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Windows 10 64 bit Flasher

Paul Carpenter edited this page Jul 17, 2021 · 4 revisions

On 64 bit Windows 10 it has been reported that the XMCFlasher does not always work out of the box. Also can fail on 32 bit systems that some other software creates a Program Files (x86) folder, use the same fix.

See Issue =104 on Infineon/XMC-for-Arduino


  • Windows 10, 64bit
  • Arduino 1.8.9
  • Segger Jlink V650
  • XMC1100 Boot Kit

The most common error

[Error] Infineon.DebuggerExceptions: It seems that JLink software is not installed please download from and install it. You can specify it by setting java property xmcFlasher.JLink.dllPath

Similar encounters by others

If you are using the standalone XMCFlasher then you will be getting an error like this

XMCFlasher cant find ''JLinkARM.dll''



For standalone XMCFlasher modify the xmcFlasher.bat as follows

java -DxmcFlasher.JLink.dllPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V650\JLinkARM.dll" -jar %~dp0\xmcflasher.jar %* --gui

The flasher will starts in GUI mode

Select SEGGER in XMCFlasher instead of default DAP link and connect

Arduino IDE

For Arduino IDE set an environment value for your Windows account:

JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: "-DxmcFlasher.JLink.dllPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V650\JLinkARM.dll"

Arduino Debug will give an report:

Picked up environment var ... JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS = "-DxmcFlasher.JLink.dllPath=C:\Program Files etc

The problem appears to be in the Segger software installation.