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Yuxi Sun edited this page Aug 13, 2018 · 2 revisions

Known Issues

  • Arduino 1.8.0 IDE might have problems with the XMC-for-Arduino releases, please update to the newest one

Compilation problem with the C++ new operator

In the latest versions, the new keyword in C++ is not supported in Arduino IDE. Since this library involves the using of new, compiling it for XMC1000 boards in the Arduino IDE would report the following error message:

In function `_sbrk':

sbrk.c:(.text._sbrk+0x18): undefined reference to `end'

collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

The current work around would be to add the following lines at the top of your sketch:

extern "C" void *_sbrk(int incr);
void dummy_sbrk_caller() __attribute__((__used__));
void dummy_sbrk_caller()

However, in PlatformIO the problem described above does not appear.