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🚨 Warning!

Using self-bots is against the discord ToS, if you get caught your account will be banned!

📕 djs-selfbot change.log - branch release

- [13.6.1] Remove Rich Embeds For User Accounts
+ [13.6.1] Update: 13.5.0 -> 13.6.1
+ [13.6.0] Update: 13.5.0 -> 13.6.0
+ [13.7.0] Update: 13.6.0 -> 13.7.0
+ [13.8.0] Update: 13.7.0 -> 13.8.0

📣 About

discord.js is a powerful Node.js module that allows you to easily interact with the Discord API.

  • Object-oriented
  • Predictable abstractions
  • Performant
  • 100% coverage of the Discord API

💾 Installation

Node.js 16.6.0 or newer is required.

npm install djs-selfbot
yarn add djs-selfbot
pnpm add djs-selfbot

✉ Optional packages

  • zlib-sync for WebSocket data compression and inflation (npm install zlib-sync)
  • erlpack for significantly faster WebSocket data (de)serialisation (npm install discord/erlpack)
  • bufferutil for a much faster WebSocket connection (npm install bufferutil)
  • utf-8-validate in combination with bufferutil for much faster WebSocket processing (npm install utf-8-validate)
  • @discordjs/voice for interacting with the Discord Voice API (npm install @discordjs/voice)

🍃 Links

🌠 Extensions

🎨 Credits

Official discord.js developers
  • Contributors - Making All The discord.js api
  • djs-selfbot
  • ItsBhuvnesh - Allowing user accounts to use the api
  • IMXNOOBX - Update to the latest, Disable Embeds For User Accounts