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[Web service] Twilio telephone SMS hook

HouzuoGuo edited this page Dec 18, 2023 · 6 revisions


Hosted by laitos web server, the web service serves provide an app command interface as a web hook for the Twilio platform to handle incoming texts and phone calls.

You may then browse the news, read emails, check out the weather - and do much more via telephone, SMS, and even satellite terminals!


  1. Sign up for an account at - an API platform that connects computer programs with public switched telephone and mobile network. Sign up is free.
  2. Visit Twilio developer's console, then purchase a phone number. Make sure the number can make calls and SMS - not all numbers come with these capabilities! A number costs between 2-10 USD/month to own, and each call/SMS costs extra.

If you have or plan to configure the app that makes outgoing calls and SMS, feel free to use identical Twilio account and phone number configuration in this web service.


Follow command processor to construct configuration for JSON key HTTPFilters. Make sure to limit MaxLength of LintText to a reasonable number below 1000, otherwise an unexpectedly large command response may incur high fees.

Then, in order to enable telephone call hook, construct the following properties under JSON key HTTPHandlers:

  1. A string property called TwilioCallEndpoint, value being the URL location that will serve the form. Keep the location a secret to yourself and make it difficult to guess.
  2. An object called TwilioCallEndpointConfig with only a string property CallGreeting, value being a greeting message spoken to telephone caller.

Here is an example:


    "HTTPHandlers": {

        "TwilioCallEndpoint": "/very-secret-twilio-call-service",
        "TwilioCallEndpointConfig": {
            "CallGreeting": "Hello from laitos"
        "TwilioSMSEndpoint": "/very-secret-twilio-sms-service",



    "HTTPFilters": {
        "PINAndShortcuts": {
            "Passwords": ["verysecretpassword"],
            "Shortcuts": {
                "watsup": ".eruntime",
                "EmergencyStop": ".estop",
                "EmergencyLock": ".elock"
        "TranslateSequences": {
            "Sequences": [
                ["#/", "|"]
        "LintText": {
            "CompressSpaces": true,
            "CompressToSingleLine": true,
            "KeepVisible7BitCharOnly": true,
            "MaxLength": 160,
            "TrimSpaces": true
        "NotifyViaEmail": {
            "Recipients": [""]


The service is hosted by web server, therefore remember to run web server.


  1. Visit phone numbers management and click on the freshly purchased number to enter its configuration page.

  2. To let laitos handle telephone calls: enter the following configuration under "Voice & Fax" section:

    Accept incoming: Voice Calls
    Configure with:  Webhooks, or TwiML Bins or Functions
    A call comes in: Webhook, HTTP POST, and enter laitos server address `TwilioCallEndpoint`

    For an example, the laitos server address may be

  3. To let laitos handle SMS messages: enter the following configuration under "Messaging" section:

    Configure With:     Webhooks, or TwiML Bins or Functions
    A message comes in: Webhook, HTTP POST, and enter laitos server address `TwilioSMSEndpoint`

    For an example, the laitos server address may be

Then, in an SMS, enter password and app command and send the text to your Twilio phone number. Wait several seconds and the command result will arrive in an SMS reply.

In order to enter app command via telephone call, use the number pad to dial password and app command, completed with a pound '#' sign, then wait for command execution and then a spoken response. The number pad input works in this way:

  • The number pad is able to enter nearly all Latin letters, common symbols, and numbers.
  • A character is entered via either a single digit or a sequence of digits.
  • Asterisk toggles between upper case and lower case letters. By default letters are in lower case.
  • Digit 0 either terminates a character's sequence, or generate spaces if character's sequence is already terminated.
  • A new character sequence begins automatically if previous character sequence is terminated or this number does not continue the number sequence (e.g. sequence "3334" generates an "f" letter and then awaits more input after "4").
  • Symbols and numbers always require explicit termination of their sequence by a digit 0.

Here are the digit sequences for entering letters, symbols, and numbers:

111 - !  112 - @  113 - #  114 - $  115 - %  116 - ^  117 - &  118 - *  119 - (  121 - backtick
122 - ~  123 - )  124 - -  125 - _  126 - =  127 - +  128 - [  129 - {  131 - ]  132 - }
133 - \  134 - |  135 - ;  136 - :  137 - '  138 - "  139 - ,  141 - <  142 - .  143 - >
144 - /  145 - ?  0 – Space

1 – 0  11 – 1  12 – 2  13 – 3  14 – 4  15 – 5  16 – 6  17 – 7  18 – 8  19 - 9

2 - a      22 - b     222 – c    3 - d      33 - e     333 - f
4 - g      44 - h     444 – I    5 - j      55 - k     555 - l
6 - m      66 - n     666 – o    7 - p      77 - q     777 - r    7777 - s
8 - t      88 - u     888 – v    9 - w      99 - x     999 - y    9999 – z

If you wish the output to be spelt phonetically rather than spoken, input number sequence 0123 before and command input. This technique is very useful for copying sophisticated command output such as those from operating system shell commands.


Telephone and mobile networks are prone to eavesdropping attacks that can reveal your password and app command responses to potential attackers. Consider using one-time password in place of password.

The web service does not respond if an SMS sender fails to use the correct password. All SMS and calls are logged for inspection on Twilio console.

Regarding laitos configuration:

  • Make the URL difficult to guess for both call and SMS endpoints, this helps to prevent misuse of the service.
  • Under HTTPFilters, double check that MaxLength of LintText is set to a reasonable number below 1000, otherwise if laitos sends an exceedingly large SMS response, Twilio will break apart the response into multiple SMS segments, and then charge a high fee for sending the segments altogether! Also, consider turning on all compression features of LintText to further reduce cost.
  • To prevent spam, laitos limits number of incoming calls to once every 10 seconds per each caller, and limits incoming SMS messages to once every 10 seconds per each sender.

Regarding Twilio configuration:

  • Usage of HTTPS is mandatory in web hook, your laitos web server must be serving HTTPS traffic using a valid TLS certificate chain.
  • If you run identical laitos configuration on more than one servers for fail-over, then you may enter the secondary server's web hook address under Twilio configuration's "Primary Handler Fails" input. Twilio will then automatically uses the secondary server if primary server fails.
  • It is OK to bind more than one Twilio phone numbers to the same laitos server that offers this web service.
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