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Kaidan Gustave edited this page Feb 7, 2018 · 2 revisions

Commands In JDA Utilities

The internal inheritance for Commands used in JDA-Utilities is that of the Command object.

Classes created inheriting this class gain the unique traits of commands operated using the Commands Extension.
Using several fields, a command can define properties that make it unique and complex while maintaining a low level of development. All Commands extending this class can define any number of these fields in a object constructor and then create the command action/response in the abstract execute(CommandEvent event) body:

public class ExampleCmd extends Command
    public ExampleCmd()
    { = "example";
        this.aliases = new String[]{"test","demo"}; = "gives an example of commands do";

    protected void execute(CommandEvent event)
        event.reply("Hey look! This would be the bot's reply if this was a command!");

Execution is with the provision of a MessageReceivedEvent-CommandClient wrapper called a CommandEvent and is performed in two steps:

  • run - The command runs through a series of conditionals, automatically terminating the command instance if one is not met, and possibly providing an error response.
  • execute - The command, now being cleared to run, executes and performs whatever lies in the abstract body method.

Command's can be added to a CommandClient using CommandClientBuilder#addCommand(Command), CommandClientBuilder#addCommands(Command...), CommandClient#addCommand(Command, int), or CommandClient#addCommand(Command).

Note: the differences between the four are documented, but when possible you should try to use the first two, and avoid the second two.

The Command Client

The CommandClient is a suite and framework for easy creation and implementation of Commands.

It's standard implementation is CommandClientImpl and with the provision of certain constants, it is a powerful tool for running commands.

Building a CommandClient

A CommandClient is built through the use of the CommandClientBuilder.

CommandClientBuilder builder = new CommandClientBuilder();

After instantiation, several constants can be set so that the CommandClient generated will hold useful information that can be used during Command execution.

// Set the bot's Owner ID
// Set the bot's prefix
// Set the bot's "Playing" status
builder.setGame(Game.of("Hello World"));
// Add Commands
builder.addCommands(new FooCommand(), new BooCommand());
// And More!

Once everything is set, all there is to do is build() the CommandClient and add it to JDABuilder!

CommandClient client =;

JDABuilder jdaBuilder = new JDABuilder(AccountType.BOT).addEventListener(client);

After that, the rest will be handled by CommandClient.

NOTE: There are some common mistakes and misconceptions regarding how to implement the built CommandClient into an instance of JDA.

  1. It must be added to JDA as a listener manually.

    There is not "magic" that occurs when CommandClientBuilder#build() happens. It returns a CommandClientImpl which is like any other EventListener and must be added to an instance of JDA.

  2. It must be added before a ReadyEvent is fired or there could be errors.

    This is because some implementations of certain constants or functions happen onReady and if the CommandClient is added to JDA after it is ready, these constants and functions will remain unimplemented.

    This can easily be avoided by always adding the built CommandClient to an instance of JDABuilder before either JDABuilder#buildBlocking() or JDABuilder#buildAsync() is called!

  3. This is not compatible with Selfbots or Userbots.

    CommandClient will never correctly work with selfbots and it was never intended to do such a thing.

  4. Only the CommandListener can be changed and Commands can be added/removed after building this.

    The only modifiable elements of CommandClient after CommandClientBuilder#build() is called is the CommandClient's CommandListener its Command's.