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This application is made based on people who like to listen music while reading. It is a user's reading table application.
- User can add a new goal.
- He can complete his created goal with a counter.
- When goal is complete he can, update this goal.
- Alse, he can delete his runing goal.
- User can set a new counter and play it.
- Also, he can update counter study time and break time.
- This counter track your daily study time and break time.
- User can play some youtube video in background.
- User can change this background video with multiple categories.
- User can change this background video sound.
- Mute,
- Unmute,
- Volume (1-100)
- User can play some audio.
- User can change playing audio sound.
- Mute,
- Unmute,
- Volume (1-100)
- User can add one motivational text in background.
- User can choose a motivational text and update it with text language.
- User can see his daily study activity.
- He can see his previous days study time .
- He can see total goal history (running, complete).