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[Daemon] system maintenance

HouzuoGuo edited this page Dec 18, 2023 · 16 revisions


The daemon regularly carries out system maintenance to ensure smooth and safe operation of your laitos server. A summary report is generated after each run and delivered to designated Email recipients.

System maintenance tasks comprise:

(For laitos program itself)

  • Built-in self-test: validate app, daemon, and HTTP handler configuration (e.g. API keys).
  • Collect latest daemon stats summary and collect latest log entries.
  • Install common system administration and maintenance software using system package manager.

(For system security)

  • Install the latest system security updates and keep installed software up to date.
  • Harden system security by disabling unused services and users (additional configuration required).
  • Set up Linux firewall to throttle incoming packets and block unused ports (additional configuration required).

(For routine maintenance)

  • Defragment drives, trim SSD drives, delete unused temporary files and system journal.
  • Synchronise system clock.
  • On Windows, verify and maintain system files integrity with DISM and SFC.
  • Set Linux system time zone (additional configuration required).


  • Perform connection check on external TCP services (additional configuration required).
  • Collect laitos program resource usage metrics (such as CPU usage and scheduler performance) for the prometheus metrics exporter web service.

laitos works with the following system package managers for installing and updating system software:

  • apt-get (Debian, Ubuntu, etc).
  • yum and dnf (Amazon Linux, CentOS, RedHat, Fedora, etc)
  • zypper (openSUSE, SLES, SLED, etc)
  • winget.exe (Windows server & desktop)


  1. Construct the following JSON object and place it under JSON key Maintenance in configuration file:
Property Type Meaning Default value Supported Platforms
IntervalSec integer Run the system maintenance routine regularly at this interval (seconds). It must be greater or equal to 86400 (24 hours). 86400 - daily maintenance is often good enough (Universal)
Recipients array of strings These Email addresses will receive the maintenance summary report. (Not used and maintenance reports are printed in program output) (Universal)
CheckTCPPorts array of "host:ip" strings Check that these TCP ports are open on their corresponding host during maintenance routine. (Not used) Universal
BlockSystemLoginExcept array of user name strings Disable Linux/Windows system users from logging in, except the names listed here. (Not used) Linux and Windows
DisableStopServices array of system service name strings Disable Linux/Windows system services by stopping them and preventing them from starting. (Not used) Linux and Windows
EnableStartServices array of system service name strings Enable Linux/Windows system services by starting them and letting them start at boot time. (Not used) Linux and Windows
InstallPackages array of software name strings Install and upgrade these Linux/Windows software applications. (Not used) Linux and Windows
BlockPortsExcept array of port numbers Set up Linux firewall to block incoming traffic to all TCP and UDP ports except those listed here. (Not used) Linux
ThrottleIncomingPackets integer Set up Linux firewall to block flood of incoming TCP connections and UDP packets to this threshold (5 < threshold < 256). (Not used) Linux
SetTimeZone time zone name string Set Linux system global time zone to this zone name (e.g. "Europe/Helsinki"). (Not used) Linux
TuneLinux true/false Automatically tune server kernel parameters for enhanced performance and security. (Not used) false Linux
SwapFileSizeMB integer Set up a Linux swap file of the specified size at /laitos-swap-file and activate it.
If it is 0, then nothing will be done about system swap.
If it is minus, then system swap will be entirely disabled, enhancing data security.
(Not used) Linux
ScriptForWindows string Run these PowerShell statements after all other maintenance actions are completed. (Not used) Windows
ScriptForUnix string Run these bourne-shell statements after all all other maintenance actions are completed. (Not used) Linux
UploadReportToS3Bucket string After completing a round of maintenance, upload the report of results to this AWS S3 bucket. (Not used) Universal
2. Follow [outgoing mail configuration](

Here is an example configuration that keeps system up-to-date, while also checking whether mail(25), DNS(53), and HTTP(80, 443) daemons are online:


    "Maintenance": {
        "Recipients": [""],
        "CheckTCPPorts": [


If you opt to upload maintenance reports to AWS S3 bucket, please follow the Cloud Tips - Integrate with AWS section to configure AWS_REGION and AWS access credentials.


Tell laitos to run periodic system maintenance in the command line:

sudo ./laitos -config <CONFIG FILE> -daemons ...,maintenance,...


The daemon runs the maintenance routine 3 minutes after it starts up, afterwards it automatically runs at regular interval according to configuration. No manual or interactive action is required.

Each run produces a detailed system maintenance report for inspection, the report can be found at:

  • A text file located under system temporary files directory (/tmp/laitos-latest-maintenance-report.txt for Linux and %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Temp/laitos-latest-maintenance-report.txt for Windows).
    • Old report files are always overwritten.
  • An Email addressed to the recipients defined in configuration (if present).
  • An plain text file object stored in S3 bucket defined in the configuration (if present).
  • laitos program standard output - if there are no Email recipients.



  • System maintenance does not have to run too often. Let it run daily is usually good enough.
  • The maintenance routine always uses the system package manager to keep all installed software up-to-date, and in addition, it always installs the following software that altogether use about 300MB of disk space:
    • QEMU and KVM virtualisation software.
    • Clock synchronisation tools.
    • Other system administration and diagnosis tools.

About configuration options:

  • Use InstallPackages configuration option to keep your productivity software applications up-to-date.
  • Use DisableStopServices to disable unused system services of your choice (such as "nfs", "snmp") to conserve system resources.
  • Use EnableStartServices to ensure that essential services of your choice (such as "sshd") remain active.
  • Use BlockSystemLoginExcept to ensure that only essential users (such as "root" and "my-own-username") may login to the system, and all other users are blocked from login.
  • On Linux, use SetTimeZone to set system global time zone (via changing /etc/localtime link). List of all available names can be found under directory /usr/share/zoneinfo.
  • On Linux, use BlockPortsExcept to block unnecessary incoming TCP/UDP network traffic. Localhost and ICMP are not restricted.
    • Remember to specify port 22 (SSH) in the exception list if you are administrating Linux server remotely.
    • Use ThrottleIncomingPackets to restrict maximum number of incoming TCP connections and UDP packets per remote IP.
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