LaughTrack is a Java-based application designed to help users track and rate sketch comedy groups and their shows. The application provides an intuitive console-based menu for user registration/login, viewing comedy group information, rating sketches, and tracking watched content.
- Prompts the user to log in or register.
- If login is successful, the user is taken to the User Tracking Menu.
- If login is unsuccessful, a "Try Again..." message is displayed.
- If registering, the user is taken to the registration form.
- Allows the user to exit to the main menu without login/register.
LaughTrack Summary and Info
- Displays a summary and information about LaughTrack.
- List Comedy Groups
- Displays a list of sketch comedy group names with their current overall (weighted) rating.
- Allows the user to select a group to view details.
Group Information
- Displays the name and summary description of the comedy group.
Available Recorded Sketches
- Lists available recorded sketches to rate.
- Displays the current average rating based on users who have marked them as "watched."
Track Show
- Adds the show to the user's "Tracked Comedy Groups" if logged in and redirects to the comedy group tracking menu.
- If the group is already being tracked, it automatically goes to the user's group tracking menu.
- Prompts login/register if not logged in.
- Tracked Comedy Groups
- Lists current tracked sketch groups under categories "Want to Watch," "In Progress," and "Completed Watching."
- In Progress: Shows the percentage of sketches marked as watched.
- Completed Watching: Indicates completion.
- Want to Watch: Indicates not started.
- Display the groups' current rating based on the average of the sketches watched ratings.
- Allows selection of a group to view tracking details.
Group Information
- Displays the name and summary description of the comedy group.
Available Recorded Sketches
- Lists available recorded sketches.
- Each sketch allows the user to mark it as 'Watched' and rate it from 1-5.
├── src/
│ └── main/
│ ├── java/
│ | └──com/
│ | └── trackerapp/
│ | ├── dao/
│ | │ ├──
│ | │ ├──
│ | │ ├──
│ | │ ├──
│ | │ └──
│ | │
│ | ├── models/
│ | │ ├──
│ | │ ├──
│ | │ ├──
│ | │ ├──
│ | │ └──
│ | │
│ | ├── services/
│ | │ ├──
│ | │ ├──
│ | │ ├──
│ | │ ├──
│ | │ └──
│ | │
│ | ├── utils/
│ | │ ├──
│ | │ └──
│ | │
│ | └──
│ │
| ├── resources/
| | └──
| |
| └── webapp/
├── target/
├── pom.xml
flowchart TD
A[App Start] -->
1. login
2. register
3. exit}}
B --> |user enters: 1| C[(loginUser
1. enter username
2. enter password)]
C --> |Invalid username or password| B
B --> |user enters: 2| D[(registerUser
1. enter username
2. enter password)]
D --> |User registered| B
B --> |user enters: 3| E[End]
B --> |invalid character| B
D --> |username already exists| D
C --> |correct login| F{{viewOptions
1. view comedy groups
2. view tracked groups
3. return mainPage}}
F --> |user enters: 1| G[(viewComedyGroups
1. comedygroup1
2. comedygroup2
3. ...
10. comedygroup10)]
F --> |user enters: 2| H[(TrackedComedyGroups
A. Want to Watch
B. In Progress
C. Completed Watching)]
F --> |user enters: 3| B
G --> |user selects: listed group #| P
H --> |user selects: listed group #| P[(showComedyGroupDetails
- Group Information
1. Available Recorded Sketches
2. Track Show y/n)]
P --> S[isGroupAlreadyTracked]
S --> |yes| R[showGroupSketches
- available sketches
- rate sketch? ]
S --> |no| Q[Track show y/n?]
R --> T[(rateSketchMenu
1. Rate Sketch
2. View Average Rating)]