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Approvals Module

Nishant Nayak edited this page Aug 18, 2023 · 2 revisions


A lot of processes in IEEE NITK require approvals, often from several people before anything is put into action. The Approvals module will serve as a generic plug-and-play approval flow system.


  • For certain selected resources, approval flows can be generated
  • Approval flows can have a chain of 1 or more approvers
  • Status of these resources can be determined by fetching the latest approval status
  • Approvals can also serve as reminders for generic process flows (for example, tracking submission of letters to DSW can be tracked as an approval flow with approver as Convener)

Resources integrated with Approvals

TODO: Add the approval flow for each item below

  • Student Membership
  • Core Posts
  • Recruitment Admin Members
  • Events
  • Event Budget
  • Event Report
  • Media Request
  • Media Content
  • Project Abstract
  • Project Proposal
  • Project Budget
  • Inventory Request
  • Treasury Transaction


  • Approvals Dashboard


  • Approval
    • status
    • approver
    • parent
    • created_at
    • updated_at
    • process_type
    • process_id
    • description

Who can access?

  • Any logged in user can see the approvals pending to be approved by them