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Media Module

Nishant Nayak edited this page Jul 17, 2023 · 6 revisions


The IEEE NITK Media Team follows a strict workflow for all tasks that they take up. There are guidelines that need to be enforced in terms of requesting for media material, assigning and following up on media work and giving feedback on the media that is created by the team. Additionally, Canva is used as the primary platform for creating media content. Integrating the Canva designs with the media workflow enables smoother collaboration. The Media Module will be a platform for the IEEE NITK Media Team and anyone requesting for Media work to be done to manage all the media work.


  • Event POCs can request for media work to be done.
  • Media lead can view all pending media requests
  • Media lead can assign media work to media team members
  • Media members can view assigned media work


  • Media request page
  • Media Dashboard
  • Individual Media item page


  • Member

    • exec_member
    • role
  • Request

    • event
    • material
    • deadline
    • instructions (tbd after meet with stakeholders)
    • created_at
  • Assignment

    • request
    • member
  • Content (name tbd after meet with stakeholders)

    • request
    • caption
    • canva_url
    • updated_at

Who can access?

  • Media lead can access Media dashboard
  • Media team members can access individual media item pages assigned to them
  • Event POCs can access Media request page
