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Developer workflow: RenderDoc

Eduardo Lima edited this page Apr 5, 2023 · 6 revisions

RenderDoc is a stand-alone graphics debugger that allows quick and easy single-frame capture and detailed introspection of any application using Vulkan, D3D11, OpenGL & OpenGL ES or D3D12 across Windows, Linux, Android, or Nintendo Switch™.

RenderDoc can be used to capture frames in Wolvic over an adb interface, in order to debug rendering and performance issues.

Huawei VR

Following are the instructions to run RenderDoc with Wolvic on Huawei VR devices. These devices are a bit special because the HMD is connected to a phone over the USB port, so adb has to be connected to the phone over TCP-IP instead.

  1. Download a recent version of RenderDoc, e.g, a nightly build from the download page.

Note that the version in Debian repos (bullseye) doesn't work, since it is unable to install the apk packages into the phone automatically.

  1. Plug the Mate phone to the PC using the USB interface and check that adb devices shows it.

  2. Open qrenderdoc (installed with RenderDoc) GUI frontend and search for the device in the button left side of the window. Select the device so that RenderDoc tries to install the server packages into the phone. Go to the phone and follow the instructions to install the packages.

  3. At this point RenderDoc server should already be installed on the phone. Time to connect adb over TCP-IP.

  4. Still with the phone plugged to PC over USB cable:

$ adb tcpip 5555
$ adb connect <phone-ip-address>:5555

Check that adb devices now report two devices.

Unplug the USB cable and check again that adb devices still shows one device (the one over TCP-IP connection). To double-check, try adb shell and confirm that you can enter the phone's shell.

The IP address of the phone can be checked in Settings -> About -> Status.

  1. Over to RenderDoc GUI, click again the remote server and check that RenderDoc server on the phone is opened, and the GUI shows status Server ready.

  2. On the launch settings of RenderDoc GUI, select the application to launch, should be com.igalia.wolvic for overseas version, for China version.

Plug the VR Glass into the phone, configure guardian, etc; and once the launcher is ready, click launch on RenderDoc GUI.

Wolvic should open and capture should have started.


  • There is an issue preventing RenderDoc to capture frames with Wolvic 1.2 and prior running on HarmonyOS 2.0.

  • On Harmony 3.0, Wolvic fails to run over RenderDoc, also preventing any frame capture. The issue is currently being investigated.

Oculus VR

For Oculus devices, there is an official fork of RenderDoc by Meta.

For instructions, follow the documentation on MetaQuest developers portal.