A demonstration of an in-memory node project_package.network using Chord algorithm with a Distributed Hash Table Made for Distributed Processess university course
> made with IntelliJ as Console Application, using JDK 16
> can also be ran inside the terminal
To run the application, run the main() function inside src/project_package/ConsoleApplicationRunner.java The main function can be run in a few different modes, depending on the # of input arguments. Instructions in Croatian:
pokretanje1: args.length = 0
-> unutar npr IntelliJ-a, stvara se lokalna mreža čvorova
pokretanje2: args.length = 1
-> dan argument [name]
-> stvara se lokalna mreža čvorova sa imenom čvora "u kojem smo" [name]
pokretanje3: args.length = 4
-> dani argumenti [localname, remotename, remotehost, remoteport]
-> stvara se 1 čvor koji se spaja na postojeći network uz pomoć RMI-ja