
awsume                              gedit                               mailutils                           scummvm
axel                                geeqie                              mame                                sd
azure-cli                           gegl                                man-db                              sdcc
azure-storage-cpp                   genometools                         manticoresearch                     sdedit
b2-tools                            geocode-glib                        mapnik                              sdl2
b3sum                               geoipupdate                         mapserver                           securefs
babel                               geos                                mariadb-connector-odbc              selenium-server-standalone
babl                                gerbil-scheme                       mat2                                serf
bacula-fd                           getdns                              math-comp                           serverless
baidupcs-go                         gh                                  maxwell                             sfk
balena-cli                          ghc                                 mbedtls                             shadowenv
ballerina                           ghostscript                         mdbook                              shellcheck
bandcamp-dl                         gibo                                mdcat                               shfmt
bandwhich                           gifski                              mdds                                ship
bareos-client                       gimme-aws-creds                     mdv                                 shogun
bartycrouch                         ginac                               media-info                          shunit2
basex                               git                                 mednafen                            signal-cli
bash-completion@2                   git-annex                           meilisearch                         simg2img
bat                                 git-cinnabar                        memcached                           simh
bazel                               git-cola                            menhir                              simple-scan
bde                                 git-delta                           mercurial                           simple-tiles
bear                                git-filter-repo                     mercury                             singular
bedops                              git-ftp                             mesa                                sip
bee                                 git-gui                             meson                               siril
benthos                             git-plus                            metabase                            sjk
bettercap                           git-quick-stats                     metricbeat                          sk
bibtexconv                          git-remote-gcrypt                   micro                               skaffold
bibutils                            git-review                          micronaut                           skinny
bind                                git-revise                          mill                                skopeo
bindfs                              git-standup                         miller                              smali
binwalk                             git-subrepo                         mimic                               sn0int
biosig                              gitfs                               minetest                            snapcraft
bison                               gitg                                mingw-w64                           softhsm
bitcoin                             gitlab-gem                          minimal-racket                      solr
bitrise                             gitlab-runner                       minio                               sonar-scanner
bitwarden-cli                       gitleaks                            minio-mc                            sonarqube
black                               gitless                             miniserve                           sonobuoy
blazegraph                          gitmoji                             minizinc                            spades
blink1                              gitup                               minizip2                            spatialite-gui
blis                                gitversion                          mint                                spatialite-tools
bluepill                            gjs                                 mitmproxy                           spice-protocol
blueutil                            gl2ps                               mk-configure                        spigot
bmake                               glances                             mkdocs                              spim
bnd                                 gleam                               mkl-dnn                             spiped
bonnie++                            glib-networking                     mksh                                spirv-cross
boost-build                         glibmm                              mkvtoolnix                          spirv-tools
boost-python3                       glooctl                             mlpack                              sql-translator
borgmatic                           gmic                                mmark                               sqlmap
boringtun                           gmime                               mmctl                               sqlparse
botan                               gmsh                                mmseqs2                             ssdb
bowtie2                             gmt                                 moarvm                              ssh-audit
breezy                              gmt@5                               moco                                sshuttle
broot                               gnome-builder                       modules                             sslsplit
buildifier                          gnome-latex                         molecule                            sslyze
buildkit                            gnome-recipes                       molten-vk                           starship
buku                                go                                  monero                              statik
bumpversion                         go-bindata                          mongo-cxx-driver                    stella
bundletool                          go-statik                           mongo-orchestration                 stellar-core
byacc                               go@1.13                             mongoose                            step
byteman                             godep                               monolith                            stgit
bzt                                 golang-migrate                      mosquitto                           stolon
c-ares                              goofys                              mpd                                 streamlink
c-blosc                             googler                             mpi4py                              stress-ng
cabal-install                       goolabs                             mpv                                 strongswan
cacli                               goreleaser                          msmtp                               stubby
caddy                               govc                                mtools                              subversion
caffe                               gprof2dot                           multimarkdown                       suite-sparse
calabash                            gpsd                                mutt                                sundials
calceph                             gptfdisk                            mycli                               supervisor
calcurse                            gradle                              mypy                                suricata
calicoctl                           grafana                             mysql-connector-c++                 svtplay-dl
camlp5                              grails                              mysql-search-replace                swagger-codegen
cargo-c                             graph-tool                          n                                   swift-protobuf
cargo-completion                    graphicsmagick                      nagios-plugins                      swiftformat
cargo-instruments                   graphite2                           nano                                swiftlint
carla                               graphviz                            nanopb-generator                    switch-lan-play
cartridge-cli                       grin                                nativefier                          sync_gateway
cassandra                           grin-wallet                         nats-server                         syncthing
cassandra-cpp-driver                grip                                nave                                sysdig
cassandra@2.2                       gromacs                             navi                                talisman
castxml                             groonga                             nbdime                              tbb
cataclysm                           groovy                              nco                                 tbox
catch2                              groovysdk                           ncview                              tccutil
ccache                              grpc                                ndpi                                tcptraceroute
ccm                                 grpc-swift                          ne                                  tealdeer
cdk                                 grpcurl                             nebula                              tektoncd-cli
cedille                             gsettings-desktop-schemas           neofetch                            telegraf
ceres-solver                        gsoap                               neomutt                             teleport
certbot                             gst-python                          neon                                template-glib
certigo                             gti                                 netcdf                              tepl
cf-tool                             gtk+3                               netdata                             terraform
cfengine                            gtk-doc                             nethack                             terraform-docs
cfn-lint                            gtksourceview4                      nethogs                             terraform-provider-libvirt
cfr-decompiler                      gtranslator                         netlify-cli                         terraformer
cfssl                               guile                               netpbm                              terragrunt
cglm                                gx                                  newman                              terrahelp
cgns                                h264bitstream                       newsboat                            terrahub
cgrep                               hapi-fhir-cli                       nfdump                              texmath
chafa                               haproxy                             nginx                               tflint
chakra                              hcloud                              nifi                                tgui
chamber                             hdf5                                nifi-registry                       thefuck
chapel                              healpix                             nift                                thors-serializer
charm-tools                         helm@2                              nim                                 tig
cheat                               helmfile                            nng                                 tika
checkstyle                          helmsman                            nnn                                 tin
chicken                             help2man                            node-build                          tintin
cimg                                hevea                               node-sass                           tiny-fugue
circleci                            hexyl                               node@10                             tinyxml2
citus                               hg-fast-export                      node@12                             tmux
cjson                               highlight                           nodeenv                             toast
clblast                             hiredis                             nodenv                              todoman
cli53                               hledger                             nomad                               tokei
click                               homeassistant-cli                   now-cli                             tomcat
clojure                             homebank                            nqp                                 tomcat@7
clojure-lsp                         hopenpgp-tools                      nrpe                                tomcat@8
closure-compiler                    hostess                             nsd                                 tomee-plume
clp                                 howdoi                              nss                                 tomee-plus
clutter                             htmldoc                             ntfs-3g                             tomee-webprofile
cmake                               http-parser                         ntopng                              topgrade
cobalt                              httpd                               ntp                                 tor
cocoapods                           httpie                              nudoku                              tox
codec2                              hub                                 numpy                               traefik
codemod                             hugo                                numpy@1.16                          traefik@1
codequery                           hwloc                               nushell                             trafficserver
codespell                           hyperkit                            nwchem                              translate-toolkit
cogl                                i2p                                 oauth2_proxy                        trash-cli
coinutils                           i2pd                                oauth2l                             travis
collectd                            ibex                                ocaml                               ttyd
comby                               ice                                 ocaml-findlib                       ttygif
commandbox                          idnits                              ocaml-num                           tunnel
composer                            igraph                              ocamlbuild                          twarc
conan                               ilmbase                             ocamlsdl                            twine-pypi
configen                            imagemagick@6                       oclgrind                            txr
confluent-platform                  imapfilter                          ocrmypdf                            txt2tags
conjure-up                          imapsync                            octant                              typescript
consul                              imgproxy                            octave                              u-boot-tools
contentful-cli                      immortal                            octomap                             uftp
convox                              inadyn                              ode                                 ungit
cookiecutter                        inlets                              odpi                                uni
coq                                 innoextract                         offlineimap                         unrar
cpl                                 inspircd                            okteto                              urh
cpp-gsl                             instalooter                         ola                                 urweb
cppman                              internetarchive                     olsrd                               userspace-rcu
cpptest                             ios-sim                             omega                               utf8proc
crc                                 ios-webkit-debug-proxy              omniorb                             v2ray-plugin
credstash                           ipmiutil                            onnxruntime                         v8
cryptominisat                       ipopt                               onscripter                          vala
crystal                             ipython                             opa                                 valabind
csound                              ircd-hybrid                         open-image-denoise                  vale
css-crush                           isl                                 open-mpi                            vapoursynth
csvkit                              istioctl                            openapi-generator                   vapoursynth-imwri
csvq                                itk                                 openblas                            vapoursynth-ocr
csvtomd                             itstool                             opencc                              vapoursynth-sub
curl-openssl                        jam                                 opencolorio                         varnish
cvs                                 janet                               opencv                              vault
cxxtest                             jbig2dec                            opencv@3                            vault-cli
cython                              jboss-forge                         openexr                             vegeta
dar                                 jemalloc                            openfortivpn                        velero
dartsim                             jenkins                             openh264                            verilator
dashing                             jenkins-job-builder                 openimageio                         vert.x
dasm                                jenkins-lts                         openrct2                            vice
datamash                            jetty                               opensubdiv                          viewvc
dav1d                               jflex                               openttd                             vim
davmail                             jfrog-cli-go                        operator-sdk                        vips
db-vcs                              jhead                               ortp                                virgil
dcm2niix                            jhipster                            osc                                 visp
ddclient                            jinja2-cli                          osm2pgsql                           vowpal-wabbit
ddgr                                joplin                              osmosis                             vsts-cli
ddrescue                            jp2a                                ospray                              vte3
deark                               jrnl                                osquery                             vtk
deno                                jruby                               otf2                                vttest
dependency-check                    jsdoc3                              overmind                            vulkan-headers
derby                               json-fortran                        pachi                               wakatime-cli
detekt                              juise                               packer                              wal2json
devspace                            juju                                packetq                             wapm
dhall                               juju-wait                           pagmo                               wartremover
dhall-bash                          jupyterlab                          paket                               wasmer
dhall-json                          just                                pandoc                              watson
dhall-lsp-server                    jvgrep                              pangomm                             wcslib
dialog                              jython                              par                                 wdc
diceware                            k3d                                 parallel                            webdis
dict                                k6                                  parallelstl                         weboob
diesel                              kafka                               pari                                webpack
diff-pdf                            kallisto                            passenger                           webtorrent-cli
diffoscope                          katago                              pastel                              weechat
diffr                               kcptun                              pc6001vx                            whistle
discount                            keepkey-agent                       pcl                                 wildfly-as
dita-ot                             kepubify                            pdal                                wireguard-go
django-completion                   kerl                                pdfpc                               wireguard-tools
dmd                                 keydb                               pdftoipe                            wiremock-standalone
dnscontrol                          khard                               pdns                                wireshark
dnscrypt-proxy                      kibana                              pdnsrec                             wp-cli-completion
dnsmasq                             kitchen-sync                        pegtl                               wpscan
dnstwist                            knot                                percona-server                      wtf
dnsviz                              knot-resolver                       percona-toolkit                     wtfutil
docbook                             kotlin                              petsc                               wxmaxima
docbook-xsl                         kpcli                               petsc-complex                       wxpython
docfx                               krakend                             pgbadger                            x3270
docker                              krew                                pgcli                               x86_64-elf-binutils
docker-completion                   ktoblzcheck                         pgformatter                         x86_64-elf-gcc
docker-compose                      kubebuilder                         pgloader                            xcodegen
docker-compose-completion           kubecfg                             pgroonga                            xdot
docker-slim                         kubeprod                            phoronix-test-suite                 xerces-c
docker-squash                       kubeseal                            php                                 xmake
doctl                               kumo                                php-cs-fixer                        xmrig
doitlive                            kyma-cli                            php@7.2                             xonsh
dosbox-x                            lablgtk                             php@7.3                             xpa
dovecot                             lammps                              phplint                             xrootd
dps8m                               languagetool                        phpmd                               xsimd
draco                               lapack                              phpmyadmin                          xtensor
dtc                                 lazygit                             phpstan                             xxhash
dub                                 lcov                                phpunit                             yaegi
dune                                ldc                                 pianobar                            yamllint
duplicity                           le                                  picard-tools                        yapf
duply                               legit                               pipenv                              yarn
dust                                lego                                pipx                                yaz
dvc                                 leiningen                           pjproject                           ydcv
dvdauthor                           less                                planck                              ykman
dvdbackup                           lesspipe                            plantuml                            you-get
dxpy                                lf                                  platformio                          youtube-dl
dyld-headers                        lft                                 pmd                                 yq
dynare                              lgogdownloader                      pnpm                                z
e2fsprogs                           libaacs                             poetry                              zabbix
easyrpg-player                      libarchive                          points2grid                         zabbix-cli
ecasound                            libbi                               polynote                            zeek
eccodes                             libbluray                           poppler                             zero-install
eg-examples                         libcbor                             postgis                             zimg
ejabberd                            libcouchbase                        powerman                            zint
ejdb                                libdazzle                           pre-commit                          znapzend
elasticsearch                       libdca                              prestosql                           zola
elm-format                          libdvdnav                           prettier                            zsh-syntax-highlighting
elvish                              libdvdread                          procs                               zshdb
embree                              libev                               proj                                zydis
==> Deleted Formulae
apache-zeppelin         camlp4                  cless                   djmount                 gmediaserver            wu
arx                     ck                      compcert                field3d                 syncthing-inotify
==> Updated Casks
115browser                                      hands-off                                       prince
1password                                       haptickey                                       prismatik
1password-cli                                   hashbackup                                      pritunl
4k-video-downloader                             hbuilderx                                       private-internet-access
4k-youtube-to-mp3                               headset                                         proclaim
5kplayer                                        hex-fiend                                       propresenter
a-better-finder-rename                          hiddenbar                                       protonmail-bridge
abstract                                        historyhound                                    protopie
ace-link                                        hook                                            proximity
acquia-dev                                      horos                                           proxyman
activedock                                      houseparty                                      prusaslicer
activitywatch                                   hstracker                                       psi-plus
adobe-acrobat-reader                            http-toolkit                                    psychopy
adobe-connect                                   hubstaff                                        publish-or-perish
adoptopenjdk                                    hyper                                           puppetry
advancedrestclient                              i1profiler                                      pycharm
adventure                                       icab                                            pycharm-ce
aerial                                          iconjar                                         pycharm-edu
aether                                          icq                                             pyfa
agenda                                          idagio                                          pym-player
agfeo-dashboard                                 iglance                                         qbittorrent
aimersoft-video-converter-ultimate              iina                                            qcad
airdisplay                                      iina-plus                                       qctools
airdroid                                        ilok-license-manager                            qgis
airtame                                         imazing                                         qgroundcontrol
airy                                            imgotv                                          qiyimedia
alacritty                                       inkdrop                                         qlab
alfaview                                        inkscape                                        qlimagesize
alfred                                          insomnia                                        qlvideo
algodoo                                         insync                                          qownnotes
aliwangwang                                     integrity                                       qq
alt-tab                                         intellij-idea                                   qqlive
altair-graphql-client                           intellij-idea-ce                                qsync-client
altserver                                       ios-app-signer                                  qt-creator
amadeus-pro                                     ipfs                                            qtum-qt
amadine                                         irccloud                                        quaternion
amazon-chime                                    iridient-developer                              querious
amazon-music                                    iridium                                         questrade-iq-edge
amazon-photos                                   ishowu-instant                                  quickbooks-online
amethyst                                        ithoughtsx                                      quicken
amitv87-pip                                     itubedownloader                                 quip
anaconda                                        itunes-producer                                 qxmledit
android-ndk                                     ivpn                                            r
android-platform-tools                          izip                                            rambox
android-studio                                  j                                               rapidweaver
angry-ip-scanner                                jabref                                          rar
anka-flow                                       jalbum                                          raw-photo-processor
anki                                            jamf-migrator                                   rawtherapee
another-redis-desktop-manager                   jami                                            razorsql
antconc                                         jasp                                            rcloneosx
anydo                                           java                                            react-native-debugger
apache-couchdb                                  jaxx-liberty                                    react-studio
appcleaner                                      jclasslib-bytecode-viewer                       realm-studio
appcode                                         jd-gui                                          reaper
appgate-sdp-client                              jdownloader                                     rectangle
aqua-data-studio                                jedit-omega                                     red
araxis-merge                                    jet                                             red-eye
aria2d                                          jitsi-meet                                      reflector
ark-desktop-wallet                              joplin                                          rekordbox
arq                                             josm                                            remember-the-milk
asciidocfx                                      journey                                         remote-desktop-manager
aspera-connect                                  jprofiler                                       remote-desktop-manager-free
astah-professional                              jubler                                          remoteviewer
astropad                                        julia                                           remotix-agent
atom                                            jump                                            renamer
audio-hijack                                    kactus                                          rescuetime
audirvana                                       kap                                             resilio-sync
augur                                           kapitainsky-rclone-browser                      resolume-arena
auryo                                           katalon-studio                                  retro-virtual-machine
autovolume                                      keep-it                                         retroarch
avast-secureline-vpn                            keepassxc                                       retrobatch
avibrazil-rdm                                   keepingyouawake                                 rhinoceros
avocode                                         keeweb                                          ridibooks
awa                                             keka                                            rightfont
axe-edit-iii                                    kext-updater                                    ring
axure-rp                                        keybase                                         ringcentral
azure-data-studio                               keyboard-cleaner                                riot
backblaze                                       keymanager                                      ripcord
badlion-client                                  keyshot                                         roblox
baidunetdisk                                    keystore-explorer                               roboform
balenaetcher                                    kindle                                          rocket
balsamiq-wireframes                             kite                                            rocket-chat
banking-4                                       kitematic                                       rotato
banktivity                                      kitty                                           royal-tsx
base                                            kiwi-for-g-suite                                rstudio
basictex                                        kode54-cog                                      rubymine
battlescribe                                    kodelife                                        runway
bbedit                                          kodi                                            sabaki
beaker-browser                                  krita                                           sapmachine-jdk
beatunes                                        kubernetic                                      scaleft
bettertouchtool                                 kugoumusic                                      scope
betwixt                                         lab                                             screenflick
beyond-compare                                  lacona                                          screenflow
bibdesk                                         lando                                           screens
bilimini                                        lark                                            script-debugger
birdfont                                        lastpass                                        scrutiny
biscuit                                         latest                                          scummvm
bisq                                            latexit                                         seafile-client
bitcoin-core                                    launchcontrol                                   seamonkey
bitwarden                                       lazarus                                         seashore
bitwig-studio                                   lazpaint                                        second-life-viewer
blender                                         lbry                                            securityspy
blitz                                           ledger-live                                     segger-embedded-studio-for-arm
blocs                                           lego-mindstorms-ev3                             sejda-pdf
bloodhound                                      lehreroffice                                    sensei
blue-jeans                                      lepton                                          sentinel
bluefish                                        libreoffice                                     serial
bluestacks                                      libreoffice-language-pack                       serviio
bob                                             licecap                                         session
boinc                                           lifesize                                        setapp
bonitastudiocommunity                           lightproxy                                      sherlock
bonjour-browser                                 lilypond                                        shift
bookmacster                                     lingo                                           shimo
boom-3d                                         lingon-x                                        shinhan-ezplus
boostnote                                       little-snitch                                   shotcut
borgbackup                                      livechat                                        showyedge
bot-framework-emulator                          local                                           sia-ui
boxer                                           localdev                                        sidenotes
brackets                                        loginputmac                                     sidequest
brave-browser                                   logos                                           sigil
bria                                            loom                                            signal
browserosaurus                                  loopback                                        simplenote
burn                                            losslesscut                                     simply-fortran
burp-suite                                      lrtimelapse                                     simsim
butler                                          lunar                                           sip
butt                                            lyricsx                                         sitebulb
buttercup                                       maccy                                           sizzy
c0re100-qbittorrent                             macdown                                         sketch
cabal                                           macfusion                                       skim
cacher                                          macfusion-ng                                    skype
calibre                                         macgamestore                                    skype-for-business
camtasia                                        macgdbp                                         slack
camunda-modeler                                 macintosh-explorer                              slite
caprine                                         macpass                                         sloth
captin                                          macpilot                                        smartgit
carbon-copy-cloner                              macs-fan-control                                smartsvn
cardhop                                         macspice                                        smooze
catlight                                        mactex                                          snagit
cctalk                                          mactex-no-gui                                   snipaste
celldesigner                                    macupdater                                      snowflake-snowsql
cevelop                                         macvim                                          soapui
charles                                         mailbutler                                      sococo
checkra1n                                       mailplane                                       softmaker-freeoffice
chemdoodle                                      maintenance                                     softraid
chessx                                          makemkv                                         softu2f
chromedriver                                    maltego                                         sonic-pi
chromium                                        malus                                           soqlxplorer
chronicle                                       malwarebytes                                    soulver
chrysalis                                       manico                                          sound-control
cisco-proximity                                 manictime                                       soundflower
cisdem-document-reader                          manuscripts                                     soundsource
clashx                                          mapillary-uploader                              sourcetrail
cleanmymac                                      marginnote                                      spamsieve
clion                                           mark-text                                       spectx
clip-studio-paint                               markdownmdimporter                              springtoolsuite
clipgrab                                        marked                                          sqlpro-for-mssql
clockify                                        marsedit                                        sqlpro-for-sqlite
clocksaver                                      marvel                                          sqlpro-studio
clone-hero                                      marvin                                          stack
clover-configurator                             massreplaceit                                   standard-notes
cmake                                           mat                                             steermouse
cncjs                                           mate-translate                                  stella
cockatrice                                      mathpix-snipping-tool                           stellarium
cocktail                                        max                                             stoplight-studio
cocoaspell                                      mblock                                          studio-3t
coconutbattery                                  mcgimp                                          subethaedit
cocoscreator                                    mdrp                                            subler
codekit                                         mediainfo                                       suitcase-fusion
codelite                                        mega                                            sunsama
colorpicker-developer                           megahertz-knotes                                sunvox
command-tab-plus                                megasync                                        supercollider
commander-one                                   meld                                            superproductivity
comparemerge                                    mellow                                          supersync
composercat                                     melodics                                        surge
connectmenow                                    mendeley-reference-manager                      suspicious-package
contexts                                        menubar-colors                                  swiftformat-for-xcode
cookie                                          menutube                                        swish
copyclip                                        merlin-project                                  switchkey
coteditor                                       meshlab                                         switchresx
cozy-drive                                      metabase                                        syncmate
craftmanager                                    metashape                                       synergy
crystalmaker                                    metashapepro                                    synfigstudio
cursorsense                                     metasploit                                      table-tool
cutter                                          metaz                                           tableau
cyberduck                                       meteorologist                                   tableau-prep
cycling74-max                                   michaelvillar-timer                             tableau-public
daisydisk                                       microblog                                       tableau-reader
darktable                                       microsoft-edge                                  tableplus
dash                                            microsoft-excel                                 tagspaces
dashcam-viewer                                  microsoft-office                                tales-of-majeyal
dashlane                                        microsoft-powerpoint                            taskade
data-integration                                microsoft-teams                                 tastyworks
data-science-studio                             microsoft-word                                  teamspeak-client
datagrip                                        midikeys                                        teamviewer
datovka                                         miktex-console                                  teamwire
davmail                                         milanote                                        telegram
day-o                                           milkman                                         telegram-desktop
dbeaver-community                               min                                             tencent-lemon
dbeaver-enterprise                              mindforger                                      terminus
dbschema                                        minecraftpe                                     termius
dbvisualizer                                    minitube                                        textexpander
dcp-o-matic                                     minizincide                                     textmate
dcp-o-matic-batch-converter                     mjml                                            textual
dcp-o-matic-encode-server                       mkvtoolnix                                      texworks
dcp-o-matic-kdm-creator                         mobirise                                        the-battle-for-wesnoth
dcp-o-matic-player                              mockplus                                        the-unarchiver
deeper                                          monal                                           thedesk
deepgit                                         monero-wallet                                   there
deepl                                           moneywiz                                        thingsmacsandboxhelper
deezer                                          monitorcontrol                                  thonny
default-folder-x                                motion                                          thunder
delicious-library                               mountain-duck                                   thunderbird
devdocs                                         mp3tag                                          tibco-jaspersoft-studio
discord                                         mps                                             ticktick
diskcatalogmaker                                mucommander                                     tidepool-uploader
djay-pro                                        mudlet                                          tiger-trade
dmm-player                                      multimc                                         tikzit
dmm-player-for-chrome                           multipass                                       tiled
docker                                          multitouch                                      time-sink
dosbox                                          murus                                           timely
dosbox-x                                        museeks                                         timeular
dotnet-sdk                                      musicbrainz-picard                              timing
downie                                          mutify                                          tinderbox
doxygen                                         muzzle                                          tinymediamanager
drama                                           mweb                                            toggl
drawbot                                         mycrypto                                        toptracker
drawio                                          navicat-data-modeler                            tor-browser
duefocus                                        navicat-data-modeler-essentials                 torguard
duet                                            navicat-for-mariadb                             touch-bar-simulator
dust3d                                          navicat-for-mysql                               touchdesigner
dwarf-fortress                                  navicat-for-oracle                              touchosc-editor
dyn-updater                                     navicat-for-postgresql                          tower
eagle                                           navicat-for-sql-server                          trilium-notes
easyfind                                        navicat-for-sqlite                              trinity
ebmac                                           navicat-premium                                 triplecheese
eclipse-dsl                                     navicat-premium-essentials                      tropy
eclipse-ide                                     neo4j                                           tunnelblick
eclipse-installer                               netbeans                                        tuple
eclipse-java                                    netron                                          turbovnc-viewer
eclipse-jee                                     netxms-console                                  tweeten
eclipse-modeling                                next                                            twine
eclipse-php                                     nextcloud                                       typeface
eclipse-rcp                                     nheko                                           udeler
eclipse-testing                                 nordvpn                                         ultimate
eddie                                           nosql-workbench-for-amazon-dynamodb             understand
elan                                            nosqlbooster-for-mongodb                        uniconverter
electerm                                        notebooks                                       unity
electorrent                                     noxappplayer                                    unity-android-support-for-editor
electron                                        nrlquaker-winbox                                unity-download-assistant
electron-cash                                   nteract                                         unity-ios-support-for-editor
electron-fiddle                                 numi                                            unity-lumin-support-for-editor
electronmail                                    nvidia-geforce-now                              unity-webgl-support-for-editor
elmedia-player                                  obinslab-starter                                unity-windows-support-for-editor
eloston-chromium                                obs                                             universal-media-server
elpass                                          obyte                                           upic
emby-server                                     ocenaudio                                       upwork
endless-sky                                     odrive                                          use-engine
engine-prime                                    ogdesign-eagle                                  v2rayu
enpass                                          omnifocus                                       vellum
epic-games                                      omnigraffle                                     vesta
epubmdimporter                                  omnioutliner                                    veusz
espresso                                        omniplan                                        virtualc64
etrecheckpro                                    one-switch                                      virtualhostx
eve-launcher                                    onedrive                                        viscosity
eventstore                                      onlyoffice                                      visit
exodus                                          onyx                                            visual-paradigm
expressions                                     opencore-configurator                           visual-paradigm-ce
expressvpn                                      openineditor-lite                               visual-studio
family-tree-builder                             openinterminal                                  visual-studio-code
fanny                                           openinterminal-lite                             visualvm
fantastical                                     openrct2                                        vivaldi
fantasy-map-generator                           opensc                                          vivi
fastonosql                                      openshot-video-editor                           vlc
favro                                           openttd                                         vmware-fusion
fedora-media-writer                             openvpn-connect                                 vmware-horizon-client
feishu                                          openwebstart                                    vnote
figma                                           opera                                           vorta
filebot                                         oracle-jdk                                      vrep
fing                                            oracle-jdk-javadoc                              vscodium
firebird-emu                                    orange                                          vuescan
firecamp                                        origin                                          vv
firefox                                         orka                                            vyprvpn
flame                                           osxfuse                                         wacom-inkspace
flash-npapi                                     outline                                         wasabi-wallet
flash-player                                    outline-manager                                 watchguard-mobile-vpn-with-ssl
flash-player-debugger                           pacifist                                        waterfox-current
flash-player-debugger-npapi                     packetproxy                                     wavebox
flash-player-debugger-ppapi                     pagico                                          webcatalog
flash-ppapi                                     panda                                           website-watchman
fldigi                                          panoply                                         webstorm
flipper                                         paparazzi                                       webtorrent
fliqlo                                          paper                                           wechat
flock                                           papers                                          wechatwebdevtools
fly                                             parallels                                       wechatwork
fm3-edit                                        parallels-client                                wey
fman                                            parallels-toolbox                               whalebird
folx                                            patchwork                                       whatroute
fontforge                                       path-finder                                     whatsapp
fontlab                                         pd-l2ork                                        whichspace
fork                                            pdf-expert                                      wickrme
freac                                           pdfelement                                      winds
freedom                                         pdfpen                                          wingpersonal
freeplane                                       pdfpenpro                                       wire
freeze                                          pdfsam-basic                                    wireshark
frescobaldi                                     perforce                                        wireshark-chmodbpf
frhelper                                        permute                                         witch
fsnotes                                         pext                                            wkhtmltopdf
futuniuniu                                      pgadmin4                                        wondershare-filmora
ganache                                         phocus                                          wordpresscom
gas-mask                                        photosweeper-x                                  wpsoffice
gdisk                                           phpstorm                                        wrike
geekbench                                       pinegrow                                        writemapper
gemini                                          pingplotter                                     wwdc
genymotion                                      pixelsnap                                       xamarin-android
geph                                            plan                                            xamarin-ios
gifox                                           platelet                                        xamarin-mac
gisto                                           platypus                                        xamarin-profiler
gitfinder                                       plex                                            xaos
github                                          plex-media-player                               xiami
gitify                                          plex-media-server                               ximalaya
gitkraken                                       plistedit-pro                                   xmind-zen
glip                                            podolski                                        xscreensaver
glyphs                                          polar-bookshelf                                 yam-display
gns3                                            polycom-realpresence                            yandex-disk
gnucash                                         polymail                                        yandexradio
godot                                           pomello                                         yate
godot-mono                                      pomotroid                                       yinxiangbiji
gog-galaxy                                      popo                                            youdaonote
goland                                          portfolioperformance                            youku
goodsync                                        porting-kit                                     zalo
google-chrome                                   postico                                         zeplin
google-cloud-sdk                                postman                                         zettelkasten
googleappengine                                 power-manager                                   zettlr
gpxsee                                          powerphotos                                     zoc
gqrx                                            powershell                                      zoho-mail
grads                                           praat                                           zoomus
grandtotal                                      pref-setter                                     zoomus-outlook-plugin
graphicconverter                                preform                                         zotero
gray                                            prepros                                         zulip
gretl                                           presentation                                    zulu
grids                                           prey
gswitch                                         prezi-next
==> Deleted Casks
33-rpm                                          ghostlab                                        proxpn
alice                                           gislook                                         qianqianmusic
anyipsum                                        gog-downloader                                  qrfcview
barmaid                                         google-nik-collection                           qubibox
bforartists                                     hackety-hack                                    raptor
bink-player                                     hostbuddy                                       rcdefaultapp
blueservice                                     ichm                                            readandwrite
breeze                                          interface-inspector                             remembear
callersbane                                     invisorql                                       rocketcake
canoe                                           iringg                                          rumpus
cathode                                         jedict                                          safe-exam-browser
celestia                                        jmetrik                                         screentray
cgoban                                          joshaven-winbox                                 semaphor
chitchat                                        kitabu                                          sharpshooter
colloquy                                        kompozer                                        simpless
colormunki-display                              kube-solo                                       soundnode
colorpicker-rcwebcolorpicker                    lisanet-gimp                                    spectacularity
coyim                                           luminetmonitor                                  stamp
cracked                                         majestic                                        strongvpn-client
darwiinremoteosc                                makerbot-print                                  subsmarine
delibar                                         manopen                                         tap
desktop-presenter                               medleytext                                      textricator
digital                                         mollyguard                                      tiat
diptrace                                        moonitor                                        trailrunner
dradio                                          muzei                                           twelf
eclipse-ptp                                     muzie                                           ukrainian-typographic-keyboard
eclipse-scout                                   netbeans-html                                   unity-vuforia-ar-support-for-editor
eim                                             nocturn                                         universalmailer
elektriktrick                                   noobproof                                       veraview
f-secure-anti-virus                             okapi                                           vmware-remote-console
fdr                                             peepopen                                        watts
feeds                                           pokemon-trading-card-game-online                wondershare-player
findings                                        pphelper                                        yabumi
gambit                                          privacy-services-manager                        youview
geneious-prime                                  prosys-opc-ua-client

==> Upgrading 1 outdated package:
xz 5.2.4 -> 5.2.5
==> Upgrading xz 5.2.4 -> 5.2.5
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring xz-5.2.5.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/xz/5.2.5: 92 files, 1.1MB
==> brew cleanup has not been run in 30 days, running now...
Removing: /Users/jarthur/Library/Caches/Homebrew/pypy3--pip--19.3.1.tar.gz... (1.3MB)
Removing: /Users/jarthur/Library/Caches/Homebrew/pypy3--pyparsing--2.4.6.tar.gz... (634.0KB)
Removing: /Users/jarthur/Library/Caches/Homebrew/ (838.8KB)
Removing: /Users/jarthur/Library/Caches/Homebrew/pypy3--six--1.13.0.tar.gz... (32.9KB)
Removing: /Users/jarthur/Library/Caches/Homebrew/pypy3--7.3.0.mojave.bottle.tar.gz... (33.5MB)
Removing: /Users/jarthur/Library/Caches/Homebrew/pypy3--packaging--20.0.tar.gz... (71.0KB)
Removing: /Users/jarthur/Library/Caches/Homebrew/tcl-tk--8.6.9_1.mojave.bottle.tar.gz... (8.3MB)
Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/xz/5.2.4... (92 files, 1MB)
Removing: /Users/jarthur/Library/Logs/Homebrew/sqlite... (64B)
Removing: /Users/jarthur/Library/Logs/Homebrew/stunnel... (64B)
Removing: /Users/jarthur/Library/Logs/Homebrew/tcl-tk... (64B)
Removing: /Users/jarthur/Library/Logs/Homebrew/pypy3... (6 files, 143KB)
Removing: /Users/jarthur/Library/Logs/Homebrew/lsz... (113B)
==> Checking for dependents of upgraded formulae...
Error: undefined method any?' for nil:NilClass Please report this issue: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cmd/upgrade.rb:227:in depends_on'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cmd/upgrade.rb:249:in block in check_dependents' /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cmd/upgrade.rb:249:in sort'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cmd/upgrade.rb:249:in check_dependents' /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cmd/upgrade.rb:117:in upgrade'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/brew.rb:110:in `


Subsequent command output
$ brew upgrade xz
Updating Homebrew...
c==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 2 taps (homebrew/core and homebrew/cask).
==> Updated Formulae
k3d                                                                     xmrig
==> Updated Casks
jitsi-meet                          qiyimedia                           reflector                           webcatalog

Warning: xz 5.2.5 already installed

brew doctor output
Please note that these warnings are just used to help the Homebrew maintainers
with debugging if you file an issue. If everything you use Homebrew for is
working fine: please don't worry or file an issue; just ignore this. Thanks!

Warning: You have the following deprecated, official taps tapped:
Untap them with brew untap.

Warning: You have unlinked kegs in your Cellar.
Leaving kegs unlinked can lead to build-trouble and cause brews that depend on
those kegs to fail to run properly once built. Run brew link on these:

Warning: Some installed formulae are missing dependencies.
You should brew install the missing dependencies:
brew install libidn2 ncurses python@3.8 unbound

Run brew missing for more details.

brew config output
HOMEBREW_VERSION: 2.2.13-28-ga348a14
HEAD: a348a14225c36c2856b826140bdc946eabab89ef
Last commit: 2 hours ago
Core tap ORIGIN:
Core tap HEAD: 50e2950f3768d5a4cdeda608bdf98e0c7af0ec3f
Core tap last commit: 5 minutes ago
CPU: octa-core 64-bit kabylake
Homebrew Ruby: 2.6.3 => /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/vendor/portable-ruby/2.6.3/bin/ruby
Clang: 10.0 build 1001
Git: 2.20.1 => /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/git
Curl: 7.54.0 => /usr/bin/curl
Java: 1.8.0_101
macOS: 10.14.6-x86_64
Xcode: N/A

What you expected to happen

No stacktraces or prompts to file an issue.

Step-by-step reproduction instructions (by running brew install commands)

  1. brew upgrade xz on Homebrew 2.2.13-28-ga348a14 with a version of xz that needs upgrading.
    ( I don't know how reproducible)
Copy link

@Homebrew/brew should this be moved?

@zachauten zachauten transferred this issue from Homebrew/homebrew-core Apr 15, 2020
Copy link

@SMillerDev Yeah I don't think this is related to any specific formula. I'll transfer it to brew and check it out.

Copy link

I think this might be related to #7356.

@lock lock bot added the outdated PR was locked due to age label May 20, 2020
@lock lock bot locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators May 20, 2020
Sign up for free to subscribe to this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in.
outdated PR was locked due to age
None yet

Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.

3 participants