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[Daemon] DNS server (invoke app commands)

HouzuoGuo edited this page Oct 9, 2022 · 4 revisions


In addition to providing your home network a safer and cleaner web experience, the DNS server is also capable of invoking app commands from TXT queries.

This enables using the entire suite of laitos apps (reading the news, checking emails, etc) in a restrictive network where normal TCP/IP communication is unavailable - which is rather common with in-flight WiFi and hotspots with captive portals.


First, add the DNS server daemon configuration (DNSDaemon) to the JSON config file.

Make sure to specify laitos server(s)' own domain or sub-domain names in MyDomainNames - laitos will handle TXT queries for tehse domain names on its own, without forwarding them.

Then construct an app command processr under key DNSFilters in the JSON config file.

Here is a complete example:


    "DNSDaemon": {
        "AllowQueryFromCidrs": ["", ""],
        "MyDomainNames": ["", ""]
    "DNSFilters": {
        "PINAndShortcuts": {
            "Passwords": ["mypassword"],
            "Shortcuts": {
                "watsup": ".eruntime",
                "EmergencyStop": ".estop",
                "EmergencyLock": ".elock"
        "TranslateSequences": {
            "Sequences": [
                ["#/", "|"]
        "LintText": {
            "CompressSpaces": true,
            "CompressToSingleLine": true,
            "KeepVisible7BitCharOnly": true,
            "MaxLength": 255,
            "TrimSpaces": true
        "NotifyViaEmail": {
            "Recipients": [""]


Route TXT queries from your domain name to laitos DNS server

For an apex domain (

The laitos DNS server automatically serves a number of records for an APEX domain - SOA, NS, and address records for the NS.

Visit your domain registrar and configure these name servers for the domain:


Next, configure "glue records" for the name servers - seek information from the registrar's support if needed. Add glue records for all 4 name servers and point to your laitos server's public IP.

For a sub-domain (

Create the following records in the parent zone (e.g.

Record Type Value NS A (your laitos server's public IP)


App commands execution is built into the DNS server daemon. Run the DNS daemon by specifying it in the laitos command line:

sudo ./laitos -config <CONFIG FILE> -daemons ...,dnsd,...


To invoke an app command, it needs to be transformed into a TXT DNS query:

  1. Compose the app command, e.g. mypassword.s echo 123 (run shell command echo 123).
  2. Substitute all numbers and symbols with the DTMF input sequence table. e.g. mypassword1420s0echo0110120130.
  3. Use the prefix _ with the app command, e.g. _mypassword1420s0echo0110120130.
  4. If the command is longer than 63 characters, split it into individual segments of less than 63 characters each, and concatenate the segments with a dot, e.g. _mypassword.1420s0.echo0110120130.
  5. Append the laitos (sub-)domain name at the end, e.g.

The query is now ready. Send the query using a command line tool such as dig:

> dig -t TXT +timeout=30
; <<>> DiG 9.9.4-RedHat-9.9.4-61.amzn2.1.1 <<>> -t TXT
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 33180
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0



;; Query time: 29 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Feb 25 18:41:51 UTC 2019
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 167

The command response goes into the DNS answer section. The answer uses a time-to-live of 30 seconds, which means repeating the same command within 30 seconds will produce stale result.


General tips:

  • Respect and comply with the terms and conditions of your Internet service and captive portal service providers.
  • The entire DNS query - including the app command, the dedicated domain name, and dots in between DNS labels, may not exceed 254 characters. The command response (answer) will be automatically truncated to a maximum of 254 characters.

Regarding timing:

  • By default, each app command is given 29 seconds to complete unless the timeout duration is overridden by PLT command processor mechanism.
  • When an app command takes longer than ~5 seconds to complete, the recursive resolver issuing the query will consider it a timeout (upstream name server failure). Do not worry - internally, laitos patiently waits for the app command to complete and makes the command response ready for retrieval when the user makes the same query within 30 seconds.

Regarding security:

  • DNS queries are not encrypted. The app command input is susceptible to eavesdropping on the public Internet.
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