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Salary Management System by which we can calculate the salary of employees by their attendance.

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Scenario : Suppose a company has some employees and every employee take leaves monthly and does overtime, so instead of calculation manually, we have to provide a laravel app by which admin can calculate their salary by providing input of total working days, leaves taken and how many overtimes an employee has done.
For completion of above task, do:

• Create an authentication for admin, for that first create a migration for admin, in migration write code for adding following columns name - varchar, email - varchar, password - varchar, profile - varchar

Migrate above migration

Create a seeder for default admin, in default admin, insert a record for a admin with following data :
Name - Admin, Email :, Password = Hash of 12345678

Create a route for the admin file and use it in RouteServiceProvider.

Create a login page for admin, After login, redirect to dashboard page where we could display total no. of employees, this month attendance percent, last month attendance percent.

In the sidebar, add 1 link for employees by which we can view all employees.

Also create a CRUD operation for Employee, for that you have to create a another migration for employees with following fields : name, email, mobile, address, base_salary

Create a migration for salaries, with following fields:
employee_id, month, year, total_working_days, total_leave_taken, overtime
Total_salary_made - double - default 0, Is_salary_calcualated - tinyint - default 0

Add a form to insert salary of the month. Employee should be select box in that form. Do not take input for total_salary_made and is_salary_calculated. Make sure salary of an employee should not be inserted twice for the same employee with same month and year. Create a console command which will run in every second day month, in which we get all the salaries which has Is_salary_calcualated is 0 from salaries table. Loop from all salaries and calculate the salary of every row by formula : Total_salary = ($per_day_salary * (total_working_days - leaves_taken + overtime/8)); $per_day_salary is calculated by employee base salary / total working days. After calculating salary, update the calculated in same row and also update is is_salary_calculated = 1; After calculating each salary, mail that employee his salary details, Send every mail using queue. Create another link for salary details in which I can get all calculated salary with pagination of 10

Laravel Multi Authentication System (Admin) in Laravel 10

  • composer require laravel/breeze
  • php artisan breeze:install
  • npm install
  • npm run build
  • php artisan serve
  • Steps to Run the application on local system

    1. Clone this repository in your local system.

    2. To download the node_modules folders in a Laravel application, you can use the following steps:
      • Open your command-line interface (CLI) or terminal.
      • Navigate to the root directory of your Laravel application.
      npm install and composer install

    3. Run this command php artisan serve to start the server.

    4. Start the application from using local server.

    5. To access the admin dashboard go to using local server.

    6. php artisan schedule:run execute this console command and see the result in storage/logs/laravel.log file

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    Salary Management System by which we can calculate the salary of employees by their attendance.







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