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Re-usable functions for interacting with IBM Information Governance Catalog's REST API


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Objective of this module is to provide re-usable functionality and utilities for interacting with the IBM Information Governance Catalog through its REST API, using NodeJS.



Run a query for IGC assets and (optionally) take action against the results. Usage:

node ./findAssets.js
		-f <file>
		[-a <authfile>]
		[-p <password>]

Searches IGC based on the query conditions defined in the provided file; and if there is also an action section it will apply that action to each of the query results. The provided file is expected to contain at least a "query" key, under which a set of IGC query conditions is specified; and optionally an action key [update or delete].

By default (if not specified using the optional -a parameter), the utility will look for environment details in ~/.infosvrauth and will prompt the user for a password.

The authorisation file can be generated using the module. Refer to the createInfoSvrAuthFile.js utility there for more details.


Using this input file queryAndUpdate.json:

    "properties": ["name"],
    "types": ["database_table"],
      "operator": "and",
      "conditions": [
          "property": "name",
          "operator": "=",
          "value": "MY_DB_TABLE"
      "assigned_to_terms": ["6662c0f2.e1b1ec6c.svu583pvk.3sr7b7n.mq748u.ru37pccq07437ncqvhvjs"]

the following command will find all database tables whose name is MY_DB_TABLE, and update the tables so that they are assigned to the term with RID 6662c0f2.e1b1ec6c.svu583pvk.3sr7b7n.mq748u.ru37pccq07437ncqvhvjs.

node ./findAssets.js
	-f queryAndUpdate.json


Create documentation on the various types (and their properties) available within the Information Governance Catalog REST API. Usage:

node ./generateIGCRESTDocumentation.js
		-f <file>
		[-t <type>]
		[-a <authfile>]
		[-p <password>]

Creates a markdown file in the location provided by the file parameter, by default using GitHub-style markdown (unless overridden through the type parameter).

By default (if not specified using the optional -a parameter), the utility will look for environment details in ~/.infosvrauth and will prompt the user for a password.

The authorisation file can be generated using the module. Refer to the createInfoSvrAuthFile.js utility there for more details.

Example output of running this against various versions of vanilla (uncustomised) Information Server environments can be found under the doc/ directory of this GitHub repository. Note that because these are vanilla (uncustomised) environments, they will not contain any details about custom attributes or OpenIGC objects that you may have in your own environment -- to see those details, run this utility against your own environment.

node ./generateIGCRESTDocumentation.js

Creates markdown documentation in covering all of the data types and their properties that are available for use in the IGC REST API.



Re-usable functions for interacting with IBM Information Governance Catalog's REST API


// retrieves all of the "types" from IGC's REST API
var igcrest = require('ibm-igc-rest');
var commons = require('ibm-iis-commons');
var restConnect = new commons.RestConnection("isadmin", "isadmin", "hostname", "9445");
igcrest.getTypes(function(err, resTypes) {
  // do something with the types within resTypes object


  • license: Apache-2.0


Set the connection for the REST API


  • restConnect RestConnection RestConnection object, from ibm-iis-commons


  • See: module:ibm-igc-rest.setConnection
  • See: module:ibm-igc-rest.closeSession

Setup a re-usable session against the IGC REST API -- a connection must first be setup

Returns Promise when resolved contains the opened sessionId


  • See: module:ibm-igc-rest.setConnection
  • See: module:ibm-igc-rest.openSession

Logout of (close) a re-usable session against the IGC REST API

Returns Promise when resolved will have logged out / closed the session


Replace any variables (text that starts with $) that show up in a query


  • json Object the query (as a JSON object)
  • variables Dict a dictionary indexed by variable name

Returns Object


Replace $relatedObjectRID in the query with the provided RID


  • json Object the query (as a JSON object)
  • rid string the RID to inject into the query

Returns Object


Verify that one and only one item was returned by a query


  • json Object the data returned from a query (as a JSON object)

  • Throws any will throw an error if either no item or multiple items are found

Returns Object the single item returned


Retrieve the first item returned by a query


  • json Object the data returned from a query (as a JSON object)

  • Throws any will throw an error if no items are found

Returns Object


Log to the console the results of an update


  • results Object the data returned from an update (as a JSON object)


Compare two objects for sorting purposes


  • a
  • b

Returns integer -1 (a<b), 0 (a=b), 1 (a>b)


Retrieve the RID of the container of an asset (for example, the database table of a database column)


  • assetObj Object the asset object, as returned from REST API

Returns string the RID of assetObj's container


Get an identity object for the provided asset's container


  • assetCtx Object the context object for the asset
  • containerId Object the RID of the asset's container
  • callback identityCallback callback that handles the response, since further requests may be needed


Get an identity object for the provided asset


  • assetObj Object the asset for which to get an identity object
  • containerIdentities Dict a dict cache of container identities

Returns Object the identity of this object


Constructs an asset identity string provide a REST API item (which must include _context)


  • restItem Object a single entry from the items array of a REST API response, including _context member
  • delimiter string? a delimiter to use for separating the components of the identity (default: ::)

Returns string


Retrieves an asset's RID based on its _context and name (ie. in a different environment)


  • restItem Object a single entry from an items array of a REST API response, including _context member
  • replacements Object a dict keyed by REST type whose value should be the replacement value for the corresponding type in the _context provided

Returns Promise when resolved contains the RID of the asset


Retrieves an asset's _context based on its RID and type


  • rid string the IGC RID of the asset
  • type string the IGC REST type of the asset

Returns Promise when resolved contains the _context of the asset


Adds a relationship to the provided asset


  • fromAsset Object the IGC asset (as REST item response) to which to add the relationship
  • toAssetRIDs Array<string> the IGC RIDs of the assets to which to relate
  • relnProperty string the property of the fromAssetRID against which to add the relationship
  • mode string how to add the relationship [ APPEND, REPLACE_ALL, REPLACE_SOME ]
  • replaceType string? the IGC REST type of object relationships to replace (for REPLACE_SOME)
  • conditions Array<Object>? array of conditions objects (property, operator, value) defining what relationships to replace (for REPLACE_SOME)
  • batch integer? how many relationships to retrieve at a time (default = 100)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the result of the relationship processing


  • See: module:ibm-igc-rest.setServer
  • See: module:ibm-igc-rest.setAuth

Make a request against IGC's REST API


  • method string type of request, one of [GET, PUT, POST, DELETE]

  • path string the path to the end-point (e.g. /ibm/iis/igc-rest/v1/...)

  • input string? any input for the request, i.e. for PUT, POST

  • contentType string? the type of content, e.g. application/json or application/xml

  • drillDown string? the key into which to drill-down within the response

  • callback requestCallback callback that handles the response

  • Throws any will throw an error if connectivity details are incomplete or there is a fatal error during the request


Create an asset


  • type string the type of asset to create
  • value Object the set of values with which to create the asset
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (if not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the RID of the created asset


Update a RID with a specific set of data


  • rid string the RID of the asset to update
  • value Object the set of data with which to update the asset
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback to handles the response (if not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the results of the update


Search IGC


  • query Object the search to run against IGC (as a JSON object)
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (if not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the results of the search


Get a list of all of the IGC asset types


  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (if not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the IGC types


Get a mapping of all asset types from display name to unique type id


  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises), with an object keyed by display name and each value the unique type id for that display name

Returns Promise when resolved contains an object keyed by display name and each value the unique type id for that display name


Make a general GET request against IGC's REST API


  • path string the path to the end-point (e.g. /ibm/iis/igc-rest/v1/...)
  • successCode integer the HTTP response code that indicates success for this operation
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the response body from the request


Delete a specific asset from IGC


  • rid string the RID of the asset to delete
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the result of the deletion


Request IGC to detect lineage for a specific job (requires v11.5.0.1 GOVRUP3 or higher)

  • Actual status comes from the "message" within the callback results: starts with SUCCESS, WARNING or FAILURE


  • rid string the RID of the job for which to detect lineage
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains results of the lineage detection


Create new lineage flow as defined by a flow XML document


  • xml string the flow document XML containing the lineage to upload
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the results of the lineage flow upload


Get list of bundles (asset type definitions) already deployed


  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains a String[] of bundle names


Create a new Open IGC bundle (asset type definition)


  • zipFile string the location of the zip file from which to create the bundle
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the results of the bundle upload


Update an existing Open IGC bundle (asset type definition)


  • zipFile string the location of the zip file from which to create the bundle
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the results of the bundle upload


Create instances of assets defined by an Open IGC bundle


  • xml string the flow document XML containing the asset instance definitions
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the results of the asset instantiations


Create a new Custom Attribute (available in v11.7 onwards only)


  • json Object the JSON object which describes the custom attribute
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the results of the custom attribute creation


Update a new Custom Attribute (available in v11.7 onwards only)


  • rid string the RID of the custom attribute to update
  • json Object the JSON object which describes the custom attribute
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the results of the custom attribute update


Get list of custom attributes already deployed


  • maxItems integer maximum number of custom attributes to retrieve
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains an array of objects with custom attribute definitions: "id", "name", "attributeType", and "appliesTo"[]


Get a listing of all of the assets in a collection


  • collectionName string
  • maxItems integer maximum number of items to retrieve
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the list of assets in the collection


  • See: module:ibm-igc-rest.getAssetPropertiesById

Request all details of an asset

NOTE: this function should be used with caution -- it will build a large object and can be measurably slower (> 5x) than explicitly defining the properties and searching using getAssetPropertiesById instead


  • rid string the RID of the asset
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains all of the asset's details


Retrieve only the single specified property of an asset


  • rid string the RID of the asset
  • property string the property of the asset to retrieve (e.g. name)
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the specified property of the asset


  • See: module:ibm-igc-rest.getTypes

Retrieve only the specified details of an asset


  • rid string the RID of the asset
  • type string the type of the asset
  • properties Array<string> array of properties to retrieve for the asset
  • maxItems integer maximum number of detailed properties
  • bIncludeContext boolean whether to include contextual information (true) or drill-down just to the resulting properties (false)
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the specified properties of the asset


  • See:

Retrieve the next page of information


  • paging Object the paging sub-object of a results object
  • callback requestCallback? optional callback that handles the response (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the next page of results


  • See:
  • See: module:ibm-igc-rest.getNextPage

Retrieve all remaining pages of information


  • items Object the items sub-object of a results object
  • paging Object the paging sub-object of a results object
  • callback itemSetCallback? optional callback that provides the list of all items from all pages (when not using Promises)

Returns Promise when resolved contains the list of all items from all pages of results



  • type

Returns any true if the provided type is a data container



  • type

Returns any the data type name for the child object of the provided container type


This callback is invoked as the result of an IGC REST API call, providing the response of that request.

Type: Function


  • errorMessage string any error message, or null if no errors
  • responseObject Object the JSON object containing the response


This callback is invoked as the result of obtaining a set of items, providing an array of items.

Type: Function


  • errorMessage string any error message, or null if no errors
  • itemArray Array<Object> an array of JSON objects, each being an item


This callback is invoked as the result of obtaining an object's identity, providing the response of that request.

Type: Function


  • errorMessage string any error message, or null if no errors
  • identityObject Object the JSON object containing the identity


Conversion class -- for encapsulating mapping / transformation information between REST concepts and other representations


Retrieves the IGC REST type equivalent for the provided schema type


  • schemaType string the xmeta schema type (eg. 'ASCLModel.DatabaseField')

Returns string the REST type (eg. 'database_column')


Retrieves the xmeta schema type equivalent for the provided REST type


  • restType string the REST type (eg. 'database_column')

Returns string the xmeta schema type (eg. 'ASCLModel.DatabaseField')