const ethWallet = require('jcc_wallet').ethWallet
// import { ethWallet } from 'jcc_wallet'
* check eth address is valid or not
* @param {string} address
* @returns {boolean} return true if valid
* check eth secret is valid or not
* @param {string} secret
* @returns {boolean} return true if valid
* get eth address with secret
* @param {string} secret
* @returns {string | null} return address if valid, otherwise return null
* retrive ethereum keystore with ethereum password
* @param {string} password
* @param {*} encryptData
* @returns {string} return secret if success, otherwise throws `keystore is invalid` if the keystore is invalid or
* throws `ethereum password is wrong` if the password is wrong
* create ethereum wallet
* @returns {IWalletModel}