Welcome to the BSC-AVR-Laboratory repository! This repository contains AVR course code implementations using the ATMEGA32
microcontroller under the guidance of Dr. MosallaNezhad at Jahrom University.
Illuminate 8 LEDs from both ends towards the center.
Activate 8 cascading LEDs.
Display numbers 0 to 99 in six different ways using a seven-segment display.
Show numbers from the previous project on an LCD and 8 LEDs in binary (base 2).
Increment the number from 0 to 99 using a push button and display it on an LCD (base 2 and base 10), seven-segment display (base 10), and binary LED display (base 2).
Link push buttons to the LCD, allowing a character to move left and right. Display comparisons of displacement compared to the initial position on 7 LEDs. Subtract 1 unit for left movement and add 1 unit for right movement on the seven-segment display (default number: 10).
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