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Animation Sets

IsaacMulcahy edited this page Feb 24, 2024 · 3 revisions


These 'Sets' are a collection of animations which can be applied to the agent under certain circumstances. These can be used to give more character and realism to your agents and can be applied in a range of ways



The core animations are used to change the animations which make up the 'Core' movements of the character. These can be setup using 'Animation/Core/Group' menu

Name Description
idle Used when the agent is not moving
move Used when the agent is moving a direction
rotate Used when the agent is turning to face a direction when stationary


Name Description
start The entry animation
middle The animation of the action taking place
end the exit animation

Enforcement Mode

This section is used to define a length on the runtime of the of an animation set.


Will run for the length of the Set


Will aim to run to a certain length.


Will aim for a point within a range for each run of the animation set.


Animations Sets can be combined together in some circumstances. Picking from sets can be affected by changing the 'selection mode' and the Rigid Sets

Rigid Sets

This is a toggle, having it off will allows the selectors to combine from many different sets as having it on will force the animations to be used from one set

Selection Mode

The selection mode changes the selector used by the system to make the collection to play.


Animations will be selected from the top down of the group, if more animations are needed it will continue selecting them as it works down the list for the collection to run.


Animations can be randomly selected for each row or column if the rigid set is turned off. If more animations are needed these will also be selected at random.

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