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Program: Transaction Simulator

hkanezashi edited this page Nov 12, 2019 · 6 revisions

Transaction simulator is a Java application to simulate banking transactions from a generated transaction network structure, account attributes and AML typologies.


Please put all jar files of the following libraries to jars directory before running this simulator.

  • MASON version 18
  • Commons-Math 3.6.1
  • PaySim Please use the paysim.jar which is already existent under the jars directory or generate it with the following commands:
git clone
cd PaySim
git checkout 62a29b77c28bd03e717a67c8ab975c671ba0080d
mkdir bin jars
cp /path/to/commons-math-3-3.6.1*.jar /path/to/mason.18.jar jars/
javac -d bin -cp "jars/*" src/paysim/*.java
cd bin
jar cf paysim.jar paysim

How to launch the simulator

Suppose that a transaction network is already generated by Transaction Network Generator

sh scripts/ [ConfJSON]
  • ConfJSON: Configuration JSON file path


sh scripts/ conf.json

After running this script, the transaction log file can be found at outputs/sample/sample_log.csv.