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Convert your ASCII into weird Unicode strings

Offtext converts your traditional text into incongruous text, straight out of a seizure.

🏃‍♀️ Quick Usage

npx offtext randomcase <your text here>

📥 Install and Run

You can also install Offtext as a global cli

npm install -g offtext
offtext gen <your text here>

📒 Examples


offtext randomcase "The Text's CASE is random"
# Output: tHE TEXT'S CaSE Is RandOm

offtext cracked this text is super broken looking..
# Output: ₮ꍩ꒐ʂ 𝓽𝑒x꓄ ꂑ𝔰 ֆʊק𝔼г ɮr𝐨𝓴𝔼ꋊ ᒪ𝕠𝔬𝘬IŇ𝙜..

offtext reverse it has been reversed
# Output: desrever neeb sah ti


// CommonJS
const offtext = require('offtext')
// ES6
import * as offtext from 'offtext'

const text = 'some random text'

// Outputs: soME rAndoM tExt

// Outputs: §𝑜𝓂𝑒 ɾΛⓝ𝔡𝓸𝙢 TΣ𝔁t

// Outputs: txet modnar emos

📝 Notes

  • The randomcase command is the default command, meaning it can be used like: offtext <your text here>