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Migrating to R5

Luke Duncan edited this page Feb 8, 2024 · 2 revisions

This page is a work in progress. Please suggest or add any changes.

Since it may have been awhile since the current version was built, you should re-build it and correct any new build errors and warnings in the main branch.

We don't currently have plans to publish R5 based versions of any IHE IGs, but it is worthwhile to review the changes in R5 to see how they affect any IHE published IGs and to be able to better provide feedback FHIR R6.

First create a new branch in the github repo called R5. Change the FHIR version to 5.0.0 in sushi-config.yaml:

fhirVersion: 5.0.0

If there are any dependencies, these need to have R5 versions. For example, for BALP (BasicAudit) you will need to have a local built copy of this IG to work. For IHE profiles, you can check out those repositories and use the R5 branch and build it. Then in your sushi-config.yaml use the "dev" version:

  ihe.iti.balp: dev

You will need to review any changes to those dependencies that affect your supplement. For example, with BALP type and subtype have been renamed to category and code as well as had the cardinality change. So you will need to update any examples or profiles based on BALP to incorporate this change.

You should then review the R4 Diff tab in the resource content section for any resources used in your supplement. You can start with any build errors from sushi or the IG publisher. Then review any changes or new fields that could be added to the supplement.

Some places that may require fixes or updates:

  • Profiles
  • Examples
  • Narrative (volume 1, 2, etc.)
  • Capability Statements