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Requested help pages

Kyle J. Kemp edited this page Sep 9, 2019 · 7 revisions

Offline Progress - what happens while offline (stamina, pet adventures, pet item find)

Providences - fate lake & how providences work

Pet souls - how they work

What are the different kinds of events? lots of people asking what a forsake event does and clicking it 10x on pets. You only actually see it called by event name in the code, there's no way to see what type of event you are getting by looking at the choice log (mechanically, you should be able to tell by getting gold or xp or something but it's better to not assume)

Why am I in a party? who are these people? how did this happen? It seems like it should be super obvious but what are the benefits of a party? where are they I don't see them?!

Where is the Changelog, for those who are interested in seeing updates as they come. Worthwhile to point out discord #development again too.

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