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[Web service] GitLab browser

Howard edited this page Jan 28, 2020 · 3 revisions


Hosted by laitos web server, the GitLab browser enables you to browse and download files from git repositories hosted on


On, visit User Settings - Account to retrieve "Private Token".

Then, for each project you wish to browse, visit its "Settings - General - General Project Settings", and note down the "Project ID", which will soon be used in configuration.


  1. Place the following JSON data under JSON key HTTPHandlers:
  • String GitlabBrowserEndpoint - URL locations that will serve GitLab browser; keep it a secret to yourself, and make it difficult to guess.
  • Object GitlabBrowserEndpointConfig that comes with the following mandatory properties:
Property Type Meaning
PrivateToken string GitLab account's private token.
Recipients array of strings These Email addresses will be notified after files are downloaded.
Leave it empty to disable notifications.
Projects {"shortcut-name": #ProjectID#...} Let user identify git repositories by shortcut names, to browse the git repositories associated with the Project IDs.
  1. If Email notifications are to be enabled, follow outgoing mail configuration.

Here is an example setup:


    "HTTPHandlers": {

        "GitlabBrowserEndpoint": "/very-secret-gitlab-browser",
        "GitlabBrowserEndpointConfig": {
            "PrivateToken": "zpbzwmoigtmrnkjgb",
            "Projects": {
                "GoodProject1": "3031111",
                "AwesomeProject2": "3032222",
                "BeautifulCode3": "3033333"
            "Recipients": [""]




GitLab browser is hosted by web server, therefore remember to run web server.


In a web browser, navigate to GitlabBrowserEndpoint of laitos web server.

To browse git repository:

  1. Enter project shortcut name.
  2. Click "Go".
  3. Navigate to sub-directories by entering their full path and click "Go".

To download a file:

  1. Enter project shortcut name.
  2. Navigate to directory where file is located in.
  3. Enter file name to download.
  4. click "Download".


The "Private Token" has API access to all of your git repositories, therefore keep it secured, and do not let untrusted persons get hold of it!

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