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Releases: Infocatcher/Download_Panel_Tweaker

v.0.2.6 (2016-11-08)

08 Nov 20:41
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x Fixed compatibility with Firefox 51+ (SyntaxError: non-generator method definitions may not contain yield).
x Fixed “Middle-click to remove downloads from panel” in Firefox 38+.
x Correctly update panel height in Firefox 50+ (extensions.downloadPanelTweaker.fixPanelHeight preference).
+ Added trick to force suppress wrong download notifications on startup (extensions.downloadPanelTweaker.suppressDownloadsNotificationsAtStartup preference, delay from startup to turn on notifications, in ms).
x Compatibility fixes for multi-process mode (Electrolysis aka e10s) (#32, #33).
x Fixed “Don't remove finished downloads” option in Firefox 49+ (#47).
x Corrected “Compact” and “Very compact” styles in Firefox 52+ (also corrected appearance of download panel footer in Firefox 50+) (#48).
+ Added “Clear Downloads” menu item to dropmarker of download panel footer (Firefox 51+) (#50).
x Fixed: hidden menu bar was shown when accessing options (#49).
x Correctly override action of “Show All Downloads” button in Firefox 50+.
x Correctly close panel after middle-click in Firefox 50+ (extensions.downloadPanelTweaker.middleClickToClosePanel preference).
* Disable “Clear Downloads” menu item in case of empty downloads history.
* Open download panel below location bar, if downloads buttons is hidden (#51).

v.0.2.5 (2016-06-10)

10 Jun 17:38
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x Fixed unchecked “Also remove from history” in Firefox 38+ (#39).
x Correctly handle download items in Firefox 47+ (#41).
+ Added French (fr) locale, thanks to Charles Milette (#40).
+ Added DownloadPanelTweaker:OpenDownloadTab API event.

v.0.2.4 (2015-05-11)

11 May 18:22
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x Fixed compatibility with Firefox 38+ (#34, #35, #36, #37).
+ Added Chinese Simplified (zh-CN) locale, thanks to fang5566 (#38).
* Improved options page: “Also remove from history” will be disabled, if parent option not checked.
+ Added tooltips for “Go To Download Page” and “Copy Download Link” context menu items.

v.0.2.3 (2015-02-16)

16 Feb 18:09
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+ Added ability to always leave last downloads in panel, even very old ones (extensions.downloadPanelTweaker.downloadsMinStoreThreshold preference) (#28).
x Fixed “Decolorize progress bar of paused downloads” option in Firefox 36+.
* Slightly improved shutdown performance around “Don't remove finished downloads” option (#29).
+ Added experimental (and disabled by default) ability to reopen panel after open file or containing folder (extensions.downloadPanelTweaker.reopenPanel.* preferences) (#18).
* Improved startup performance: code around styles was moved into lazily loaded separate file (#31).
x Fixed handling of downloads inside panel in Firefox 38+.

v.0.2.2 (2014-09-03)

03 Sep 07:29
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+ Added ability to not highlight toolbar button with new finished downloads (disabled by default) (#23).
+ Added ability to open panel right after mouse down on download button (just like regular menus) (#25).
* Improved startup performance: code for download panel modifications was moved into lazily loaded separate file (#26).

v.0.2.1 (2014-06-04)

04 Jun 09:53
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+ Added ability to remove downloads from panel using middle-click (disabled by default) (#9).
+ Suppress notifications about adding of failed downloads (only if saved finished downloads, extensions.downloadPanelTweaker.suppressFailedDownloadsNotifications preference).
+ Added “Copy Download Page Link” item to panel context menu (#14).
+ Added “Remove File From Disk” item to panel context menu (hidden preferences: extensions.downloadPanelTweaker.removeFile.clearHistory to also remove from panel/history, extensions.downloadPanelTweaker.removeFile.removeFilesDirectoryForHTML to also remove *_files folders for *.html files and extensions.downloadPanelTweaker.removeFile.confirm to disable confirmation) (#15).
x Fixed: correctly close downloads sidebar from OmniSidebar extension (#21).
+ Added ability to show full patch to file in tooltip for file name (#22).
+ Added confirmation dialog to “Clear Downloads” command (extensions.downloadPanelTweaker.clearDownloads.confirm preference).
* Improved startup performance: code around various download actions was moved into lazily loaded separate file (#24).

v.0.2.0 (2014-02-28)

28 Feb 09:20
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+ Added ability to configure actions for downloads command, hotkey (Ctrl+J) and “Show All Downloads” button (#10).
+ Added workaround for line between Navigation and Bookmarks toolbars (extensions.downloadPanelTweaker.fixWrongTabsOnTopAttribute preference) (#3).
x Fixed: download panel width option doesn't work with NASA Night Launch theme (#4).
* Improved startup performance.
x Correctly set small progress bar height.
+ Added ability to not remove finished downloads from panel (extensions.downloadPanelTweaker.dontRemoveFinishedDownloads preference + see defaults/preferences/prefs.js for some hidden preferences) (#5).
+ Added very compact style for downloads list (#7).
* Improved styles for downloads list.
+ Added “Clear Downloads” menu item to panel context menu (#8).
x Correctly update download panel in Firefox 28+ (#13).
+ Hide option for in Firefox 26+ (doesn't work anymore, see bug 845403).
+ Added ability to limit download panel height (#20).
+ Added Greek (el) locale, thanks to Grg68 (translation isn't complete, sorry).